What does old event time, new event time even mean? Like If I said EST + old event time would that mean reset is at 12AM EST but 2x would still be at 3AM EST or does that mean "old" event time would be 12AM EST while "new" event time would be UTC time?
I thought from recent events that Nexon was trying to be more transparent with the community instead of throwing in a change like that without any notice. What about the time-sensitive events like invasion and the timed event popups that won't happen when people in North America are home from school/work? Not like we can do them at 10 am. Either keep the times separate on the servers (which is what it should have been like in the first place) or leave it at PST so the majority of the playerbase can actually do invasion. To top it all off, some of us also lost two days worth of dailies...
mhm all does timezone are quite confusing and its great to see how many already complain why they should adjust.
so lets see since many asked about something like flag: time for flage are 7pm 9pm 10pm and 11pm i know there is 1 more but it isnt as important than does 4.
from pst to cet it would mean 7pm=> 4am; 9pm=> 6am; 10pm => 7am; 11pm=> 8am so everyone in eu would need to wake up around 4am just for flagrace. (i dont think somebody is going to like to wake up just for that :S)
if it is from cet to pst 7pm => 10am; 9pm => 12pm; 10pm => 1pm and 11pm => 2pm and during does time everyone in usa probably is at school/work
so either way 1 side is screwed at the end unless they change something, also giving each server a diffrent timezone doesnt work, since the purpose of the merge was it so that the 2 version become 1 overtime (like sorrowful would say gms+ems=gems )
maybe there is a timezone in the middle between cet and pst with only 4h diffrence instead of 9h ( like some already said ect ) or they add more time windows or dopple the amount of flag races by calculating when each timezone has their evenings. so everyone have their usually 4 races at the evening and extra 4 if they "really" want to join more. (PS: oh and the 1 seperated race at 12pm could be removed since 8 is enough for 1 day ). (PSS: even though i can already see some complain about it since there are a we which cant miss even 1 race )
for orchid chair it is the same they could just calculate another time or make 2 time windows a day
when they planned the merge they already knew it is going to be a huge project
we also knew much is going to come there is no need to fight each other
Excuse me but using "new event times" and all wouldn't be considered EST so final option should be excluded makes no sense its basically a second vote for the already UTC time... and if somehow making two separate server times is possible then there should be a third-fourth as well id say is fair. oh and also if people are so insistent this game is revolved around mainly kids in school and teens/adults working from morning til night only then itd be fair to also adjust server times according to seasons such as summer. not many kids stay up past 3am EST or wait til 12PST to do bosses 2x or attend a 2x event for a 4 hr duration
Personally, i think using PST for the North American server and CET Central European Time for the European server would be a better solution for both because the NA players are used to PST and its how they've had it and it suits their time zone whereas CET will benefit us EU players for timings especially when it comes to quest related time slots, i really don't want to have to wake up at 4 in the morning to come and play maple story because putting it mildly: it wont happen.
You can't plan your life around a game and for those of us who work/school that throws us out and we miss a huge part of the day and if you have to wake up insanely early to do a quest or login for that precious medal it makes your day unnecessarily longer than it already has to be. So i think having a time zone that suits both servers separately meeting their needs would be more beneficial.
polls can be easily rigged and I'm not surprised if they were lol, (can use a vm and vpn to spam poll votes),comments on the contrary need to be read and understood and then a decision is made. I'm not disappointed if we go back to the old regime id just like a change in favor for all while were making these changes sporadically
I vote for going back to PST for the servers and event times. The majority of players is in the US and PST, or another US timezone for that matter, would make things less confusing and more in line with the regular schedule of the majority of players. UTC is closer to Europe (1 hour difference) and they benefit more from the UTC than we here in the US, where we have to accommodate a 5-8 hour time difference. This UTC really throws off my Monster Farm farming schedule.
"Use PST for the North American server and Central European Time (CET) for the European server." This option seems most fair and reasonable to me.
I only worry about whether this will be difficult to achieve without consistent errors, and what it may mean for future content. The European servers would then be ahead of the NA servers by a few hours, and while I can't think of a huge problem this could pose, who knows what events/content might come up in the future? I suppose there could be confusion for time-specific events too, such as Hot Times (how will those be coordinated... each server has its own specific Hot Time, or will they occur at the same time across both servers meaning players must be careful to check the announced times for each server?)
