"click do nothing and wait for new totems to maybe show up 1 day".......honestly i dont care if they got an advantage on me for now
while i dont care for that....i want them to give +10 speed//+5 jump to some of the current medals.....i love mobility...something silent crusade medal gave but its gone now
since its a permanent effect..would it be possible to regrab it if by accident we forget to not hold down the interact key during turning in the quest ?(not a fan of the gold color XD)
in addition to that, why not add extra selectable colors while at it ?
dark,pale and middlle ground shade version of all color
i know this is no priority to add in-game but would be nice
extra ideas just for giggle
Cash Shop Version of tombstone
Giant Tomb
Halloween Theme tombs
Evil Theme tomb
coffin dancing characters(just like the coffin dance video clip that already exist with rl ppl XD)
Dragon tombstone
Royalty tombstone(gems,purple,white color theme)
Emperor tombstone(red,black, gold theme)
Slime Tombstone
Flame Tombstone
Ancient tombstone(moss & plants covered)
reboots 40 channels are all fulll and it wont let me log back on
edit: July 15.....great now its my friend who can't get on.....fix the problem already...extra servers dont cost a fortune..especially had time in 12 years to afford them
not counting all those other worlds thats been shut down since back then which should freed up bunch of servers