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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
I'm so disappointed... Too Many Hackers Reach 250!
That's so true.
And what, 5-6 botters? that's it? there are over 12 botters in GMS Bera Ch 1 Henesys every single day and they never ever get banned...
5-6 that are level 24x getting hit is a big hit the meso spammers aren't that big of a deal, the only thing meso spammers are doing is spamming in-game that's not hard to blacklist the character and delete the character from blacklist in about 3-5 days.
What should send a clear message to botters is all the time they put into botting and then get hit with a prem ban at 24x or the biggest hurt would be the day the Character hits level 250 it's prem banned.
And if you wanna talk about given a hurting to a botter I remember back when a GM's account was taken over in Scania many years ago by a kid who got lucky because he was able to guess the PIN at that time, the GM made a mistake and pasted his login into the notice it was displayed in-game for hours, anyways the kid who got on the GM account ended up getting mass banned, they banned every account he every logged in on even got his girl friends account banned What a great boyfriend.
I wonder what that kid is doing now? Wonder if he is still running them call justin bieber sites he had.
About the mesos botters, you're wrong, it is a pain to have them even though you block them all the time because you have no idea how many accounts they have... it's like they have infinity accounts... literally every 1-2 hours they bring a new account and I can see it with my own eyes.
And yeah, it'd be a big hit if they get perm ban at lvl 250 or 24x but sadly I doubt Nexon will even bother, feel free to come to Ch 1 Henesys Park/Market (Bera, you'll see ton of 250 hackers, showing off with their big gold lvl 250 chair. you can easily tell who are the hackers, random guild (usually without one), very low fame, such as 40, noob equips, etc
I remember that day when that kid got into the GM account in Scania, but I didn't know they banned every single account he had, including his girlfriend account, lol, you see, it just proves to every single one of us that if Nexon really really want to, they can easily get rid of most hackers
i have years playing maplestory since 2004 and i never use hacks or bot... nothing, my friends do it... but why i dont use that programs? that is easy, because i think, that programs kill the game, you can lvl up faster, you can gain mesos faster... but not is like you own it training, taking hours and pain in your hands... using that kind of programs are for cowards... that's i think... is easy
sry for bad english ;P
I agree with you but a lot of hackers would have to disagree with you and just use hacks to hit 250, but it's not the problem, the problem is that no one take care of them
Frankly, hackers has been around for many years now and nobody care nor take care of them so I doubt you're right but I do hope so
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that, I think it's happened to a lot of legit people, but the funny (and sad) part is that for some reasons, hackers (the majority) just won't get ban...
yeah i ment to to say they didnt care to do anything at the moment, yeah the hackers been around , but it was under control. if it was a paid server, like other MMOs are, well we would be seeing less of it, but how much devs do we have for maplestory number wise?
This is also what I thought, it's hard to have zero hackers, but there are just way too many, and exactly as you said, it's as if no one even look at them, like a jungle, no police, no rules. sad but true
What planet do you live on? come to Bera Ch 1 (henesys or any other trianing place and see for yourself).
So Nexon has lost the integrity and control of the game.
Lol, true, also check this out, someone in Bera just hit lvl 250, his ign was really really random, I checked him out on Player Ranking and it showed me a lvl 246 kanna with level 10 kanna equips... o.o
Does the Player Ranking reset every 10 hours or something? how did he reach from lvl 246 to 250 in such a short time? and with lvl 10 equips? also his ign is very very random, I mean we don't really have a proof that he used hacks but... come on... this is just way too obvious... oh well as you said, nexon has lost control over their own game... I swear to god I will never ever train again -_-
Basically, yes.
Yeah, I noticed last week my ranking was dropping pretty much every day. I decided to check the player rankings for Kanna and saw a fair number of players with what appear to be basic starter equips, one or two with level 30 equips and more with pensalir. Some might just be kish mules (according to their names), but others, unless they are players who have decided to anvil those starter equips, are probably cheating in some fashion.
I think Nexon should be combing through all players, especially ones of known classes that abuse exploits, looking for irregularities. Weed out the bad players and patch the exploited skills. It shouldn't take hackers just a few hours to crack the games security.
That's true.
Sounds like a dream to me, lol.
I doubt they'd ever take an action