I wish I could help. I honestly have applied for positions at Nexon before. It's strange how they expect a TON of customer service experience, experience with bot catching programs, etc...but from what I see...That strategy has not been working. Look at how many bots there are in the game. Look at how players get treated. Gosh I wish Nexon would put some real one on one people around this game...people who KNOW the game and actually want to HELP the game. -minor side rant over- I really feel for your friend. If I had the magical power of a GM...Id probably unban him...or plead his case to GM superiors. God, it's stuff like this that make me wish I could work minimum wage from home...and go around trying to help people on the game. Even at the expense of all my playing time...just to show people that...there's actually someone out there trying to help them. I would think thats the point of being a Game Master, right? To try and keep the game in good shape? To help people? While I may not have the 6+ years in customer service...I do want to HELP people. I WANT to see this game succeed and be on top again...
Kanna does need a damage boost. My 300k range Kanna hits...300ks. The damage doesn't increase with range the same as say...my 500k Luminous who can hit 2m damage lines.