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  • Finally met an Elite Boss!

    Did no one help you kill it? Usually people come to the map and help kill it quicker

    Think it depends on which world and region you're in. Less populated worlds + regions (like Ludi / Ellin Forest / other not so hot training regions).
  • Combo kills just don't seem right

    SlicedTime wrote: »
    I don't think the combo system was ever supposed to have a high skill requirement. In my eyes, its high emphasis on map traversal is the whole point on the system, though it clearly puts certain classes at a disadvantage in some maps. I think the system is fine enough as it is.

    However, I have some gripes about it. It can be a bit tedious on buff heavy classes to keep the combo up. If you want to rebuff, you don't have enough time to cast your complete buff roster. Instead, you have to cast one skill macro, kill a monster, cast the next macro, and kill again. This continues until you're completely rebuffed. While that's completely manageable, it's also mildly inconvenient and tedious.

    ^Been there, still doing that. xd
    NW, two full macroes plus 6 active hot keys. Cast Dark Omen/Cygnus Phalanx, macroes, quintuple throw kill, 6 actives.

    And if you think that's tough, try holding a conversation while trying to keep up combo, where every time you click enter to chat, what ever you previously trying to type gets erased. (semi-joking, but have been in the situation where I'm trying to hold multiple conversation between chats while trying to keep up combo)
  • Which class should I play in 2018 ?

    MikeSenpai wrote: »
    Thanks guys, looks like those 3 need to be mastered to make it work. Also, in general, do you know which character is tier S ? Actually

    Jw, what's this "tier S" / tier system you mentioned? (Asking for my ignorance.)
  • Feeding in item pot should be faster.

    VCAvenger wrote: »
    Can you make the item seed eating is no longer one by one?
    Let me feed multi etc items at once please. Like I can feed 10 etc items within level at once to fill the xmas socks straightly.

    Pretty sure the reason it's not like that is because the item pots (the original one's you're suppose to use, the Seed and Stone imps, not the event stocking) are meant to be fed one by one to max closeness.
  • Third V skill on recently advanced characters?

    Whorific wrote: »
    I got the first two skills when I advanced. I did not get the third skill. I'm asking if the change to get all 3 skills during the advancement was implemented yet or not.

    Mb, after reading other forum threads and the patch memo, realized that it's bugged on Nexon's end. (And upon going back, realized that I didn't clearly read your original post either, apologies.)