Izzy, you and I haven't seen eye to eye on some occasions, but heed my caution, this isn't a conversation you want to get into with them about this kind of topic. Rational isn't there, they just want a more populated server, as that's their main goal, to have as many players in one place, hence the single world merge suggestion.
A single and only world is just one possible solution (that I personally don't think is the only option). But i'm sure nobody thinks every world other then Bera should be dead. Maybe we should have 1 or 2 dead servers, but not almost all of them.(less)
I think the best idea is to have 1 regular world and reboot world, but I doubt nexon will do such a great thing for the community (95% of them)
So at least 2 worlds, like Bera, Scania and Reboot.
Finding hackers is annoying. They are so prevalent it gives the impression that Nexon doesn't care anymore. I get they are hard to get rid of but one thing is having a bot or 2, another is to have up to 16 channels with bot issues in several areas at the same time. They should apply harsher checks in areas that are known to have bots like Fantasy Theme World, MP3, Orbis and the like. I don't care what they do but it should be obvious when a bot is a bot and they should make sure they are stopped.
Wrong, it's actually really easy to get rid of them, at least 80% of them, but why Nexon should get rid of them? if they do such a thing then the game would look exactly how it suppose to look... (there are wayyy too many hackers in Bera, if you get rid of them Bera would look super dead!)(less)
Don't waste your time on Dark, he's Nexon's lawyer.
But I really doubt they'd give us that Event anytime soon, since the game has lost a lot of players so it'd not be a good idea to give right now free stuff, especially this Event in which you can save a ton of nx by getting the hair, eyes, skin, etc that you want. (less)
They had 10 hour long maintenance
They found the source of server instability they said
They fixed the instability they said
Lotus is too op right now. His attack even penetrates through the dc and appears on login page. Nerf him plz
Lol, reading DarkPassenger's posts is actually funny.
It's pretty clear that he's trying to protect Nexon as much as possible, seems like he's their lawyer's or something. sad, very sad. It really feels as if he's someone from Nexon.... no joking...
Please, stop protecting Nexon, stop being their lawyer and be more realistic.
Of course, this is not only for Europe players... I'm from America and it's happened to me like 10 times... same with my friends as well... (Canadians, etc) (less)
There is no excuse for this at all. Scania was ALWAYS the top server in terms of population (before ReBoot) and now it's one of the dead servers.
If KMS can do a server merge then so can you guys NA Nexon. Honestly I think it's unfair to those who were on a hiatus during your transfer event. When I came back Scania was a desert with BARELY anyone around.
A response about this would be great. At this point the community should at least get acknowledgement about this.
You just took the words right out of my mouth.
I am 1 of those lonely wolfs in Scania by the way
But recently I started to log on less and less because honestly.... no one is around anymore...
Looks like you might stop logging on all together, talked to someone from support (out of desperation) , and there is no plans this year to have a world transfer event or world merge.(less)