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Remove the Sol Erda Cap


  • NumbskuiisNumbskuiis
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    This will literally kill all motivation and excitement people have for the game, what’s the point in hyper burning to 260 if you then can’t actually progress into sixth job? What’s the point in a power spike if you don’t start to see the gains for multiple weeks. What’s the point in playing more then one character if you can’t
  • ShadowParadoxShadowParadox
    Reactions: 1,485
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    edited November 2023
    The Sol Erda Cap only adds a ridiculous time gate to gms when other regions have no cap
    this will kill all motivation to grind and cause insane FOMO
    remove the cap and fix all the other issues with this upcoming update
  • ProximaProxima
    Reactions: 935
    Posts: 10
    edited November 2023
    I agree with the above posts. I wasn't looking forward to 6th job but people I know are so I believe the cap needs to be removed.
    My other thoughts while we're on the topic of the new patch are...

    Sol Erda Limiter removed.
    EXP Nerf for Reboot reverted.
    Famliers for Grandis level 260+.
    Red Cards for Reboot.
    Oz boxes changes reverted.
    Better Patch notes (see MapleSEA).
    Actually fulfill your commitment to better communication.

    As this post is on the 14th page on a very busy thread I doubt this'll get much traction but I felt the need to say something.
    Power to the maple community, I hope this helps.
  • JenByDivineJenByDivine
    Reactions: 1,100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    I came back to Maple because of New Age I got my account to 4K Legion and planning to get it to 8K soon but with this Sol Erda cap All im thinking about is quitting the game because I work I don't have time to be loging in every day so I'll fall behind by a lot if the cap is not removed if we have no cap I can grind in my days off and catch up. Please Remove the daily cap is only good for people who log in every day and also kills the joy of grinding.
  • sawi032sawi032
    Reactions: 1,120
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    edited November 2023
    i normally am quiet but this issue is way too big to be silent.
    This cap killed all excitement for 6th job.
    Removed 1 of the main reason to grind.
    witch in turn removes the reason for vac pet.
    for me personally i been preparing for 6th job since kms concert announcement.
    Now it feels like such a waste.
    This forces a playstyle.
    also this set's an image if they do this kind of crap to this update what is to say they won't do it to future big updates from kms.
  • AlexJAlexJ
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    Don't screw us over Nexon, please revert this change before it hits live.
  • SnickySnicky
    Reactions: 1,385
    Posts: 112
    edited November 2023
    DarkGoulz wrote: »
    They want that GMS be like KMS and make this?

    Global Maplestory's decision to set a cap on Sol Erda farming has[allegedly] been put into place in order to test a possible "booster item " sold via cash shop monthly , similar to Clover Guilds booster . The item would [allegedly] increase the daily Sol Erda cap by 5x .This is why the test server has the restriction , and this is why they didn't want people to know about it ahead of time .
    The good news is : We got them to release a statement [ unsatisfactory as it may be ] on a weekend , so weactually managed to do something . If we keep it up , the change will likely get cancelled , or the cap could get raised by certain amount .

    This is something a guildie posted in our discord .
  • SuperSoakerSuperSoaker
    Reactions: 200
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    edited November 2023
    Remove the cap and don't even think of trying to monetize 6th job.

    Or I guess do it and you'll find that this might be the last straw for your players. I paid for your clover guild, I swiped for my vac pet, but if you think you can get me to play this "F2P" game while required to cough up money every month to just play the game, you got me and most of the community completely f'ed up.
  • DuskGuardDuskGuard
    Reactions: 1,465
    Posts: 52
    edited November 2023
    Remove the cap and don't even think of trying to monetize 6th job.

    Or I guess do it and you'll find that this might be the last straw for your players. I paid for your clover guild, I swiped for my vac pet, but if you think you can get me to play this "F2P" game while required to cough up money every month to just play the game, you got me and most of the community completely f'ed up.

    They already have begun monitizing it and it's not even out yet. New Sol Erda Booster will give you 200 extra energy per day and 20 fragments, 30k NX to purchase LOL. Disgusting company.
  • neonwizzardneonwizzard
    Reactions: 200
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    edited November 2023
    I'm playing on a reg Dutch server, with STILL NO trade/mesomarket/AH after about 3 years, and NOW THIS??? come on my guy
  • LeoMageLeoMage
    Reactions: 720
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2023
    If the Sol Erda Cap/booster makes it to the game I hope most of you will choose to not log in during NewAge and even when 6th job releases 2 weeks after.
    If you are logging in during these times you are actively justifying to Nexon their actions. If Nexon sees extremely low player numbers during what was supposed to be their biggest update in years they'll hopefully come to regret their awful decisions.
  • ZSamuZSamu
    Reactions: 800
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    edited November 2023
    DuskGuard wrote: »
    Remove the cap and don't even think of trying to monetize 6th job.

