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  • Add SKIP button

    AKradian wrote: »
    I like stories.
    But I hate boss fights.
    So I think Nexon should add a "skip" button to boss fights and just give me the rewards without me having to go through the unpleasant part.
    What do you say?

    Uhm. Ok.

    Anyway, yeah add a skip button the stories are painfully long and boring.
  • Make Denaro Obtainable in Events (Reboot)

    Kroxas123 wrote: »
    I ran into this issue as well. I'm softlocked out of the Commerci content because I don't have Herb Town unlocked, which makes me unable to run Commerci PQ. I can't unlock Herb Town because I don't have Denaros, and I had already claimed the Stimulus denaros. While it's pretty stupid, it was a mistake I made years ago when I didn't know what I was doing and now that I know it was a mistake, I can't undo it.

    Could you run commerci without any items and claim the 1 denaro bonus?
  • Increase Meso Drops for High Level Mobs

    Aggraphine wrote: »
    I believe I understood the point well enough. He misses the cheap and plentiful mesos that was perpetuated solely by bots. He wants the cheap mesos without the bots. But given the amount of meso sinks in the game, do you really think nexon is going to increase the amount of mesos someone can earn?

    Again, missed OP's point and mine as well.

    If your going to reply to people on the forum, who are at least attempting to give nexon good feedback, the least you could do is reply to what he is actually saying, and have a real discussion about it.

    I don't even play normal servers. So I'm not saying OP's suggestion is a good solution, but don't put words into his mouth and change his point.
  • Jr. Boogie Familiar in Reboot

    Yes, they need to make good epic potentials at least obtainable. Keep in mind that it takes hundreds of epic familiars to get 20% boss, and hundreds more to get 30% boss. Easily at least 500 for 30%, but most likely more.
  • Add Red Familiar Card to meso CS in reboot

    Yeah, we need these red familiar cards.