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ChairStory V: Design-A-Chair Contest


  • YaranzoYaranzo
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 23
    edited November 2016

    In a restless world filled with mayhem, maple world's Heros, Adventurers, Cygnus Knights, and Resistance's Forces have joined arms in attempts of seiging back areas of the maple world that were lost to the Black Mage. Seeking after such a quest, bright and brave minds must come together and develop a plan to defeat the evil forces. Warriors train to better their combat skills. Archers enhance their precision. Mages meditate to seek clarity. Thieves sneak into guarded territories. Pirates, well... they still do what they do best - conquer the seas. However, hard work does not automatically mean victory. The maple forces are missing something else, something out of the ordinary... An epic war is in the brewing, and our heros need all the preparation they can get.

    Engineers from all across the maple continents gather, in efforts to assist in the war. This time, instead of witty gadgets or powerful weapons, they have developed something odd for the maple forces. A chair, it is. A chair so powerful, yet fashionable, and can be recognized to be of our maple heros' by just a quick sight. The "V" Chair, the engineers call it. As all five classes join forces in the war against the Black Mage, it is only fitting for "V" to be part of the name. This, as can be expected, is no ordinary chair. Unlike the colorful chairs in the Cash Shop boxes that are made merely for looks, this one is hand-crafted to allow our heros to quickly recover health in and out of combat. Unlike the excessively oversized chairs from Gachapon that are created for maplers lazing around in Henesys, this one is produced for the brave soldiers in the battle fields. Equipped with seats made of the finest Ligator skins, heavy-duty tubes outsourced from aliens all the way in Omega Sector, paired with drops of mysterious glowing solution found deep in the Aquarium, the "V" chair is a chair for the bravest and wittiest of fighters.

    Unfortunately, the manufacturing cost of the chair does not come cheap. The maple engineers originally made only 100 "V" chairs, and, as some of the owners of these chairs perished in battle, the chairs were lost along with their owners. A powerful chair it is, and greedy are men (and women). Regretful warnings from the engineers have been passed down that even the greatest fighters will risk fame and loyalty for a chair such as these. Those fortunate enough to be in possession of a "V" chair are afraid of being seen by it, and those who have had their chairs be seen by others have... well, they take action before actions can be taken against them. As a result, nobody knows how many of these chairs are left, and little of those who have seen it have lived to tell the tale. Until greed can be eliminated from the maple warriors' hearts, the "V" chair can only remain a legend.

    Fortunately, as of recent, more efficient methods of production have been found. Rumors has it that somewhere in the maple world, a mapler is currently mass-reproducing these chairs at a steady rate at this very moment...


    Yaranzo's V Chair, Black and White
    Yaranzo's V Chair, Colourized


    The "V" Chair consists of 3 main components: the "Base", the "Chest", and the "Halo".

    The "Base" is the seat of the chair. It is primarily made of rare leather dyed black supported by a reliable piece of metal made of Mithril Plates. Directly behind the seat is the lower exhaust, whose tubes have been taken from the aliens of Omega Sector, which is now no more. The solid glass-like structure connecting it to the Chest engine are made from the best Garnets, seated above and below of four rings stabilizers made of the finest Black Crystals. When booted up, the chair emits energy from the lower exhaust, which just barely supports the weight of the person seated (does not include the items they carry, however).

    The "Chest" of the chair is what supports the person's... everything. You can even go as far as saying the exhaust from the "Base" are merely for aesthetic points. The "Chest" is the largest part of the chair: the "V" glass, made from a mixture of Diamonds and Aquamarines, is a hollow body that encases a rare solution found from the depths of Aquarium. The solution is self-lighting, and seldom moves around the case around it. Occasionally, the energy within leaks out of its container, creating a aurora-like effect around the "V". Between the two legs of the "V", there is a comfortable backrest and headrest made of the same material as the seat, with grey decorations on the top and bottom part of the backrest made of sprinkles of Rocks of Time extracts. Behind the "V" is the engine, which is the main support of the chair and is responsible of hoisting both the chair and person above the ground. Seemingly unreliable, this deceptive engine is actually capable of keeping the chair motionlessly still, which have been achieved by the original engineers with a pinch of stabilizing magic. Extending out to the sides are the armrests, and the seater can chose to either comfortably place his arms on the red leather cushions, or instead grip onto the same material that the "V" is made of.

