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Issues and Server Instability during DMT 7/4


  • ThatRandomShadeThatRandomShade
    Reactions: 1,250
    Posts: 67
    edited July 2020
    3rd DMT gone and wasted, each DMT hour was filled with horrible cube lag and no hope of getting into the cash shop, disappointing but expected.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited July 2020
    another PR trick for you instead of "servers in reboot was not able to process all the notification spam and cube rank up resets at once we are working to optimize the system code in the future where everyone can be able to use at once without stres the servers load "

    lol poor you guys, some things never change at nexon... hahahaha
    each 2x and DMT in the past few years was same google it
    blame the " increased amount of players" yea right ... (who comes to GMS just for DMT and leave)
    feels good to not be online and deal with all that notification spam and lag good luck to you all dealing with that

  • GhostyFlashGhostyFlash
    Reactions: 745
    Posts: 4
    edited July 2020
    Bought hundreds of cubes and got to use 10, i attended all three dmt's and couldnt use them properly.
    I really hope nexon would give a nice gesture for this ridiculous aggrevation..
  • MinoMino
    Reactions: 905
    Post: 1
    edited July 2020
    I've been a player since the launch of bera. Despite the comings and goings I'm still here. I've participated in several dmt, and that was the worst.
    just lag. well i think nexon was wrong when it chose to do dmt just 2 weeks after the big launch that was adele, and also after attracting so many players that came from the late MS2. they could certainly wait some more time to do the dmt event. right now and wait for the response from the administrators to see if we will not be left with this loss.
  • StatinaseStatinase
    Reactions: 250
    Posts: 4
    Please fix this game. Not just DMT, but everything that has been going on. It's 2020 and these issues are unacceptable from such a large company. The executive/higher-up staff working on GMS need to be completely overhauled. They are not listening or communicating with the community that is paying their paychecks.
  • BlindLITEBlindLITE
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 2
    edited July 2020
    I think extra cubes for the Cash Shop being botched before and during the first DMT. Then a 24 hour period of DMT or even 48 hours depending on the amount of lag would be more than acceptable. So in short 30-60 extra red an/or black cubes and a full day of DMT.
  • unkownplayerunkownplayer
    Reactions: 110
    Post: 1
    if u find out the problem fix it !!!!!
  • SengaraSengara
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 15
    edited July 2020
    I redeemed karma koin on the website, and bought a couple of pack of cubes during dmt. I used a few cubes in ardent, got dced , and was asked to log into the entire client all over again.The popup message said i was disconnected for suspicious activity. Then when i tried to log back into the game, it said i was permanently banned....the ONE TIME i actually decided to participate in dmt. to hell with this. am i getting compensated for this? I already sent in a ticket. Not only did i miss the dmt totally, all that useless nx is going to waste, because i got it ONLY FOR THIS EVENT.

