In one of the gift packs from the micro-site event, it gives 3 week-long hyper teleport rocks. It would have been awesome if it was like the fifth job package where you could distribute them to different characters. Instead, they're stacked together and all expire the same day, making it pointless to have 3. I've seen this happen before, in a previous gift pack and thought it was strange. Perhaps, you guys can make some type of change to this for any future gift packs that have multiple telepot rocks?
When trying to enter the Cash Shop on my main, I keep getting a black screen and then a "Maplestory has stopped working" error.
I'm not sure if this is only me it's happening to but since I didn't see a report I figured I'd make one.
Bug Type: Functionality? Not sure.
Bug Summary: Crashing when attempting to access Cash Shop.
Steps to reproduce: Log into character and click the Cash Shop button. Observe as you get a black screen which lasts until you get the "maplestory has stopped working error."
Character Name: DiamondSkyy
Character Job: Blaze Wizard
Level : 210
World: Scania
Edit: I tried again to access CS and it let me finally. So I guess it just depends on the luck of the log in. Still, I'm leaving this report in case anyone else experiences this.