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  • When r u guys gonna fix this???

    Getting kicked from the server every time you get killed by a boss. Just when are they gonna fix this issue that's been reported several times for months? Other people have this kind of complaints on bugs forum so it's clearly not my computer/internet that's messing things up. Why do people invest time and money into this game? To fight high tier bosses! But now you can't even do that cause they don't care enough to fix this kind of bugs! How is this kind of issue not in "first priority" category, get jumped on immediately and be resolved quickly? It's a bug that kicks people out from bossing just from dying once!!!
  • It's time to FINALLY address world population

    Plz stop posting ur honest opinions and legit criticisms. It's against forum rules, and righteous vfms shall bring hammer of justice to evil scums who break these rules.
  • What's Your Favorite Cygnus Knights' Jobs?

    They all suk azz
    -WA main
  • is this actually normal for maplestory?????

    hi just uh

    so apparently it takes possibly months (or even years) to get some late game items
    (i mean look at new genisis set, literally 1 month wait on black mage + he won't always drop the sealed ones when you defeat him)

    i mean like
    'grindy' games are meant to take a long while

    but a year to get enough arcane force to fight black mage + a couple of months or more (maybe even another year) to get the genisis set

    that's 2 years

    now maybe it's just me but
    would i be even playing/interested in maplestory after 2 years of constant grinding???

    and i mean if you aren't able to play like every day for whatever reason it's going to take even longer to get enough arcane power

    abd i mean, slightly below that list we still have every thing at ridiculosuly slow rates

    absolab already takes forever
    arcane set might also take a year
    tyrant set it incredibly slow
    even sweetwater and fafnir are incredibly stagnant

    and i mean with the recent tera burning event people would be launched into late game, suddenly have their precious 12* fafnir dissapear, and the become stuck because sweetwater took too long ?

    also pensilir is not a good enough replacement a lot of the times, the amount of stars you need it at to be near 12* fafnir is alot

    yeah no **** sherlock. Genesis weapon is from the FINAL BOSS that nexon's been milking for over 10 years.
    As for other gears, either spend $$$ or quit. Latter is HIGHLY recommended for good mental health.
  • Can I get a job at nexon plz

    I'm a elementary school drop out with iq below 40 and have absolutely no idea how coding works.
    As you can see I'm clearly overqualified to be part of MS team. So where do I turn in my application?