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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Insane HP on Gollux level 4
I've seen this boss is INCREDIBLY stronger than before. Friends with 16m range can't kill it anymore. Isn't it just too much for this boss? Is impossible to kill for many.
Besides, I've seen that if u can't kill it on your one key chance, you can't go in again. This is just unfair because I got DC, and Maplestory has DC problems ALL THE TIME, at least, make a 30 minutes restriction, but one chance per day, is just not logical at all.

Its not as simple as that. Gollux doesn't have instanced loot, its a free for all. The amount of health is way too much for the prizes he drops, which are the same 30ish coins he gave before, while also having stupidly high prices for Superior items that make this a month long grind for a single accessory. Honestly, the more I think of it, couldn't they just make the shop replenish every week? Unless this is a setup for an excuse of "nobody plays Gollux anymore so we are removing it" I don't see the point of making Gollux a Lotus level boss. This is only going to make the game a bigger grind than it already is.
BIS Items should be from a boss on that level though. Gollux was already a pathetically easy boss who gave the best items in the game.
I for one welcome Gollux being as strong or stronger than lotus. It actually makes his items somewhat more balanced.
Even on reboot, I can get a few mules and farm up enough items to get an abso weapon faster than I can get the materials for a Superior Gollux Pendant now.
And a Goollux pendant does not offer NEAR the same power bonuses as an abso weapon.
The time investment vs power gain is WAY skewed in the wrong direction
1 month per accessory is ridiculous though. Takes less time to get CRA, Abso, and those are also strong items, far more important than the accessories. The amount of time that it took to get a Superior before was alright. Want to make the boss stronger, thats alright, but not a Lotus level, and certainly not making it take 1 month off my life. Got plenty of other games to play as well, and life to live, a month of dedicated grind in any game is ridiculous.
I'll give you the one month, maybe that's overkill. But I still think that the best items should be locked behind a boss of that level.
You should have to work for items that stay with you for such a long time like that. Maybe lower the time it takes to get an item, but keep the boss around the same level.
Just my two cents.
Edit: Adding some stuff I thought about a while ago that also makes this Gollux buff even more ridiculous.
Empress: Takes a month to get a weapon, 5 weeks to get the full armor. You only fight her ONCE per week and she has the BiS shields for shield users.
CRA: Takes 1 month to get the weapon, 1 day to get the full armor. CRA tops and bottoms have been BiS since 2012, also ONCE a week bosses.
Magnus: Stupidly annoying but beatable. Drops the Tyrant Cape, might take you several tries to get the one you want. Tyrant Cape competes with current capes still, since 2012. Hard Magnus is a ONCE a week boss.
Empress, Magnus and CRA are easier than New Gollux. All of these bosses drop BiS items. All of these bosses are fought once a week, and in a single day give BiS items.
Lotus/Damien: Once a Week bosses, Second best set in game yet CRA still beats its overalls. Doesn't take one month per piece.
New Gollux: Only BiS items are the ring and earrings, the belt and pendant are replaced by the Arcane River bosses accessories. Ring and earrings aren't as powerful as CRA top-bottom potentials and stats which take less time/effort to get. Takes as much time to beat as Lotus/Damien. Its a DAILY boss, takes one month for one superior item without enhancement. 5 months for all the set, 6+ for scrolls and stars.
So having a few BiS items isn't neither indicative of the time it takes, nor the difficulty of the bosses they drop from. Being carried in CRA or Magnus ONCE, one single day already gives anyone 4 high stats, still meta competitive items, since Tempest in 2012. 6+ months or more of daily Gollux grind for any character who wants to try higher end stuff is ridiculous no matter what anyone says.
Rip, you have to attack (standard attack) the heart.
what abso weapon obtain rate and power has to do with geting 2x BEST in SLOT pendants, 2 diff rings... ?
also familiars allready comes with extreme broken stats gains ( in non-reboot $$ even more broken )
They have no chance of getting Superior Gollux sets now.
It wasn't easy for them before without guild carries,now its frankly impossible.
