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Remove the Sol Erda Cap

Reactions: 3,310
Posts: 8
Member, Private Tester
edited November 2023 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hello, we need to remove this absurd Sol Erda Energy cap that has been implemented on tespia today Matt, MisusingTV has shown there is a 400 energy cap of farmable energy, This means you would take 720 days to cap the current 6th job skills. This is absurd and needs to be changed, WE DO NOT WANT ANOTHER SAC GATE. Please share this around and leave feedback all places for official feedback and make sure its constructive...


#DontSpend #NoNXNovember
mafhcowSnickyMiraBraneLightZeroStormblessedAkuHitsujipugbeansHanrasenZephrayand 149 others.
  1. Remove Sol Erda Energy Daily Cap550 votes
    1. Yes
       98% (541 votes)
    2. No
       2% (9 votes)


  • mafhcowmafhcow
    Reactions: 1,595
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    This cap is absurd, it slows our progression down by an absurd amount, there is no cap at all in the Korean version of the game. It takes a few days to even unlock your mastery core no matter how much you grind. It needs to be removed ASAP.
    Mouse1093pugbeansMiraStargethKappaDrewdeadgameVictoriousFireBraneLightZeroBommelland 61 others.
  • MiraMira
    Reactions: 4,160
    Posts: 485
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2023
    This is completely unacceptable. What's even worse, is that you all knew this would be a horrible change, and made 0 attempt to communicate this to us whatsoever. As usual, you hide behind your bad decisions and try and sweep it under the rug thinking somehow we won't figure out what is going on.

    This needs to be changed immediately.
    pugbeansKappaDrewStargethBraneLightZeroBommellZephrayShadowParadoxSogaReDreamMeand 47 others.
  • iAssayiAssay
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    It's amazing how they wanted to hide this from the userbase until the patch drops on live servers so they can do nothing to change how it interacts with the playerbase. It needs to be removed and follow along with how korean users are able to grind out their 6th job.
    KappaDrewMouse1093StargethBraneLightZeroZephraydarikShadowParadoxpugbeansiLuminarousand 31 others.
  • pugbeanspugbeans
    Reactions: 960
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    unnecessary and anti fun.
    KappaDrewStargethBraneLightZeroZephraydarikShadowParadoxiLuminarousWiccaWickedpeacebeastand 26 others.
  • AridAranAridAran
    Reactions: 970
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    This cannot drop on live servers it slows down our progress to such a degree new bosses wont be clearable for multiple years when compared to a case without the cap. This gives me barely any reason to play with how absurdly limited by value from training will be.
    KappaDrewStargethBranedarikiLuminarousLeoMagebadinkajinkxMrMeowZysterRebootContageand 17 others.
  • Mouse1093Mouse1093
    Reactions: 1,250
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2023
    The cap is beyond egregious. I can understand wanting your players to continue engaging with the system for a long time but we are looking at 80+ weeks assuming you can boss at an end game level just for the current set of skills with many more to come. This is completely demoralizing and ruined 6 months of hype and waiting that people had built up ever since it was announced in Korea. We are all aware that the game was preparing for its largest influx of player's in a long time with this release, this cap will make them log off in an hour. It's incredibly short sighted and serves no purpose but to artificially extend player retention.

    Let us play
    KappaDrewBranedarikShadowParadoxpeacebeastbadinkajinkxMrMeowZysterRebootContageKyouirisuand 15 others.
  • AllerRAllerR
    Reactions: 1,405
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    This is a dealbreaker for me, let people choose if they want to grind or do daily content!
    KappaDrewBraneLightZerodarikShadowParadoxRedSlayerLeoMagepeacebeastbadinkajinkxMrMeowand 21 others.
  • LithzaLithza
    Reactions: 860
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    Nexon, it feels like you were trying to make Sol Erda matter again (because of how hilariously stacked fragment farming is vs the rate of gaining Sol Erda meaning rebooters will basically always have full SE beyond a certain point), and this was the solution you came up with.

    It's not a great solution... I personally would have just given the option to break Sol Erda into... fragments... 'cause you should really be able to just do that?