  • LWayraLWayra
    Reactions: 945
    Posts: 21
    edited July 2020
    Futhermore, apart the problem that has happened during the DMT there are many problems that exist in the server and one of the other problems is the prohibitions to many legal persons.
    Unfortunately, so far we have no solution and only get unsubstantiated responses to support his ban.
    But hey, it's his game and we can't do almost anything.
  • NarogNarog
    Reactions: 1,220
    Posts: 23
    edited July 2020
    please we need this situation to be fix.
  • EXPstarEXPstar
    Reactions: 130
    Posts: 4
    Server instability and coding issues. My main is forever stuck with a cubed potential screen essentially soft blocking me from playing the game with my main character. I need Nexon to help fix this bug. I have posted a ticket already I'm just posting everywhere in hopes to get noticed. server issues prevented me from being able to log back in the entire time and so I quit and next day I come back to the same potential screen still there unable to select the potential and the screen is just there and I am unable to play the game
  • venshinvenshin
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 5
    edited July 2020
    Hello, I want to start explaining that I'm not a player that can farm billions of mesos in a couple of days. I'm the type of player that does regular bosses, get some mesos from training my main, and thanks to this I manage to save some mesos in the past couple of months. I spent all my mesos on cubes for the DMT, thing that I would not have done if I would have known that I wasn't going be able to use more than five cubes. I feel like I wasted all the time that I spent saving those mesos, now I have a bunch of cubes that I don't want to use because y usually wait for a DMT to cube. I'm waiting for a response from Nexon from this DMT disaster. In this type of situation I usually would be mad but I'm just disappointed, we have got so many issues and bugs in every major update that is unbelieve, we still aren't able to use familiars and they were working perfectly (I know there is an upcoming fix for this).
  • VeleurVeleur
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    Nexon: remember this moment. This moment of failure of your systems, and how you react will define the longevity of this game. This could be a point you don't return from if you do not take your players and their concerns SERIOUSLY. Take these words and remember Maplestory 2. Reboot is meant to highlight the joys of character progression. Not allowing progression is a failure of the fundamental idea of this server. This event was a complete disaster and we demand you provide compensation for lost mesos, time, and efforts. More importantly, though, is the need to take a look at the infrastructure supporting the game and how it can be improved to support the growing population of players to support the replayability of the game. Enough is enough!
  • JokoplozJokoploz
    Reactions: 490
    Post: 1
    It goes without saying that many players on the reboot servers are upset and unsatisfied with server performance during double miracle time (DMT) and how it impacted many players' ability to use Black and Red Cubes on their equipments. DMT is an incredibly crucial time for players to save their mesos and upgrade their gear. Personally, I have spent many hours to save up mesos in anticipation for double miracle time. All these hours invested in the game SPECIFICALLY for DMT has gone to waste due to the inability to use cubes during the event.

    Imagine having an event that does not reward you as intended after players have sunk in many hours into the game in anticipation for it. This is essentially what has occurred in the DMT event. Again, players have invested time into gathering mesos to buy the cubes. Not only that, but players have stayed up late at night/midnight just to be able to participate in all three DMT events in anticipation that Maplestory servers will be unstable and that they would need to fight an unwinnable battle (aka the battle against server lag) just so they can use their cubes. I know of players who were only able to fit in 1 Black Cube every 3-5 minutes. I know players who were not even able to log on. I know players who were disconnected during the event and could not log back on. I know players who were unable to buy cubes in the cash shop during the first hour of the event. I know players that tried to discover methods to circumvent the issue of server instability (aka trying to change channels so that they can cube once per channel changed). Why should players have to spend even more time into a problem that is the fault of Nexon? As evidenced, this is not the only botched DMT event that has occurred, yet Nexon has to adequately address a single one. Nexon has wasted more of players times, in a game that already demands an unfathomable amount of time invested in order to progress. This problem is incredibly frustrating for many players that were trying to participate in an event that has significant impact on their gameplay and progression.

    Being apologetic is not good enough to compensate for the amount of time wasted and the amount of anger from players that were generated from server instability. There are many ways to circumvent this problem, many of which are already obvious to Nexon, yet they continue to ignore this problem. I do not believe players are asking for a lot. Your simplest solution is to redo the DMT event for reboot servers and to actually MAKE IT WORK as intended. Making a playable game is the first and utmost concern for ANY game company, but this logic is commonly neglected by Nexon which is absolutely unacceptable. Many players and I only wish for Maplestory to continue growing and become successful in the upcoming years. Nobody wants the game that they play to become irrelevant and unplayable. Nexon, please understand that your players are loyal, but you should not abuse this fact and assume that they will stay regardless of how poorly you treat them. This is not ethical, and you know it.
  • StargethStargeth
    Reactions: 2,790
    Posts: 85
    edited July 2020
    Can we just:

    1) Have all day (like Sunny Sunday) DMT so people can cube whenever they want and not all at the same time


    2) Remove the blue messages and/or buff given from single and double tier-ups (nobody cares about these buffs and one can get the buffs for themselves during the event anyway).

