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ChairStory V: Design-A-Chair Contest


  • ACMBlackCipherACMBlackCipher
    Reactions: 1,690
    Posts: 104
    edited November 2016

    Does this mean there's also no chance for Europeans to buy official merchandise if such a thing would become available in the future? Is there a legal problem with shipping outside the US?
    Buying merch is different from winning it via sweepstakes. Read my post on page 2 for more info. Also, if you bought it, you would pay shipping as well.

  • ZeroBirdsZeroBirds
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2016
    I would like a V throne with 2 V agents standing on each side so a total of 4 V angents
  • TheHoATheHoA
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 337
    edited November 2016
    M1mu_Chan said:

    TheHoA said:

    M1mu_Chan said:

    Too bad Europeans can't compete =\ I already desgined cool chair, though its not "V" themed ;-;
    Something about this chair design feels...off for some reason.
    What Do You mean off ;-;
    Ah, without my glasses on it looks like a mushroom wearing a bikini.
  • WiceakWiceak
    Reactions: 1,210
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    edited November 2016
    I created the Arcane Tree chair,
    Based on the new content coming with V-patch arcane rivers.
    When 2 players sitting on the chair next to eachother there will appear the V-logo which is spinning with a lightning under it.
    The chair itself should be lightning from the inside aswell, like a glowing ball.

  • Shaneration1Shaneration1
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 12
    edited November 2016
    Did nexon forget to update there rules before posting a new event i surely hope so and this is just a oversight, It seems strange to me that they would exclude that chunk of the playerbase and if that is not the case then why did they not create a seperate event for EU players? intentionally not giving the same oppertunities to all of your playerbase after pulling off this migration makes me question why do the event in the first place. outraged players unhappy with not being able to participate, people asking questions and im sure some even made tickets expressing there opinion. it not only seems logical and fair to include all your playerbase but it also shows you value the custom of those players. lets hope in the future that nexon gives everyone the same equal oppertunities to participate in events.
  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2016
    blekbean chair ofc!
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited November 2016

    Does this mean there's also no chance for Europeans to buy official merchandise if such a thing would become available in the future? Is there a legal problem with shipping outside the US?
    I'm pretty sure if there ever come a chance where players can buy official merch, everyone in GMS will be able to buy them but for giveaways and such, there can be no physical merch because each country/province has it's different rules on how the shipping and or handling of said physical prize should work (and insurance of said prize).

    for example the reason why Quebec is always excluded

    But Buying said merch is a different story, the shipping cost will probably rely on you the buyer paying for it (like buying from Ebay, amazon..etc) so there shouldn't be a problem at all.

    I hope they give us a merch shop, I would so buy a PB plush.
  • NakazatoJLNakazatoJL
    Reactions: 1,505
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    edited November 2016

    Hi everyone,

    I just got permission from our legal department to make some changes to the rules.
    The affected sections are Eligibility & Prizing.
    We have opened Eligibility up to all regions, but because of this and we will not be able to ship out physical merchandise. Winners will only get MaplePoints.

    I will continue to work with our legal department moving forward to make more sets of rules to accommodate all the wonderful new people we have taken up.

    For now.

    @KThxBaiNao thanks for the changes, not receiving physical merchandise isn't a problem, not being able to win anything for being from another place is the problem.

    Lost the hype for this contest, but this makes me feel more confortable about next ones, have a nice day man.

    I know it's not up to you to make those decisions, so nice job making they do
  • TheHoATheHoA
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 337
    edited November 2016
    Oh I had an awesome idea - Black Bean vs Pink Bean V chair.
  • NimbusXIINimbusXII
    Reactions: 340
    Post: 1
    edited November 2016
    This is my V chair, it's everyone in maplestory getting ready to celebrate the Event!!!
    IGN: FireTornadoo
    Server: Broa
  • SpiritofMirSpiritofMir
    Reactions: 1,780
    Posts: 29
    edited November 2016
    I've received contest rewards shipped from America to Australia... Has this policy changed recently?
  • HikouaHikoua
    Reactions: 550
    Posts: 3
    edited December 2016

    Super 5th Job Party Chair
    After the 5th update, Cygnus wanted to make an party to celebrate the new power that the explorers obtained, She called Neinheart for help, Neinheart suggested her to call the Maple Alliance to make an big party.
    Claudine and the others accepted, since they all agreed they needed to relax a bit.
    The player, then should Help the Maple Alliance to gather the necessary materials to make an big party.
    The player will travel around the Maple World in a short time to gather the necessary materials and invite all his friends to the party.