If that option is possible to implement without issues, I'm all for it, otherwise please just revert back to PST. It's not the most perfect time for myself, but I think satisfying the majority is definitely the way to go here.
"Use PST for the North American server and Central European Time (CET) for the European server." This option seems most fair and reasonable to me.
I only worry about whether this will be difficult to achieve without consistent errors, and what it may mean for future content. The European servers would then be ahead of the NA servers by a few hours, and while I can't think of a huge problem this could pose, who knows what events/content might come up in the future? I suppose there could be confusion for time-specific events too, such as Hot Times (how will those be coordinated... each server has its own specific Hot Time, or will they occur at the same time across both servers meaning players must be careful to check the announced times for each server?)
If that option is possible to implement without issues, I'm all for it, otherwise please just revert back to PST. It's not the most perfect time for myself, but I think satisfying the majority is definitely the way to go here.
Why would it be confusing? If Hot Time is announced for "Saturday at 2:30 PM" then it's obviously "Saturday at 2:30 PM server time", which means PST for NA servers and CET for EU servers. Each player is used to their server's time and knows what conversions to do for their local time. The only people who might get confused are those who play both regions. For example, Europeans who continue to play Luna but are also playing NA Reboot. Yes, they are going to have to think a bit more carefully about when to log on where.
Another possible issue is people "abusing" the different timezones to participate in such events as Hot Time or Spell Trace Fever twice. But I don't see this as a major issue, for two reasons: - It's unlikely that they'll be able to use the rewards gained on one server to benefit their "main account" on the other. Who knows when, if at all, we'll have inter-region server transfers? And what valuable rewards would still have not expired? - Even if they could, the "abuse" is limited to getting the rewards twice, instead of once. It's not a case of being able to get them on 9000 different accounts or 40 different characters on the same account. Twice isn't that big of a deal. Bottom line, if someone really wants to level up an event mule on an overseas server just in case they could some day use its rewards, I say let them. It's a small price to pay for (almost) everyone playing in a timezone that feels natural.
Bring it back to the normal time change that we have had for years. Out of the blue changing the reset time and not letting anyone know until it happens is not the way to run a business. Of course with the way the patch notes have been, they probably didn't think to include it in them because simple is better right.
@AKradian It wouldn't necessarily be confusing to me, or everyone, I was just trying to think of potential problems for having two separate times (and couldn't find a sufficient problem for now). I can see lots of posts in the future with people asking when exactly their respective hot times or other events are supposed to be, but that's trivial.
The main point of my post was just "if it works, i want this option; if it isn't plausible, i want the other option please".
how about we just us est or ect for both world since does timezones lay between pst and uct. (i hate the idea that even after the merge they are still keept somehow seperated...)
since everyone seems to dislike the idea or more/longer time windows :S and from a few other post it seems that most dont care as long as they get their own old time zone ....
(well it has only been 2-3 days now after the merge)
"We apologize that the announcement of these changes were sudden and we apologize for any inconveniences this change may have caused. We're currently planning to adjust future event times so that they more closely align with the previous event start times. We’re also looking into the current events and content times to determine if they need to re-calibrated to their original schedule. Please bear with us as look into your concerns and find a solution that will better service all of our global players."
Keep it the same (UTC) or find an intermediate time that pleases both EMS and GMS. But do keep in mind EMS > PST> EST. But, reading OP they can simply just adjust future event times that will match everyone's time. And definitely do not go back to PST. There is a huge disadvantage for EST players for flag race. Perhaps, just eliminate 2 races near the end that way its fair play. Or perhaps add a new flagrace (there are only two types of flagrace anyways).
"We apologize that the announcement of these changes were sudden and we apologize for any inconveniences this change may have caused. We're currently planning to adjust future event times so that they more closely align with the previous event start times. We’re also looking into the current events and content times to determine if they need to re-calibrated to their original schedule. Please bear with us as look into your concerns and find a solution that will better service all of our global players."
