Without any bug, crash/DC/Lag issue and a checkpoint upon crashing/DCing, do you think it'd be doable and fair?
And still complaining. It took me 7 hours to rescue the first one, yea, it was a nightmare. BUT, I learned the mechs through some videos and lots of pain and suffering.
Like I said before, IT IS full of bugs. But aside from that, you can finish the JQ with the other androids in 1-1:30 hours. Try to be logical, analyse the videos, analyse the gas pattern, the laser pattern (as showed in the second video I posted b4) and etc. But again, excluding the fact that you could DC/crash during the JQ.
And I agree that there should be some kind of checkpoint if you DC/Crash.
Yea, it is full of bugs, but those videos can help ppl. All you're doing is complaining. Send a ticket (you probably already did this) about those bugs like I did.