    Or I guess do it and you'll find that this might be the last straw for your players. I paid for your clover guild, I swiped for my vac pet, but if you think you can get me to play this "F2P" game while required to cough up money every month to just play the game, you got me and most of the community completely f'ed up.

    They already have begun monitizing it and it's not even out yet. New Sol Erda Booster will give you 200 extra energy per day and 20 fragments, 30k NX to purchase LOL. Disgusting company.

    I think this proves why they delayed the 6th job to be published after thanksgiving so they could sell their Sol Erda item for 30k nx.
  • BradaBrada
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    TBH its really crazy that they even think on something like this to cap the 6th it well just kill passion for the players in our side u need to think we sow it like something to hold on to and now with this stupid cap its just kill all passion for us just remove the cap and think about the players for once........
  • DuskGuardDuskGuard
    Reactions: 1,465
    Posts: 52
    edited November 2023
    Classic greedy company. They can't have enough from regular profits so they decide to screw their players over just so they can squeeze out a little more. Oink oink.
  • JamesyboyJamesyboy
    Reactions: 200
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    edited November 2023
    This timegate artificial difficulty that has been added, that appears to be alleviated by spending real money, is a slap in the face.

    All that hype was a waste of time apparently. I really was enjoying coming back to play MS after several years away. Lots of QoL updates, Reboot not being so pay-to-win, servers seemed pretty stable. The addition of a cap that doesn't exist in the main game just to sell a booster item is such a let down.
  • BakuretsuBakuretsu
    Reactions: 100
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    edited November 2023
    I am a fairly new player on steam (this isn't my main nexon account idk how to login bc i play on steam)

    I have spent 200$ on the game in the past month, and I WILL NOT spend a single penny more on this game until the Sol Erda cap is removed for NA Reboot.

    I will stand my ground, even if it takes years, who is with me?

    EDIT: To clarify i don't care about the BOOSTER, I know nexon needs money and making this cap daily makes people seem more likely to buy the booster, but just remove the daily cap and make the booster as crazy as you want, I don't think many people care as long as there's no daily cap. Hell I will even PROMISE to buy all boosters for 6 months nomatter how good or bad it is if the daily cap is removed.
  • CorekCorek
    Reactions: 450
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    The way Nexon is heading with this patch is just killing the game. They could aswell skip opening Reboot 2, this nonsense killed all momentum this otherwise great patch would have had.

    I played Beta till release of cubes, where P2W killed all joy for me and my friends. Many came back with Reboot, now Nexon did it again. Unforunately Nexon cant be trusted, being a Dolphin (100-150€ per month) I wont spend a dime anymore and uninstall.

    Dont think I will return. Because everytime Nexon does this toxic bs they just push the goal further to absolutely riddle this bugfest of a game with p2w options.

    Always remember: The mere fact that they try to push this horror of an update shows that they will do it again when player base isnt as vocal as now about it.

    Good game Nexon. No Reboot 2 can save this fiasco. Good work Director Wonky. You got your 5th-Job pay-to-progress which you were dreaming about.
  • NoisyBoyNoisyBoy
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2023
    Pleace remove cap .●▅▇█▇▆▅▄▇
  • SnickySnicky
    Reactions: 1,385
    Posts: 112
    edited November 2023
    Bakuretsu wrote: »
    I am a fairly new player on steam (this isn't my main nexon account idk how to login bc i play on steam)

    I have spent 200$ on the game in the past month, and I WILL NOT spend a single penny more on this game until the Sol Erda cap is removed for NA Reboot.

    I will stand my ground, even if it takes years, who is with me?

    EDIT: To clarify i don't care about the BOOSTER, I know nexon needs money and making this cap daily makes people seem more likely to buy the booster, but just remove the daily cap and make the booster as crazy as you want, I don't think many people care as long as there's no daily cap. Hell I will even PROMISE to buy all boosters for 6 months nomatter how good or bad it is if the daily cap is removed.

    Pay for boosters means u agree with WONKI his sneaky step slowly make Reboot also P2W . And I don't agree so no more cash from my side .
  • awatawatawatawatawatawat
    Post: 1
    edited November 2023
    revert whta r u even thinking