Keep it the same (UTC) or find an intermediate time that pleases both EMS and GMS. But do keep in mind EMS > PST> EST. But, reading OP they can simply just adjust future event times that will match everyone's time. And definitely do not go back to PST. There is a huge disadvantage for EST players for flag race. Perhaps, just eliminate 2 races near the end that way its fair play. Or perhaps add a new flagrace (there are only two types of flagrace anyways).
the problem is that all time dependent content in game like certain quests, Kritias Invasion times, Flag race, boss reset..etc will be on UTC, even if they change event times to be better for the players there's still those permanent content things that will be run on UTC unless they change those as well, which if they do that they may as well just change the NA servers back to PST
so lets see since many asked about something like flag:
time for flage are 7pm 9pm 10pm and 11pm i know there is 1 more but it isnt as important than does 4.
from pst to cet it would mean 7pm=> 4am; 9pm=> 6am; 10pm => 7am; 11pm=> 8am
so everyone in eu would need to wake up around 4am just for flagrace. (i dont think somebody is going to like to wake up just for that :S)
if it is from cet to pst 7pm => 10am; 9pm => 12pm; 10pm => 1pm and 11pm => 2pm
and during does time everyone in usa probably is at school/work
so either way 1 side is screwed at the end unless they change something, also giving each server a diffrent timezone doesnt work, since the
purpose of the merge was it so that the 2 version become 1 overtime (like sorrowful would say gms+ems=gems
maybe there is a timezone in the middle between cet and pst with only 4h diffrence instead of 9h ( like some already said ect )
or they add more time windows or dopple the amount of flag races by calculating when each timezone has their evenings.
so everyone have their usually 4 races at the evening and extra 4 if they "really" want to join more.
(PS: oh and the 1 seperated race at 12pm could be removed since 8 is enough for 1 day
(PSS: even though i can already see some complain about it since there are a we which cant miss even 1 race
for orchid chair it is the same they could just calculate another time or make 2 time windows a day
when they planned the merge they already knew it is going to be a huge project
we also knew much is going to come there is no need to fight each other
there is no reason to blanket change server times for both to UTC just to convenience the coders but not the players
You can't plan your life around a game and for those of us who work/school that throws us out and we miss a huge part of the day and if you have to wake up insanely early to do a quest or login for that precious medal it makes your day unnecessarily longer than it already has to be. So i think having a time zone that suits both servers separately meeting their needs would be more beneficial.
I only worry about whether this will be difficult to achieve without consistent errors, and what it may mean for future content. The European servers would then be ahead of the NA servers by a few hours, and while I can't think of a huge problem this could pose, who knows what events/content might come up in the future? I suppose there could be confusion for time-specific events too, such as Hot Times (how will those be coordinated... each server has its own specific Hot Time, or will they occur at the same time across both servers meaning players must be careful to check the announced times for each server?)
If that option is possible to implement without issues, I'm all for it, otherwise please just revert back to PST. It's not the most perfect time for myself, but I think satisfying the majority is definitely the way to go here.
If Hot Time is announced for "Saturday at 2:30 PM" then it's obviously "Saturday at 2:30 PM server time", which means PST for NA servers and CET for EU servers. Each player is used to their server's time and knows what conversions to do for their local time.
The only people who might get confused are those who play both regions. For example, Europeans who continue to play Luna but are also playing NA Reboot. Yes, they are going to have to think a bit more carefully about when to log on where.
Another possible issue is people "abusing" the different timezones to participate in such events as Hot Time or Spell Trace Fever twice. But I don't see this as a major issue, for two reasons:
- It's unlikely that they'll be able to use the rewards gained on one server to benefit their "main account" on the other. Who knows when, if at all, we'll have inter-region server transfers? And what valuable rewards would still have not expired?
- Even if they could, the "abuse" is limited to getting the rewards twice, instead of once. It's not a case of being able to get them on 9000 different accounts or 40 different characters on the same account. Twice isn't that big of a deal.
Bottom line, if someone really wants to level up an event mule on an overseas server just in case they could some day use its rewards, I say let them. It's a small price to pay for (almost) everyone playing in a timezone that feels natural.
The main point of my post was just "if it works, i want this option; if it isn't plausible, i want the other option please".
(i hate the idea that even after the merge they are still keept somehow seperated...)
since everyone seems to dislike the idea or more/longer time windows :S
and from a few other post it seems that most dont care as long as they get their own old time zone ....
(well it has only been 2-3 days now after the merge)
Keep it the same (UTC) or find an intermediate time that pleases both EMS and GMS. But do keep in mind EMS > PST> EST. But, reading OP they can simply just adjust future event times that will match everyone's time. And definitely do not go back to PST. There is a huge disadvantage for EST players for flag race. Perhaps, just eliminate 2 races near the end that way its fair play. Or perhaps add a new flagrace (there are only two types of flagrace anyways).