This is definitely a massive change I hope you know that
Gollux + Sweetwater Accessory Removal cuts off the most viable item build
Frenzy/Wild/Fury Totem Removal will cause many people to … (more)permanently quit the game, both because of massive financial loss and the fact that they spent $1000s on the possibility that no longer exists
Level up rates in higher levels pretty much require Fz + fs, removal will make training 5~6X slower
The problem is that these systems have already been implemented
Removal is a immediate complete sledgehammer nerf to everyone playing and especially to all who have invested money into this game
There is no immediate positive change that happens from this
Your Job Removal -> Class Transfer Idea is not ok
The only reason why TMS did this for Zen is because nobody was playing the class, but in GMS everyone is playing these classes
People specifically chose certain classes to play and not a different class for reasons only known to them
You'll anger too many people
Server Merge into 1 server is not possible unless GMS invests in a better server
-It's also not too good because some players want low-pop, others want high-pop
-The issue is that the server is too bad to support extreme high-pop so people just leave high-pop servers
Maybe your goal was to make GMS as good as KMS, but such a sudden removal is not the way
You have to think about all the possible outcomes before commitment
Things like this must be done in small steps meticulously or your intention just becomes ruin (less)
Yep, even I quit 4x
Started new acc
Got Legendary Full Scroll Gollux Equips Gave it away
Got to 2B, gave it away
Got 2B back...gave it away again
(Dunno why, it was just so boring to … (more)continue)
And I'm back again feeling the limit again..
Progress is extremely slow in an MMORPG I get it
But there's no fun within this pacing. It dulls you out
And even high level players quit after feeling the breaking point of the monotonous grind
People hate the Daily's Mechanic which is like a job, but the only reasonable way to progress
I see people spamming "Taking a break, Maple got too boring" as a common occurrence in my Guild's Discord so it isn't just you
Perhaps the pacing of Reboot would be more fun, but I can't get around investing so much time for mere glory (in which you will never reach Rank 1 because it's been too long) and equipment invested over countless hours to be worth nothing (less)
Basically you can make these characters..but only in certain times. Every winter and summer there's a massive content update and in that update there are huge events These events are … (more)up for 2 months, usually open burning world, and open Zero/Beast Tamer.
You just missed the AWAKE event which was in December-Janurary The next huge event is NEO which is around the end of May(less)
-Mileage System (Ability to get anything in the cash shop with gameplay, few exceptions)
-Tradable Cubes
-Halved Starforce Costs
-A support that aren't bots who give stock … (more)answers
Are approved, but
-4/6 Month Delay
-Hack/Botter Protection
-Better Servers
Have some issues
From knowing all this, I guess ridding the 4/6 month content delay isn't a good idea, because yeah I'd not coin cap swamped in college work. Even veterans will struggle a bit.
The lie detector could still work if you changed the variant to english. Don't really believe that isn't possible. Otherwise you have kanna farmers running rampant in every popular mobbing map. Like you said, GMS cheaters have the ability to create an infinite amount of accounts. Will be a ways off until we find a solution, but things like the 0 death exp loss patch will directly affect these cheaters so just have to find a bit more.
Now it can be confirmed that the server code is really the issue. Then this is even better! The cost of getting a programmer to fix the netcode is much better than getting a better server. This really is in the realm of possibility.
Everything else besides the content delay and servers were simply auxiliary boosts for the experience.
It seems as though the Content Delay is set in stone...but it was really the main thing to be improved upon
Any ideas? (less)