    But this definitely ain't it chief.
    BraneLightZeroShadowParadoxbadinkajinkxMrMeowDjGalcoBottledHouZysterRebootKyouirisuSunnyNightsand 5 others.
  • BraneBrane
    Reactions: 710
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    It's foolish to even have considered this change, let alone actually implement it.
    StargethLightZeroMouse1093darikShadowParadoxpeacebeastLeoMageBottledHouZysterRebootKyouirisuand 11 others.
  • StormblessedStormblessed
    Reactions: 1,295
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    edited November 2023
    It will be impossible to ever complete 6th job by capping sol erda. Cores will continue to be released and we will be unable to even max our current cores until the first half of 2026 at this rate...
    KappaDrewShadowParadoxbadinkajinkxMrMeowBottledHouZysterRebootKyouirisuSunnyNightsliadtacosjeansand 6 others.
  • iEmNickiEmNick
    Reactions: 1,210
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This change might actually kill the game, I never subscribed to doomposting, but this... you might as well just autolog off players after an hour of playtime. Why punish players for wanting to grind, I cannot understand.
    darikShadowParadoxPwnedinCyberSpacepeacebeastLeoMagebadinkajinkBottledHouZysterRebootKyouirisuSunnyNightsand 11 others.
  • StargethStargeth
    Reactions: 2,680
    Posts: 85
    edited November 2023
    It's unbelievable that we are likely the only region getting this change unless MSEA also gets it. And for what reason? We should be able to farm as little or as much as we want when we want to. We were hyped up since we saw the KMS showcase, we were hyped up again with the GMS content showcases at MapleFest, and now we have to get insider info from test servers via Bean Brigaders just to find out that there are plans to gate-keep us. Is the point of 6th job not to excite us? This plan to limit our daily sol farming does nothing but disappoint many. And Maplestory has always been a grindy game so it makes no sense to limit us to 30 minutes of farming for the main end-game content that will take a ridiculous amount of hours to max, especially after even more cores are released.

    I also think it's fair to say, though some may disagree with me on this point, that Grandis as a whole has been a very slow-paced progression scheme ever since it came out, and 6th job was supposed to change that. But now we are just stuck yet again, waiting even longer for more content to come our way.
    BraneiAssayLightZeroKappaDrewStormblessedScyphendarikShadowParadoxPwnedinCyberSpacepeacebeastand 17 others.
  • WoooberWooober
    Reactions: 910
    Posts: 5
    edited November 2023
    Why are we capped Nexon? This cap doesn't exist in KMS and you let your players max out 6th job in 6 months. Why are you artificially capping us at 2 years?

    You need to immediately fire whoever decided a daily cap was necessary as they are completely against the interests of the players.
  • XerhuXerhu
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 5
    edited November 2023

    please revert :)
  • AkuHitsujiAkuHitsuji
    Reactions: 790
    Posts: 16
    edited November 2023
    Let players play how they want. Stop adding arbitrary time gating into the game. Also buff Kanna, like seriously...
    BraneMouse1093darikWilhelm_BottledHouKyouirisubearbuddySunnyNightstacosjeansTheArekkusuand 4 others.
  • GeoZakumGeoZakum
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 7
    edited November 2023
    This is absolutely garbage. This cap is unnecessary and harmful. Please remove it at all cost, preferably for our SEA brothers as well. It singlehandedly stifles the hype that was built around 6th job for over six months.
  • ScyphenScyphen
    Reactions: 1,390
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    Imagine giving us instanced maps, only to take away the reason we needed instanced maps
    Mouse1093darikShadowParadoxSogaNovuhzSDArthurpeacebeastLeoMageWilhelm_Samusownand 10 others.
  • woodbangwoodbang
    Reactions: 1,260
    Posts: 9
    edited November 2023
    way to kill the hype for their so called biggest update ever
    Mouse1093darikiLuminarousLightZeroNovuhzLeoMageWilhelm_SamusownBottledHouKyouirisuand 5 others.
  • adevinadevin
    Reactions: 280
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Unnecessary cap and harmful. Remove this it makes no sense why does GMS get capped. Taking 600 days to max out cap is insane def will lose players. Also buff NW
  • JVlaplerJVlapler
    Reactions: 1,210
    Post: 1
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2023
    this was supposed to be a big update? what a joke im not spending money on this game anymore lol
    darikSogaPwnedinCyberSpaceWilhelm_BottledHouKyouirisuSunnyNightsmjgj96AttaBossIts2Sharp4Uand 1 other.