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Remove the Sol Erda Cap


  • mjgj96mjgj96
    Reactions: 1,510
    Posts: 20
    edited November 2023
    I can not believe this, do the Nexon KR decision makers not realize the demographic they appeal to with GMS? It is primarily Reboot players who are notoriously dedicated to the grind!
  • GboyGboy
    Reactions: 1,455
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    edited November 2023
    Context for those to put into perspective as to why this is so bad:

    With ~200% drop, KMS players can farm roughly 1 sol erda PER HOUR. We are being limited to 1 PER DAY.
    To max all CURRENT 6th job abilities, you need ~720 sol erda. If you do your daily 400 energy grind and 600 energy daily, and do ALL your weekly bosses up until KALOS, you will take over 1 year to max everything. This doesn't include all the new skills we will be getting overtime either.

    Whether you are a casual player or not, arbitrarily gating players should not be a thing. If players want to grind and farm their skills up, they should not be punished for it. For non-reboot, instanced maps are already stopped frenzy totem and spawn enhancers, so there's no need to worry about non-reboot farming at an accelerated rate compared to reboot.

    This has to be one of the biggest slaps in the face to ALL players, killing so much hype for the New Age update.
    darikStargethWildFreekPwnedinCyberSpacepeacebeastKappaDrewCrownsTheArekkusumjgj96Chiclipseand 6 others.
  • PantzeroPantzero
    Reactions: 440
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    If the cap is not removed, I just might go check some other mmo's. This cap has killed my interest in the new update completely.
    darikWoooberWildFreekPwnedinCyberSpaceiKoreanRawrKappaDrewLeoMageCrownsSunnyNightsTheArekkusuand 4 others.
  • BennnaBennna
    Reactions: 920
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    edited November 2023
    People will always go for the best way to progress. If that way is mobbing for 1000WAPs then I wouldnt like that. A lot of people prepared for this mindset and prepared ingame. But Id feel like no cap would cause a lot of burnout. Its also the last thing I wish to tell a new player to do. Just go mob forever on your new 260. Hard to recommend enjoying other classes/boss mules if thered be no cap. All in all I feel like the cap isnt bad for the majority of the playerbase.
  • madred360madred360
    Reactions: 855
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    Nexon please look at removing this cap, it's completely unacceptable and really silo's this system into a chore. Please also share this memo around your office from 2021, escpecially to the people that communicate with the community.


    Better Explanation of Game Changes and Updates

    We plan to provide additional context and intention behind some of the important changes that will be implemented in future game updates through our Patch Notes. Our goal is to provide better visibility to our players about why a specific change is being made. We will continue to release Maple Memos for bigger changes in-game that we need to explain to our players with more context.

    This change along with many others has not been handled well, the team at Nexon really need to step up their game as this is really disappointing. A game that I love does not seem to share that same love by the team handling it for the global community.
    Mouse1093StargethWoooberWildFreekAKradianiLuminarousKappaDrewLeoMageCrownsSunnyNightsand 4 others.
  • R3db4r0nR3db4r0n
    Reactions: 910
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    What a bs is this.
    Why cap it, as if the game isnt timegated enough already.
    Love the game, hate the company even more now.
  • rockofgibraltarrockofgibraltar
    Reactions: 810
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    For the love of god please stop making unnecessary changes to the game which handicap players
  • PwnedinCyberSpacePwnedinCyberSpace
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Nexon you made some STUPID choices in the past. And this is another repeat of your stupidity. It's because of the stupid choices you make that GMS never grows to what it can be. You'll have your spike of players come in for new age/6th job but majority of those players are going to end up leaving. Just remove the cap that way you don't have to do that fake apology letter announcement post in the future.
  • ReDreamMeReDreamMe
    Reactions: 920
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    First time I'm ever writing on forums, and the message I want to post is simple. GET rid of the CAP for SolErda. This is the first time in a while I was looking forwards to grinding just because theres actually something do progress towards now, and this will completely ruin it for me. Not to mention that that whole idea is to become "like KMS" apparently, so this is going back on your own words.
  • RedSlayerRedSlayer
    Reactions: 1,055
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2023
    This is not OK. My time and money will be spent elsewhere if this is the system that goes live.
  • BobertBobert
    Reactions: 780
    Posts: 10
    edited November 2023
    Having this daily cap makes farming kinda pointless.... why
  • ChickenChzMayoChickenChzMayo
    Reactions: 710
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    My first time posting in this forum, and with great sadness. I thought I wouldn't have to put down my interest in removing the Sol Erda Energy cap from GMS. This is wild considering its on Test servers only 3 days before LIVE patch. This is ridiculous and definitely something I am against. If people want to farm the bare minimum per day, they can do their dailies etc. Don't stop them if they want to grind more. Reward the players putting in the effort.
    If anyone misses a day, a week, or month due to vacation or holidays, they'll just be left behind the rest. Sure, I can see you improving the cap by increasing the limit after 6-12 months in, but this is just rejecting all the newer players by removing the grinding option and telling them they won't be able to max their new 6th job until 2 years pass of consistent dailies. This is 6th JOB we are talking about, the class, our character. Arcane Force and Sacred Force is understandably time-gated, we have been conditioned to suffer from not clearing new bosses day one due to this fact. But class advancement stuff should NOT be gated.
  • JwoozyJwoozy
    Reactions: 800
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This is what more communication looks like huh, whoever is running the show is so out of touch they might as well take the next trip up with SpaceX.
  • BubbleTBubbleT
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2023
    Absolutely absurd. Why only GMS? Unnecessary and harmful for the game. This has ruined my excitement and hype for the New Age update. If they are trying to get rid of players, they are doing a great job.
  • CloudyDaysCloudyDays
    Reactions: 850
    Posts: 5
    edited November 2023
    I was initially excited about 6th job, but after seeing a Daily Sol Erda cap when KMS does not have one, makes me want to quit the game. A time gate on an already time/effort gated upgrade system, in 2023 is poor taste.
  • SyxSyx
    Reactions: 1,020
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Please Nexon, I thought the point was the increase player play time to show to the shareholders that your company has a modicum of worth. Do not shoot yourselves in the foot like this.
  • iLuminarousiLuminarous
    Reactions: 330
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    why would you want to fumble your biggest update ever by implementing a time gate THAT IS IN NO OTHER SERVER?!, Please remove it as that makes progressing the 6th job way more ridiculous than it already is
  • akkadakkad
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    I just don't understand why it's necessary to tamper with a mechanic that already works and works very well and is recieved clearly. Unless if they have plans for greatly increasing this kind of cap in the future this change will make maple a turn for the worse, and encourage Nexon to do some slimy things in the cash shop to sell you a solution.

    L change please fix
  • iLuminarousiLuminarous
    Reactions: 330
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Lmao, game is dead, way to fumble all of your fan base.
  • HHNeumanHHNeuman
    Reactions: 520
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    edited November 2023