Honestly you people clearly have no concept of what exactly goes into releasing something like this. Maplestory targeted children with it's style so there is bound to be some brats out
there but good lord. Many of the remaining players (and players bashing maintenance) really need to grow up. You can check, double check, and triple check every variable, and something can still go wrong. Then you have to set about finding the one random thing that just so happens to be not functioning correctly.
People here have no concept of what goes into a troubleshooting process and cry because they can't play the game. If the initial maintenance had gone this long, the frustration would be warranted. But it wasn't. The game came up, something was wrong, and now they have to fix it. Such is life. Just my 2 cents.
Calm down Mr. Sensitive. You have no idea what goes into it either. But from my experience, Nexon is the worst company to have new big patches. Everything goes wrong. Login, lots of bugs, unwanted text. I played many games and whenever there is a big patch, little things go wrong but with MS everything goes wrong. It's their fault. Test the freaking patches.
If you knew how horrible Nexon is, then why are you complaining? Nexon been bad for like 10+ years. MFW 5th job patch comes out and the world will go to hell: (less)