    The "Halo" is what makes the chair. Connecting from the rear of the "Chest", an unknown device sits, projecting a neon-colored hologram of a maple leaf above the seater. Lost in the tales, the exact function of this symbol is unknown. It is only said that this symbol have been known to bless the person seated underneath with unfathomable strength...

    [Submission Information]

    World: Scania
    Name: Yaranzo
  • RikNLRikNL
    Reactions: 2,605
    Posts: 180
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Yaranzo said:


    In a restless world filled with mayhem, maple world's Heros, Adventurers, Cygnus Knights, and Resistance's Forces have joined arms in attempts of seiging back areas of the maple world that were lost to the Black Mage. Seeking after such a quest, bright and brave minds must come together and develop a plan to defeat the evil forces. Warriors train to better their combat skills. Archers enhance their precision. Mages meditate to seek clarity. Thieves sneak into guarded territories. Pirates, well... they still do what they do best - conquer the seas. However, hard work does not automatically mean victory. The maple forces are missing something else, something out of the ordinary... An epic war is in the brewing, and our heros need all the preparation they can get.

    Engineers from all across the maple continents gather, in efforts to assist in the war. This time, instead of witty gadgets or powerful weapons, they have developed something odd for the maple forces. A chair, it is. A chair so powerful, yet fashionable, and can be recognized to be of our maple heros' by just a quick sight. The "V" Chair, the engineers call it. As all five classes join forces in the war against the Black Mage, it is only fitting for "V" to be part of the name. This, as can be expected, is no ordinary chair. Unlike the colorful chairs in the Cash Shop boxes that are made merely for looks, this one is hand-crafted to allow our heros to quickly recover health in and out of combat. Unlike the excessively oversized chairs from Gachapon that are created for maplers lazing around in Henesys, this one is produced for the brave soldiers in the battle fields. Equipped with seats made of the finest Ligator skins, heavy-duty tubes outsourced from aliens all the way in Omega Sector, paired with drops of mysterious glowing solution found deep in the Aquarium, the "V" chair is a chair for the bravest and wittiest of fighters.

    Unfortunately, the manufacturing cost of the chair does not come cheap. The maple engineers originally made only 100 "V" chairs, and, as some of the owners of these chairs perished in battle, the chairs were lost along with their owners. A powerful chair it is, and greedy are men (and women). Regretful warnings from the engineers have been passed down that even the greatest fighters will risk fame and loyalty for a chair such as these. Those fortunate enough to be in possession of a "V" chair are afraid of being seen by it, and those who have had their chairs be seen by others have... well, they take action before actions can be taken against them. As a result, nobody knows how many of these chairs are left, and little of those who have seen it have lived to tell the tale. Until greed can be eliminated from the maple warriors' hearts, the "V" chair can only remain a legend.

    Fortunately, as of recent, more efficient methods of production have been found. Rumors has it that somewhere in the maple world, a mapler is currently mass-reproducing these chairs at a steady rate at this very moment...


    Yaranzo's V Chair, Black and White
    Yaranzo's V Chair, Colourized


    The "V" Chair consists of 3 main components: the "Base", the "Chest", and the "Halo".

    The "Base" is the seat of the chair. It is primarily made of rare leather dyed black supported by a reliable piece of metal made of Mithril Plates. Directly behind the seat is the lower exhaust, whose tubes have been taken from the aliens of Omega Sector, which is now no more. The solid glass-like structure connecting it to the Chest engine are made from the best Garnets, seated above and below of four rings stabilizers made of the finest Black Crystals. When booted up, the chair emits energy from the lower exhaust, which just barely supports the weight of the person seated (does not include the items they carry, however).

    The "Chest" of the chair is what supports the person's... everything. You can even go as far as saying the exhaust from the "Base" are merely for aesthetic points. The "Chest" is the largest part of the chair: the "V" glass, made from a mixture of Diamonds and Aquamarines, is a hollow body that encases a rare solution found from the depths of Aquarium. The solution is self-lighting, and seldom moves around the case around it. Occasionally, the energy within leaks out of its container, creating a aurora-like effect around the "V". Between the two legs of the "V", there is a comfortable backrest and headrest made of the same material as the seat, with grey decorations on the top and bottom part of the backrest made of sprinkles of Rocks of Time extracts. Behind the "V" is the engine, which is the main support of the chair and is responsible of hoisting both the chair and person above the ground. Seemingly unreliable, this deceptive engine is actually capable of keeping the chair motionlessly still, which have been achieved by the original engineers with a pinch of stabilizing magic. Extending out to the sides are the armrests, and the seater can chose to either comfortably place his arms on the red leather cushions, or instead grip onto the same material that the "V" is made of.