    Feature: up to 3 players can sit on the chair, when they sit an dance animation will trigger

    sorry for the bad drawing

    Char name: GreloDuro
    World: Bera
  • NakazatoJLNakazatoJL
    Reactions: 1,505
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    edited November 2016

    I've received contest rewards shipped from America to Australia... Has this policy changed recently?
    @SpiritofMir idk how recent that is, but I know many game companies don't ship outside of north america (when it's a prize from a contest or something like that), still getting virtual rewards is already good enought

  • KingStarfireKingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016


    I've received contest rewards shipped from America to Australia... Has this policy changed recently?
    @SpiritofMir idk how recent that is, but I know many game companies don't ship outside of north america (when it's a prize from a contest or something like that), still getting virtual rewards is already good enought

    plus the chance of seeing it in game

    @KThxBaiNao btw, can we submit more then one chair if they are made in a set?
  • StrukkenStrukken
    Reactions: 520
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    edited November 2016
    Sorry that it's very poorly drawn, I lack artistic abilities.
    Well anyways, there's a big grand chair in the middle; neon blue outline, and very shiny.
    Then there's the big 'V' right behind the chair, it has a neon outline, then inside there's a shiny silver, then inside of that there's a lot of neon blue.
    At the 2 tops of the 'V' there are fireworks shooting out.
    Like in the picture that was very poorly drawn there are the 5 Cygnus knights; Mihile and Oz on the left, and Irena and Hawkeye on the right, and Ekhart in the middle of the 'V' while also on top of the chair peeking at you.
    The heroes and other Maple characters, even the monsters, having fun and commemorating you. (If possible)
    And around everything there's lightning and outer space.
    Also, put a crown on top of the mapler sitting on the chair, if this chair makes it into the game. (If possible)

    You obtain the chair either just for logging in during a certain period of time, or most likeley for reaching 5th job.
    The story of this chair is that it was created by every class in the game, just for you, for reaching such a milestone.

    Character: ShadowBowzz
    World: Bera
  • JaeFromBroaJaeFromBroa
    Reactions: 1,120
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    edited November 2016

    Maplestory V Themed using existing logo, tweaked a little,
    glowing effect from the V and upside down 5 (5th job),
    transparent Maple leaf with white outline (glowing inside with changing neon colors),
    Added Butterfly effect (flapping wings, fading effect, glowing effect too), resembling the new boss "Lucid".
    World: Broa
    Character Name: SteakOnion
  • VivDreamsVivDreams
    Reactions: 800
    Post: 1
    edited November 2016
  • PuppyDogPuppyDog
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2016

    The most beautiful chair evarr

    I went with neon colors to go with the V theme. The M under the V is supposed to represent maple world. Since the V update is the biggest update ever, I decided to reflect that in the design and make the V bigger than the rest. The numbers represent the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th job. There are fireworks in the background to celebrate 5th job.

    World: Scania
    IGN: Amyable
  • Korea1996Korea1996
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2016
    Famouse places like
    Statue Of LIberty chair with some helicopter and some neon light or lazer in the air with V sign
    colosseum chair make your character like fighting with lion
    The Eiffel Tower with neon light
    Statue of Jesus in Brazil Rio de Janeiro
    and more

    Windia XxK0kuryuxX
  • DuckWaddlerDuckWaddler
    Reactions: 1,250
    Posts: 34
    edited November 2016
    5th job achievement chair.
    World :Mardia
    Character: JoBu
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