the more progress you make the faster you will generate mesos
i'am now at 9k legion after a year and 20 days gameplay
a friend who work was going at like half my speed(potentially become my wife in a near futur)....but she want me to change my lifestyle first i believe(wants me to get a job and put some order in my life)...hasn't play in some month
but ya...get those bosses mules and the mesos will flow in rly hard....also gear up ALL your alts in AbsoLab gear to 17 stars(increase legion coins generation greatly)
the hard part is getting it rolling rly...afterward the gain come fast....once you got 5 bosses mules thats where its gonna get rly rly fast income
honestly i would like my black ear and tail back in my case....brown doesn't suit me :S
honestly can also do better than JMS...just create a Tail and Ear Slot in the cash section specificly for Lynn alone(doesn,t replace cape slot nor the hat slot)
and to be completly honest...they could even make those slots for all chars and sell the following as cash items
Dogs Ear, Fox Ears, Elves Ears, Cat Ears, Rabbit Ears,, Big Ears, etc
Dragon Tail, Chimera Tail, Dog Tail, Cat Tail, Alien Tail, Spiky Tail, Triple demon Tails, Five & Nine Tails fox tails
certainly isn't sorcery to implement and they could make some quick buck out of it(especially if permanent version sold as its more interesting to buy)
up jump + blink ? is there some hidden slow fall area up top in the map ? if so that would be quite helpful actually
i'am fine with replies taking 1-2 days to come on forum not a big deal(dont alway need vip answer within 1-5 mins) although seem to fall on alway the same users due to very low activity here from the community for wtv reason
will join a real guild in due time...want my personnal guild to reach lvl 25 first so my alts gets the maximum power asap(also to help my friend with her alts building up so she can tackle 8k+ legion soon)
noblesse skills access would be so nice to have for bossing..especial crit dmg and ied ones
EDIT: well after some adjustment it went a lot better vs easy lucid....soloed her down to Phase 2 with 5 HP Bar left(4X)......invincibility frame making me immune to the bomb....and the blink tip helped out big time(still need to improve my timing a bit though XD)....just gave her another solo try just now
can you reduce the Pink Whale teleport down spam ? its aggravating..give her a new attack or something to deal with instead....can't even burst her down due to dmg capping at 10-100
as for the lil minions in the second-third room...would it be possible to make them impossible to pick up with Kinesis skill(Psy Grab) ? they get all over the place and its making it longer to whack them all in 1 nice spot