    Pretty sure even though servers might still be laggy, this would alleviate the complete server instability during the DMT events in Reboot world. Probably would also help to not have these events every 7 months and be on a 3/4-month cycle instead.
  • SengaraSengara
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 15
    edited July 2020

    Have been accused of using hacking programs when it took nearly a whole 3 minutes for the laggy as **** servers to add the nx code to my account. I only had my browser and discord open. I have had this account for 12 ENTIRE years. not a single ban. no programs utilized. now this? are you SERIOUS??? who can i get in here for this? this is ABSOLUTELY INSANE . I SAVED FOR SO LONG FOR THIS DMT, PLANNED SO LONG FOR THIS DMT. AND NOW AFTER 12 YEARS, IM GETTING AUTO PERMA BANNED, AND COPY PASTED MESSAGES?

    I am using hotel internet. Thats bad enough already. Its slow, I can barely run weeklys on it. Ive been doing mostly coin capping EVERY DAY on 6 chars since event started. Its takes FOREVER to do anything. DMT was bad too, codes i redeemed wouldnt register, I had to relog, cc, etc. Some chars would get stuck, so i would cube on chars with shared inventory, to get around being stuck in maps forever. And after ALL that, you accuse ME of hacking? Youve got to be ******* kidding me. One look into my account would have revealed what the problem was. This is disgusting.
  • SighwhySighwhy
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 4
    edited July 2020
    So are you guys going to do anything about this or just throw a fake apology our way for an issue everyone EXCEPT for Nexon knew about? Everyone knew that Maplestory servers couldn't handle the influx of players coming in for COVID and the Rise patch. You guys even expanded the channels on popular worlds because of how many players there were. DMT in Reboot has previously always been a terrible experience with crazy amounts of lag and delay but somehow this one topped all the horrible events before. Cash shop inaccessible, unable to stay in servers, couldn't change channels, and CUBING FOR A CUBING EVENT WAS IMPOSSIBLE. SOMEHOW, with the huge influx of players it wasn't anticipated how badly the event would go?!??! Many of us have been saving up and waiting on this event for months on end only not to be able to participate.

    Just give us DMT again and extend it for a longer period of time so we can avoid trying to cube and compete during the SAME ONE HOUR INTERVALS. As a long time player, I'm sick of all these PR apologies and excuses without any actions to seriously take player feedback into consideration. Maplestory is such a unique and nostalgic game for a lot of us, me included. It confuses me to no end why you guys so desperately try to tank your playerbase and make the experience so terrible for those of us who have managed to stick around. It's really really sad how the potential for this game was just wasted away by incompetent management.
    OWEfsfsSimplySooshimapler7iLikeRichCloHeeroOfLightFaytNightTurtlesRockWONDERGUYTitoKRMouseyyyand 2 others.
  • KawaiiPawlKawaiiPawl
    Reactions: 150
    Post: 1
    DMT was beyond some server problems, I have done most Reboot DMT and while some server issues happen you can use cubes it's just a bit slower and by the 3rd session, there are almost no issues. This has never happened before and we should get a DMT compensation before the discounted cubes expire
  • BobwasnothereBobwasnothere
    Reactions: 405
    Posts: 4
    edited July 2020
    Ghiblee wrote: »
    Hi Maplers,

    We would like to inform you that we are aware of the current issues and server instability during DMT in the Reboot world.
    We are experiencing a higher volume of players than anticipated for the event.

    We apologize for the inconvenience you may be experiencing.

    What is the current status of compensation? If there will even be one. Has there been any talk for it?
  • AxtoxAxtox
    Reactions: 260
    Posts: 3
    edited July 2020
    Bad DMT experience... decided to leave mid DMT since i couldnt do anything. Today my character is FROZEN. i cant CC, cant write, cant even click on anything. Whats all that about? IGN Darkarox