Brief bug summary:
Unable to log in to MapleStory, any attempt to do so results in an error message "That ID is already … (more)logged in. Please try again later." followed by the game client closing itself.
More details:
After an apparent channel crash Sunday afternoon, any attempt to log back into the game results in failure and the above error whenever I attempt to select a game server.
Character name:
Character level:
Character job:
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
Approximately 4:00 PM June 23, 2019, to current moment, 2:30 PM June 24, 2019.
Losing out on a lot of grind time here, not to mention Arcane dailies, my weeklies I hadn't done yet, bosses, and quite a few coins for the Adventure Island event. Looks like I'll be losing out on at least 700 coins so far, and that's only for one character let alone my capping mules. Hope we'll get some decent compensation for however this takes to fix. (less)
I don't suppose we could expect a quick server restart or unscheduled maintenance to solve this, could we? Being told to wait for scheduled weekly maintenance, i.e. several days, while we … (more)can't log in to do daily or weekly quests and bosses strikes me as unacceptable. To say nothing of the big summer event where we're expected to log in and perhaps stay logged in idling in that one map to cap coins, missing out on a good 350 coins per character per day at the moment.
I don't think I'll hold my breath expecting any compensation for lost time either. (less)
Well i am happy for the change but this is a free to play game, how do u expect them to make revenue now?
By selling items directly and not using exploitative gambling mechanics to pump excessive amounts of money from a relative small population of whales? I mean, I'd actually be tempted to buy a few in game goods if I didn't have to rely on a 0.001% chance of getting what I want.
And how are they going to directly sell that which cubes and circulators give?(less)
That's the part I'd like to know honestly. I feel like I read too much misinformation on the reddit to get it straight, but weren't those somehow exempt from the ruling, or were they dropped also? Being able to buy NX items, or whatever normally pops out of the Gacha for direct cash is one thing, but gear progression is tied so hard to the RNG aspect of cubes that there's no decent way to untangle them. I guess for regular servers, cubes and circs could be put up for mesos like Reboot and Nexon could just sell mesos for cash to give themselves a nice layer of separation? But then, I feel like even the idea of that would be heresy to most people.
Anyhow, it's not on any of us to decide for Nexon how they un**** the garbage system they've created now that the law is catching on to the industry's BS. Will they come up with a workaround? Will they redo the whole potential system? Will they just shut everything down, omg it's the end of maple, but for real this time guys? Who know, I'll just be watching curiously for what they do when they lose an avenue for exploiting the gambling glitch in human programming.
All of this assuming any changes spread beyond the likes of Belgium in the first place, anyhow.
By selling items directly and not using exploitative gambling mechanics to pump excessive amounts of money from a relative small population of whales? I mean, I'd actually be tempted to buy a few in game goods if I didn't have to rely on a 0.001% chance of getting what I want. (less)
this, but I also thought of a way to bring party play back to PQs: in addition to a minimum entry requirement of 1, for each additional party member you can get 50% party bonus EXP from the monsters in the PQ (if applicable), as well as the final EXP reward. Since people won't always have a use for the PQ equipment, make it possible to sell the Etc drops from PQs for a certain amount of mesos, based on the PQ.
Selling Etc drops is actually a pretty interesting idea. Or perhaps something like the power crystal system for bosses could be implemented? Defeat the PQ boss and receive X PQ reward items, varying in value based on the PQ, with either more of them or more valuable ones dropped for each extra party member you have with you. In that case Nexon could do as they have with boss crystals and limit the number you can sell per week if they're particularly concerned about players not getting too much meso at once. Granted they'd have to do the opposite of what they've done with boss crystals and make them worth more in a party instead of less...
So one could conceivably run everything solo and get some value from it, or get a full party of 6 (or whatever max any given PQ would have) and get the most bang for their PQ crystal buck. I could see it being pretty popular if that and the EXP was valuable enough. Maybe not necessarily Ursus tier, but there could always be a PQ golden time everyday as well. Or maybe the primo value PQ could rotate week to week, and toss out the crossworld PQ idea. One week Kerning crystals are top tier, the next it's RnJ. That way no single PQ would be the only one being run (if, for example, high level req. PQs like Kenta had way higher exp or meso value than Nett's, who would touch the latter?).
I feel like lowering entry requirements for PQs is the easiest first step, but you've opened my eyes to some real potential for making PQs relevant beyond making them accessible. Cheers! (less)