Love how you say you want new players to join in on this game, but still go nx lawyer on this gollux patch which will most definitely bring down the number of new players. "BIS items should be from a boss on that level"? Ok, then let's buff the living $hit out of chaos vonbon and pierre, and only give 1 denaro per day for commerci reward. Gollux items were BIS items that were never about being "balanced" but more about being approachable to everyone, and that's what was great about it. New players already have to suffer through broken meso economy in a fkin trade rpg game, and being able to get such great item through a little bit of grind was great way to ease the burden on them and help them progress more efficiently. With a little bit of work for about a month, newbies were able to get a full sup gollux set that will help them progress through the game, just like how they would be able to get good SW tat and monocle with a little bit of work for couple weeks. This is what made this rpg game somewhat more approachable to new players, since they get the feeling of becoming stronger with reasonable amount of time and work. Now getting carried is pretty much out of the question, and it will take newbies approximately over a month to get one sup gollux item, not counting the scrolls they have to buy for them. And less and less people will join the game because of such bs time needed to spend on one item.
Also Gollux was never "pathetically easy boss." Jesus, how condescending can you be? It's relatively easy boss for those with range in millions, full link skills and good legion, but it was never objectively "weak boss," with long potion use cooldown, need to move around to get rid of mobs to avoid death stack, fast AoE one hit kill pattern, and time limit to kill the forehead. It's why there were a lot of people asking for hellux carry in the gollux entrance.
Buffing the Absolab overall would be a better soultion.
Gollux has several difficulty levels that you can climb through, you could easily get two of the superior items without ever even touching the head.
Then for the drop only equips you could easily scale yourself up as you gained the DPS to handle it.
Back when I was actually using this broken equipment he was one of the first bosses I solo'd.
A very predictable pattern which was easy to dodge, a safespot on a platform for cheesing and a quick burst down on the gem.
He was pathetic. All you needed was enough range to burst down the crystal, which is an artificial DPS Check, the only "hard" part about this boss.
"It won't affect them at all as they won't know what they were missing." Reboot. Imagine how hard it'd be getting range now. Buffing Gollux and making the drops insanely expensive limits new players from getting strong enough to do damage. This effectively makes getting decent gear hell. I'm assuming you're probably at endgame, and these changes don't affect you as much, but the new player base has to work unnecessarily hard for gear that's unreasonably exclusive to endgame players. (gollux gear shouldn't be harder to get than CRA because they're literally accessories and the drops aren't instanced)
The logic makes sense does it not? "Boss had BiS item, better make it impossible for lower end players to beat". Thats the idea we are getting here, unless it was a serious mess up from someone.
Beating CRA is hard enough and between CRA and Absolab the gap is way to big. Buffing CRA would be a better option in general, not just with this Gollux case, at least that would upset the pay to win/random cube chance aspect of the game. Also CRA gives better stats than Gollux and again, 1 day for 2 BiS armors over 1 month for unenhanced single ring, new Gollux is not balanced to KMS.
Getting a fully scrolled superior with just Easy Gollux was possible, but nobody did it that way because it would take a month or so to do so. Like now. Gollux was fine for a boss that starts at 140. His equipment is plenty powerful but required a long grind, but wasn't neither too long or egregious to get bored. With Gollux now whats the point of even doing it when the payoff is pathetic?
I play Reboot and I didn't use this gear to get to end game. I know that hell all too well.
You assume that just because I'm end game means I don't know what these changes mean, I do.
I agree with you on the time taken to get a piece of gear. That's maybe a bit extreme. But I think the boss itself is fine.
Nexon could either raise the coins obtained or lower the cost. Instanced loot would also help.
I think the boss itself is fine, more so when you consider that bosses are supposed to be done in a party, not solo'd.
Although I'm fine with the changes because I feel like overpowered gear is finally locked behind a difficult boss, I'm still not happy about Nexon's handling.
Nexon really needs to be more transparent and warn players before massive changes like these are made.
If you follow the trends it was somewhat obvious, but just because it's obvious doesn't mean Nexon doesn't have to say it.
If they want to keep the boss difficulty thats fine, but there needs to be changes to make it fit and make sense such as:
*Instanced loot
*Reduced prices of each item
*Increased drops
*Keep Hardlux as an easier but timier alternative to Hellux just like there is Normal and Hard bosses
*Don't make a superhard boss a Daily affair, make it weekly.
This changes would pull it closer to the way KMS does its bosses, and so far nobody has complained about those afaik.
This is a great suggestion. I have more faith in any random maplestory player designing a better system. I can't think of anything nexon has designed well recently.
They'd be better off just creating a poll of the top rated community ideas and then implementing the highest voted idea.