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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
The economy in GMS is bad because we have a lot of botters, thus 30bil is not enough, we should increase it to 100b (99,999,999,999).
In KMS, their economy is doing really really
… (more)good and yet their max mesos is 30bil, they don't even need 30bil as max mesos, so how come KMS and GMS have the same max mesos? it doesn't make any sense, thus I think we should have a max mesos of 100bil.
By having 100b as max mesos, you just have no idea how helpful it would be to so many people (including those that do not have 100b)
Richers could make trades more safely and hence the Auction House will be full with even more equips, and hence the middle class and poor people would enjoy a drop in prices.
The more stuff you have in Auction House (especially the same item) the cheaper it will be, and so everyone benefits. (less)
It's been over 1 year since MapleStory Ranking has been broken (when you search an IGN of someone you can see his other characters in his account).
And until it get fixed, please remove
… (more)the Weekly and Monthly ranking.
Please fix it for once and for all (less)