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I'm gonna write on my own wall 'cause I can.


Last Active
December 5, 1990
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About Me
I like giraffes.
  • my favorite video game music

    ^ Good try on that last one.
  • Old Maplestory nostalgia?

    I always got more out of Truckers.
    Dukus were so good in your 150s pre-BB.
    I remember spending hours training during 2x there, spamming Blizzard.

    Also the Alien event, that was the best event imo.
    I was so noob at the time though.
  • Character Name Change Issues

    You gotta realize people were expecting this by a specific date, It adds insult to injury when this isn't a rare occurance; This happens much more often than it should and that's people are flipping out.

    A lot of these issues would be murder to the revenue of any other company but the loyal player base is putting up with this inconsistent behavior or more so consistent fk ups, It's like we patronize you but you still spit in our faces? Of course people are mad. And it's not to say they addressed it right away or with the maintenance they had to take their sweet time making an extremely vague excuse.

    We don't even know what happened all we know is they couldn't deliver. This is bad service, plain and simple.
    Yes, of course I get that, but I also feel like getting angry will lead absolutely nowhere.
    I also feel like that since this is such a common occurrence for Nexon that it's useless to get angry when things don't go as planned. It happened so many times in the past that it shouldn't come as a surprise.

    I guess I'm just at that point in my life where I try to look at things in a different light and understand why it happened instead of getting angry when it did happen. You will get your name change, just not in the time frame you expected it to be. Point is, you will get it.

    And again, I do understand why people are angry, I feel like it's useless to get angry at anything Nexon does anymore because it's always going to happen and you're just wasting energy being angry at a company that is known for making mistakes like these all the time.
  • Why remove europeans again?


    Jokes aside, I think it was an accidental unblock because they also removed the censorship system and reinstated it like 2 days later.
    The merge is still happening but it was pushed back. Patience, young grasshopper. You will be able to play once more, and hey, at least you got your guild made and whatnot so you won't have to do that next time!
  • My experience helping out Nexon with an issue.

    Do you guys remember when we first got Momijigaoka and the main map was super laggy for some people? So much that Hayato and Kanna were unplayable for a little while while Nexon worked on a fix.
    I helped Nexon finding the cause of that lag. I don't exactly remember who the culprit was, but it was one of the new NPCs.

    Before I get into it, I will say that my NDA has expired as of today. I signed my NDA on October 24th, 2013 and it is good for 3 years. I also sent a ticket to Nexon with the screenshots I'm about to show you guys to make sure that it was okay to share because I feel like it was a pretty cool moment to be part of.

    So anyway, long story short, we had a bit of a NPC party in an empty map.
    Developers were spawning in NPCs to see which one would make me lag/crash and then I would report to them if I was fine, and obviously they would know if I lagged or crashed. The crashing happened a lot, I made different characters to see if it affected other characters or simply the Kanna/Hayato. We eventually found out the culprit.

    Here are the screenshots I'm allowed to show you:
    This first screenshot is just of me, a few developers, CM Hime and Waltzing.
    At first I was concerned about the weird named characters entering the map and I thought that some random people/hackers found us. Nah, turned out it was just the devs.

    Here's the map full of NPCs:

    I believe that shortly after, there was a maintenance to fix the lag from the NPC who caused it. I think they just ended up removing the NPC entirely.

    It was a really interesting and unique experience and I'm happy to finally be able to show the screenshots I took while it was happening.