You're really gonna quit over this? Alright then cya. I'm happy they're getting rid of it, they were too OP and abused. Hopefully the servers will be stable after the removal. I love the 1 … (more)burninator per month idea, would be nice to see something else replace the totem in the RP shop. (less)
report in-game, as there are multiple very broad subjects for filing a report, but there isn't one specifically for "kill stealing".
As far as getting banned for the offensive, it just depends on the GM handling the case, repeat offensives, etc etc.
Yeah that is true, i have met some nice GMs that go above and beyond but then other just shut you down. (less)
them if they don't, it's technically against the rules.
Other than waiting for them to leave or get banned, no there isn't really anything.
I doubt it's against the rules at all. People won't get banned for ksing, it's not worth the report cuz you'll be flooding their reports with bs like this.
To the OP, honestly just wait it out. Most people who KS just want the map and if they can't get it, they'll end up leaving cuz you won't. Happened a few times to me, if you're killing the mobs and the other person is too, he's getting less exp which he'll leave. Doesn't always work though also being on a high pop server doesn't help. (less)