    The "Halo" is what makes the chair. Connecting from the rear of the "Chest", an unknown device sits, projecting a neon-colored hologram of a maple leaf above the seater. Lost in the tales, the exact function of this symbol is unknown. It is only said that this symbol have been known to bless the person seated underneath with unfathomable strength...

    [Submission Information]

    World: Scania
    Name: Yaranzo
    Your chair is very awesome I like it!
  • SpiritFoxGamingSpiritFoxGaming
    Reactions: 1,535
    Posts: 83
    edited November 2016
    I'm bad at making designs for chairs but here is mine :/

    Lore - Channeling Your Memories and journeys through Mapleworld creates a Stream of Data that manifests into a chair to celebrat your past and future endeavours, Some say peeking into the stream reveals a snail named Bob.




    World: Mardia
    Name: KitsuneGod
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited November 2016
    Chair name: Hungry Chu Chu!


    In the upcoming exciting V patch we gonna get the new adorable Chu Chu Island!
    I thought about a chair representing the adorable hungry Chu Chu eating his sandwich... but...
    he sooo hungry so he can't notice what he have in his sandwich!

    how chair should work:
    The character who use it will have the "ouch" face active, and Chu Chu hands pushes the sandwich into his mouth!


    I think it could be nice getting such chair after finishing Chu Chu Island storyline :)

    World: Scania
    Character Name: Ruth

    p.s: Thank you so much for letting europe players to participate !
  • xKumaxxKumax
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited November 2016
    Chair with Black mage and Lucid
  • KargoKargo
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 12
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016

    You can get this chair by killing pink bean when a 5th job skill is active. It will drop on a medium rate.

    This chair has a nice and clean look. It isnt too flashy but it isnt boring. The chair is a decent size, a little bigger than most of the other pink bean chairs.

    IGN: Whyzet
    World: Reboot
  • KargoKargo
    Reactions: 710
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016

    You can get this chair by killing pink bean when a 5th job skill is active. It will drop on a medium rate.

    This chair has a nice and clean look. It isnt too flashy but it isnt boring. The chair is a decent size, a little bigger than most of the other pink bean chairs. [Edit] how do i delete this , double posted because of bad internet
  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
    Posts: 355
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Updated with gif but let me describe the general idea. It's pretty straightforward so an explanation of why it fits would be pointless.

    Design: The chair would be an animated chair that starts as a Maple Leaf with a crack in it that glows blue. The crack would break open to reveal the V logo. The chair would make your characters eyes glow depending on the category your class is in (like on the microsite).The chair would re-seal then open again.


    (I'm not really good at making images/gifs, but I just wanted to show off what I meant.

    Obtain Method: Basically your character would be sent on a quest to visit the Maple Tree (maybe to celebrate the progress in Maple since release, or to offer something to the Maple Goddess). It would be a separate map from the one in explorers tutorials (as in not connected to the same maps and new explorers not appearing there). The player would find a weird blue glow in the tree, and upon clicking it, the chair would fall out.

    IGN: VulpesShadow

    World: Reboot
  • AbyAby
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2016
    ign: AbyPet

    this chair is mainly for bathroom brake etc, when training most high lvl maps don't have any 'save' spots and after the v update it will be mor importent to lvl up, and like we all know its kinda hard to find a save spot, so i did figer out a nice way to dil with it.
    you can obtain this chair by completing a quest to rich 999 combo on lvl200+ mobs.
    the chair text will be you carecher can't take dmg will in use, as long the chair in use you can't obtain exp.
    the chair design will be AFK with the V colers.
  • BiniBini
    Reactions: 970
    Posts: 18
    edited December 2016
    Starry V-Chair:

    The chair you can get once you do your 5th Job Advancement. The stars from Arcane River start shinning to make you feel the new power and giving you thanks for be the new hero who comes to fight with the new monsters and bosses this world needs. The chair is given to you as a bless and a present.

    Preview with character:

    World: Scania
    IGN: Bini

    P.S: For those who doesn't know the chair I made it's supposed to have the logo V as an hologram and if you can't see, the logo contains some lightning around. This is the first chair made like that. And I hope the judges notice that I was the first, because I've seen new chairs kinda looking the same.
    ToxicKingStarfireYaranzoshirxnekiHikouaZeruisStrukkenSoleWaySillyMooseForumKousand 3 others.
  • RikNLRikNL
    Reactions: 2,605
    Posts: 180
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    V with 6 Friends Chair!

