The death penalty has been changed to apply only in regular maps.
Upon release, the penalty was also applying when players would die at bosses. It was later fixed so that it only applies in maps where you would lose EXP prior.
Brief bug summary: Ninja Castle's Maple Guide stamp does not complete when you defeat Frenzied Gigatoad.
More details:
The Maple Guide stamp, which was broken in the previous patch, was intended to be fixed in the current update so that you receive the stamp upon defeating the Frenzied Gigatoad. Accessing the Frenzied Gigatoad requires clearing the Ninja Castle dungeon in under 10 minutes; over 10 minutes and you will fight a weaker Gigatoad that does not transform into the Frenzied Gigatoad.
Clearing the Frenzied Gigatoad should complete a hidden quest that registers the Maple Guide as completed, but it currently does not work as expected, and therefore cannot be obtained.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Clear the Ninja Castle dungeon (before fighting the toad) in under 10 minutes.
2. Defeat the Frenzied Gigatoad.
Character name: GreenGales
Character level: 261 (Happens at 170+)
Character job: Wind Archer
World name: Bera (applies to any world, however)
Date and time of the incident: May 2, 2021 at 8:00 PM EST
Brief bug summary: Flag Race in Bera, specifically the Night Snowfield race at 9 PM, 10 PM, and 11 PM UTC crams every player attending into Channel 3, rather than dispersing all players throughout multiple channels.
More details:
A few patches ago, Flag Race was bugged in that accepting the invitation would either not work at all, send you to Evolution System, or correctly send you to Flag Race. After this was fixed, there was one issue that remained, where all players attending the Night Snowfield race in Bera would be sent to Channel 3, rather than being spread out across multiple channels. As a result, dozens if not hundreds of people are sent to the same map, causing massive lag and/or channel crashes. A few observations have been made about this:
1. It only happens in Bera, and does not happen in any other server (not even in Reboot)
2. It only affects the Night Snowfield race, and does not occur during the Daylight Snowfield race at 12 PM UTC or the Sunset Snowfield race at 7 PM UTC.
A similar issue occurs with Sharenian Culvert where multiple guilds will be sent to a single private channel if running simultaneously (covered here).
Steps to reproduce:
1. Attend the Night Snowfield Flag Race at 9 PM, 10 PM, or 11 PM UTC.
2. Observe the large number of players being crammed into Channel 3.
Character name: GreenGales
Character level: 260 (applies to anyone though)
Character job: Wind Archer (applies to any class though)
World name: Bera
Date and time of the incident: April 6, 2021 at 9 PM UTC (5 PM Eastern Time) (but this has persisted for a few months)