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  • A case for Jett, Please reconsider it's removal!

    Jett was one of the few classes whose aesthetic and playstyle I enjoyed, and I even enjoyed some of the changes made in the last 3+ years. I was looking forward to seeing where its story would go, but honestly Nexon's incompetence and decision to remove it have left a sour taste in my mouth, as well as many others. I know that the dev team doesn't listen to feedback, making this section of the forums moot, but I still think it's worth giving my two cents as well as everyone else's. If Jett being an Explorer was a cause for concern, Nexon could just convert it to new class IDs similar to how CMS and TMS converted Zen to Mo Xuan while keeping the skillset. However, I've noticed that the overseas devs seem to have a bias against GMS and MSEA, screwing both regions (and possibly JMS) out of the Critical Damage Legion blocks just like MSEA did with Zen. Therefore, I draw the line here and will not return to this game, and possibly will stop editing the wiki as a result.
  • Delete this Section of the Forums

    So for years we've known that Nexon is apprehensive when it comes to taking feedback from players. Certain changes have been asked by a large percentage of players for months or even years, such as various QoL improvements for Familiars, changes to the revamped Masteria's sanity system + Shadowknight Coin enhancements, and balancing for non-KMS classes (Jett, Hayato, Kanna, and Beast Tamer). Non-KMS players have known that the only feedback Nexon cares about is from the players over in Korea, while everyone else is pretty much shafted with their feedback being metaphorically thrown into a garbage bin.

    From my experience, Nexon America takes bug reports more seriously than suggestions, which is why I've posted a lot more bugs than suggestions. Nexon does not accept feedback for legal reasons, so it raised the question of why Nexon has a feedback section of the forums at all. Personally I'm convinced that the only reason Nexon has a feedback section here on the forums is as a façade so they can claim to listen to player concerns. However, it's common knowledge at this point that Nexon has little to no interest in feedback from overseas players. Therefore, I propose that Nexon delete this section of the forums entirely to stop providing a false illusion of caring about the players. Doing so would stop crushing the hopes of players for a better game, as Nexon clearly has no interest in providing anything that isn't forced upon us by the bigwigs in Korea (or technically Tokyo since their headquarters are located there). This has been proven time and time again by the various unpopular gameplay changes and content removals we've had over the last 5+ years, which is when they've started listening less and less to players.

    I fully understand two things for whoever is reading this (aka not Nexon). The first thing is that it is obviously not feasible for Nexon to acquiesce to the requests or demands of every single player. However, certain requests and suggestions are made by a large percentage of players because of balancing issues, gameplay issues, or to mitigate toxicity within the game. The second thing is that the irony is not lost on me that I'm posting this thread here, which itself serves as feedback. While I acknowledge that nobody at a high enough position at Nexon will notice this thread or even take action upon it, I'm sure that I'm echoing the sentiments of a large majority of players.

    No regrets.
  • Add the Full Names to the Original 5 Elite Bosses

    When the original 5 Elite Bosses were first released in the Rising Heroes update, they had their names included instead of just their titles, e.g. Black Knight Mokadin instead of just Black Knight. However, at some point in the future they were changed at some point to only have their titles, i.e. just Black Knight. Since the release of Sharenian Knights, their names were slightly changed to account for the story, given that they are each fusions (e.g. Mogg + Hardin = Mogadin)


    Since other regions include their names and not just their titles, I'd like to request that GMS go back to the same method for all variants of the Elite Bosses for story purposes, including quest-only variants.

    To be specific, the name changes would be as follows:
    Black Knight -> Black Knight Mogadin
    Mad Mage -> Mad Mage Khaliain
    Rampant Cyborg -> Rampant Cyborg CQ57
    Vicious Hunter -> Vicious Hunter Jurai
    Bad Brawler -> Bad Brawler Freyd

    Side note, there is another monster by the name of Black Knight from the original Guild Party Quest, which is not the same as the Black Knight mentioned above. This is said monster:

    And this is the Elite Boss that was mentioned at the beginning:
  • Luminous dies on Magnus using Ray of Redemption

    This is due to the effects of Zombify. It effectively turns you Undead alongside the 50% potion recovery, making you susceptible to dying via Bishop's Heal or Luminous's Ray of Redemption. Most other skills are not affected, however.
  • Please bring Mo Xuan to GMS!

    I prefer having Jett to Mo Xuan, so no thank you. It's not like they can't change Jett's playstyle, and Mo Xuan seems overrated. Just because you don't like Jett doesn't mean others don't.