    Charles, King Willemalexander, Donald, Zwarte Piet, Maple PSY Admin and Coppersan Cat all want to get the 5th job but they can't get it :( So you have to do it for them and when you will help those NPC's with their quests you will recieve this chair.

    The Quests for Zwarte Piet is putting presents in the chimney of houses from Maplers.
    The PSY Admin lost his Glasses and you have to find them.
    Charles is lost and Coppersan Cat ask you to find him.
    Donald want to make America great agian so you have to deliver his Packages to some other NPCs.
    King Willemalexander lost his mother Beatrix and you have to find her for him.

    This is what the chair will look like.

    How it will lookingame.


    World: Luna (Thanks for letting EU also join)
    IGN: ArchMageSjon
  • YaranzoYaranzo
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 23
    edited November 2016
    Banto said:


    The chair you can get once you do your 5th Job Advancement. The stars from Arcane River start shinning to make you feel the new power and giving you thanks for be the new hero who comes to fight with the new monsters and bosses this world needs. The chair is given to you as a bless and a present.

    Preview with character:

    World: Scania
    IGN: Banto
    Most suiting chair for this event so far imo,
    good work!
  • BiniBini
    Reactions: 970
    Posts: 18
    edited November 2016
    Yaranzo said:

    Banto said:


    The chair you can get once you do your 5th Job Advancement. The stars from Arcane River start shinning to make you feel the new power and giving you thanks for be the new hero who comes to fight with the new monsters and bosses this world needs. The chair is given to you as a bless and a present.

    Preview with character:

    World: Scania
    IGN: Banto
    Most suiting chair for this event so far imo,
    good work!
    Awww thanks! :D
  • SeleianceSeleiance
    Reactions: 930
    Posts: 32
    edited November 2016
    I don't have any artwork for it yet, but I do have an idea.

    "Epic High-Five"

    Story: The Maple Alliance and Heliseum Reclamation team of Grandis are working on personalized technology for inter-dimensional travel between the two known dimensions, Maple World and Grandis (In case anything ever happens to the existing inter-dimensional portals). The program has been called "The High-Five Project" The technology is mostly finished, but in order to test it without attracting the attention of the Black Mage or his commanders, an isolated pocket universe must be created for both of the volunteer test subjects to travel to (There would be much more risk in testing if you don't know where in the other world the opposite portal might be, and it could be noticed. The Entry portal can be placed with much more control, and with a controlled finite environment like a pocket universe, you can much more easily set fixed points for the corresponding exit portals)

    Quest Details:
    The pocket universe will require its own elements of time and space in order to exist

    Items needed:
    Rock of Time/X amount of Piece of Time (Dropped by {Pink Bean, Arkarium} /Temple of Time Mobs) <-Element of time
    Dream Stone/X amount of Dream Fragment (Dropped by {Mihile, Oz, Irena, Eckhart, Hawkeye} / Door to the Future Mobs) <-Element of an isolated space (I'd elaborate more on this, but I don't want to post spoilers)
    Dark Tacheon (Dropped by Papulatus in Ludibrium) <-Element of physics/time-space binding

    Alternatively, the rarer drops from the temple of time and the door to the future could be replaced with quest drops from mobs in those areas (Fragments of time and isolated space). (I think the Dark Tacheon should be required either way because the Ludibrium dungeon is a masterpiece, and the quest line for Papulatus is much shorter now anyway)

    If necessary, it could be converted to yet another "Collect x items from mobs around your level" quest, I suppose.

    Quest Rewards:
    High-Five Chair: Maple World x1
    High-Five Chair: Grandis x1
    Either give both chairs or have the player choose one I did consider having the quest be job-specific, but a vast majority of the jobs are linked to Maple World as opposed to a few in Grandis, and Kinesis doesn't seem to really fall in either group.

    Each of the two chairs would be part of a bigger image, both of them would have the player in a space suit flying into the pocket universe from portals to high-five the other player. A visible stylized light trail left by the flight of the suit would be visible (leading from the portal to the suit) and the pocket universe would appear to be in outer space. The main differences between the two chairs would be the style of the suit (Maple World themed vs Grandis Themed), the color of the trail left behind by the suit (Neon Pink/Red for Maple World and Neon Blue for Grandis) and the world visible in the portal. Ideally, they should be designed so that players can mix and match them if they want to (One of each or two of the same one should fit together)

    I figured the idea could work pretty well even if it does take a while for the chair to make it into the game, as it won't be too directly connected to the V update while still using the fact that it is an update across all of the jobs, and the growing connection between Maple World and Grandis, while still adding a nod to the V Update and 5th job by referencing the number five, and using some of the visual theme from the update (mainly, the neon/futuristic/space theme).

