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  • *NEW* Cash Shop Suggestions Thread

    Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Outfit
    Item name (English/Korean): Mystic Phantom Outfit (Mystic Phantom Suit (F), Mystic Phantom Suit (M), Mystic Phantom Cape, Phantom's Cane, Mystic Phantom Shoes)
    Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/sale/15116 (November 2018)
    Image of item:


    It would be very easy to bring back all of the Heroes sets in the same sale too (can see them in the website link above). Please consider bringing them all back since it's been since 2018 that this set was available (to the best of my knowledge).


    Item type : NX Item (hat covers)
    Item name: New "Hero" Feather (New Shade Hero Feather, New Phantom Hero Feather, New Luminous Hero Feather, New Mercedes Hero Feather, New Aran Hero Feather, New Evan Hero Feather)
    Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/68486/v-225-goo-island-getaway-patch-notes#fairy

    These items have been released extremely infrequently, the last time being the day 81 gift in the Fairy Bros Golden Giveaway back in August of 2021. Would be neat to see these back whether it be Fairy Bros/random box/ability to buy them directly.


    Could easily pair the Heroes sets with the Hero feathers sets too! (see above)
  • *NEW* Cash Shop Suggestions Thread

    I want to suggest 2 faces for upcoming Face Choice Coupon rotations since they haven't been in the rotations for a while.

    Item Type: Face
    Item Name: Alert Face (M)
    Website Link: https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/71818/cash-shop-update-for-february-16
    Last seen: February 16th, 2022 Face Choice Coupon rotation

    Item Type: Face
    Item Name: Curious Dog (M)
    Website Link: https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/76054/cash-shop-update-for-august-31
    Last seen: August 10th, 2022 Face Choice Coupon rotation
  • Remove the Sol Erda Cap

    It's unbelievable that we are likely the only region getting this change unless MSEA also gets it. And for what reason? We should be able to farm as little or as much as we want when we want to. We were hyped up since we saw the KMS showcase, we were hyped up again with the GMS content showcases at MapleFest, and now we have to get insider info from test servers via Bean Brigaders just to find out that there are plans to gate-keep us. Is the point of 6th job not to excite us? This plan to limit our daily sol farming does nothing but disappoint many. And Maplestory has always been a grindy game so it makes no sense to limit us to 30 minutes of farming for the main end-game content that will take a ridiculous amount of hours to max, especially after even more cores are released.

    I also think it's fair to say, though some may disagree with me on this point, that Grandis as a whole has been a very slow-paced progression scheme ever since it came out, and 6th job was supposed to change that. But now we are just stuck yet again, waiting even longer for more content to come our way.
    BraneiAssayLightZeroKappaDrewStormblessedScyphendarikShadowParadoxPwnedinCyberSpacepeacebeastand 17 others.
  • *NEW* Cash Shop Suggestions Thread

    Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Pet
    Item name (English/Korean): Robo
    Website Link: ???
    Last seen: ??? (hasn't been in Kronos to my knowledge)
    Image of item: ?resize=1&tryCount=0



    Robos exist in Interactive Servers in cash shop all the time, but I don't think they've ever come to Kronos/Heroic Servers.

  • *NEW* Cash Shop Suggestions Thread

    VenusVS wrote: »
    Item Type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Items/Wigs/Hat/Face Accessory
    Item Name (English/Korean): All pictures below have there names in English but its translated badly sorry lol. :)

    Hello Nexon Dev's can you please add the new Master Label items below that KMS has. Also PLEASE include the "Wigs/Hats" and the "Face Accessory" Thank you!

    New-Master-Label-Outfit-Female.png New-Master-Label-Outfit-Male.png

    I still really want to see this. It was released as the "Master's Maze" set in KMS around 7 months ago.