    One last think to note, is this is still in the drafting phase, so feedback is appreciated.
  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
    Posts: 355
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    @RikNL The incorporation of the "Donald" NPC made me laugh.
  • Shaneration1Shaneration1
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 12
    edited November 2016
    @KThxBaiNao awesome change its great to see that nexon is taking the communities feedback. not having something physcial is perfectly fine for a online gaming contest, what matters is that everyone gets to participate. my partner loves art competitions and shes super happy to get the chance at this. +1 from me
  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2016
    TheHoA said:

    Oh I had an awesome idea - Black Bean vs Pink Bean V chair.

  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2016
    M1mu_Chan said:

    (first version) (The chair FOR the entery of this contest)
    Final version
    In game preview:
    The V space-
    after years of Training and a long and exocsting journey You are finally riched your destination and have been able to aquiere the Ability of traveling through Time and Space-and from one place to another in a snap. Your Trusted Companion will escort you from now on at your future paths.

    World: Bera
    Name: Mimuchii.

    Extra Design made Traditionaly and not "V" Themed -just for fun
    In game preview:
    on the way to your 5th job advencement you have pass a critical obstacle, the Trio Mushie. on succsseeding the mission u get the "Giant Trio Mushie Chair".
    this chair Is the Proof of your success on your path to greatness, like the enormous size of this Mushroom.
    This chair was inspired by the enormous Chairs that became a hit for the maple world chairs collectors.
    I really love the Huge chairs nexon developers make for us, this specifically inspired be the "Shroom buddy Chair" which is an oldie chair and one of the first chairs I have started my collection with!

    Nice Alien !

  • ShanerationShaneration
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 18
    edited November 2016
    awesome update to the rules, great to see that more people get to participate keep it up nexon :D
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited November 2016
    Chair name: 5th job?

    Lore: After slaying countless enemies to reach level 200, you enter the other realm and are greeted by the spirit of maple world. "Fair warrior, You've fought so long and
    hard to reach level 200, i see potential in you that i see in no others, i will give you the gift of the fabled 5th advancement of power to help you ascend
    to new heights to defeat new more powerful threats to maple world." Beaming with pride you approach her and kneel. "Close your eyes young warrior, your fate
    awaits." You close your eyes and feel the warmth of her power envelope you, it's comforting. you hear her voice in your head "I wish you the best of luck...
    enjoy your new advancement as... a Store Clerk". Shocked by her comment your eyes fly open to find yourself in a strange neon blue shop filled to the brim
    with merchandise of the monsters you have slain. "Hey man are you going to sell me this or not?" grumbles a blonde haired stranger. You look down to find yourself
    in a blue uniform with a name tag with your name on it. you sigh, realizing you've been bamboozled into running one of her stores.

    How To Obtain: Through the V coin shop or a hot week where you need to log in every day in order to receive it as a final reward.

    Flavour Text: well... not exactly the Job advancement you were expecting, but congratulations? Restores 10 power elixirs every hour for being such a dedicated employee (must be sitting on chair).


    Description: the chair is basically the inside of a store dedicated to V merchandise. the big Maplestory V sign on the wall is a neon sign that fades on and off. Arcane juice is a lovely concoction created through the mixture of Power Elixers and Mana pots, as well as a ton of Sugar Resulting in a crazy amount of energy upon consumption. An arcane Shade Cosplay set is in the center of the store, the pride and joy of the collection Valued at about 5,000,000 mesos. near it is a life size stand up of one of the monks from the arcane river: road of Vanishing. You're character sits at the checkout counter near a computer and a special prize box with a poster above your head. a Uniform covers up your current clothing upon sitting in the chair. The 2 doors to the exit of the store have an awesome 5th job decal job on them. Did i mention everything in the store is on sale!? Something i though that'd be pretty cool for this chair is instead of regaining 100hp/mp or w/e every couple of seconds instead every hour that you remain on the chair you get 10 power elixers(Tradable but worth 0 mesos)! Also all players standing near it here the HiFive summer mashup theme!

    ingame Ex: image

    World: Scania
    Ign: Bumbertyrrr
This discussion has been closed.