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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance - Dec 8th, 2016


  • KisjKisj
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 64
    edited December 2016
    it's amazing they can't even do a minor patch without f-ing it up, they somehow fixed a major one in one day, but a small patch that was never really needed? come on guys
  • NakazatoJLNakazatoJL
    Reactions: 1,505
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    edited December 2016
    What about RED update, it's about time nexon
  • ApocalyptianApocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited December 2016
    Kisj said:

    it's amazing they can't even do a minor patch without f-ing it up, they somehow fixed a major one in one day, but a small patch that was never really needed? come on guys
    Everyone deserves respect...dont be rude, just be grateful they are fixing things! This lag and dcing has made the game VERY difficult to play recently. So they need a bit more time, do something else for a bit...read a book...go play in the snow....watch tv...do my dishes....see there is plenty to do =)
  • bfrenobfreno
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 18
    edited December 2016
    Kisj said:

    it's amazing they can't even do a minor patch without f-ing it up, they somehow fixed a major one in one day, but a small patch that was never really needed? come on guys
    It is a lot more complicated than you think, but I di think it's bad planning. This should have done a dry run with a backup before updating the live servers.
  • BcZeroBcZero
    Reactions: 600
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    edited December 2016

    What about RED update, it's about time nexon
    feel like u time leaped 4 years
  • PlasticHollyPlasticHolly
    Reactions: 2,140
    Posts: 125
    edited December 2016
    Demikus said:


    and yes, its quite understandable that CMs from another game didn't know Maplestory and were thrust into this role unexpectedly due to our CM at the time being unavailable, however this begs the obvious question and raises even more concern, these were the best two choices they had even with it being unexpected? no one else in that office knows more about maple than those two that could have filled in for Michael? and on a semi unrelated topic who wear headphones over a beanie indoors?? hint @saygo, people already know you're bald... be proud don't hide
    I would assume most of the actual Maplestory staff was tied up with the major update. Does that excuse the sorry excuse for a stream not really, they would have been better off canceling it.
    yes agreed, canceling would have been far better than letting that go out live, this is going to be memed for ever and further tarnishing and already shaky reputation
  • ArrowClashArrowClash
    Reactions: 710
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    edited December 2016
    Check southperry.net/stat.php
  • CoralineCoraline
    Reactions: 715
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    edited December 2016
  • ApocalyptianApocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited December 2016
    OH MY GOSH CROSSWORLD IS UP.....said no one ever :P
  • PKMNZakumPKMNZakum
    Reactions: 310
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    I just hope the lag problems are resolved.
  • PokkediefPokkedief
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 18
    edited December 2016
    If postpone means at least more EU accounts being migrated then halleluja!! If not ill just wait another month and hope i can play then.
  • HaiaxHaiax
    Reactions: 310
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    I love you all
  • PuayaPuaya
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 20
    edited December 2016

    Kisj said:

    it's amazing they can't even do a minor patch without f-ing it up, they somehow fixed a major one in one day, but a small patch that was never really needed? come on guys
    Everyone deserves respect...dont be rude, just be grateful they are fixing things! This lag and dcing has made the game VERY difficult to play recently. So they need a bit more time, do something else for a bit...read a book...go play in the snow....watch tv...do my dishes....see there is plenty to do =)
    everyone deserves respect. I agree. But being grateful for something which they are paid for and yet not being able to do their job properly is rubbish. Not everyone is 'friend' with nexon. Many speak as 'customer', thus results count and the results we have been getting has crossed the line to just ignore it. People defend nexon by saying that this lag issue with new update happened in other reqions before, but that is exactly the problem. Even though the issues are already known, they did a bad job by letting it happen again in global. And yet we have to be grateful.
  • ApocalyptianApocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 142
    edited December 2016
    Puaya said:


    Kisj said:

    it's amazing they can't even do a minor patch without f-ing it up, they somehow fixed a major one in one day, but a small patch that was never really needed? come on guys
    Everyone deserves respect...dont be rude, just be grateful they are fixing things! This lag and dcing has made the game VERY difficult to play recently. So they need a bit more time, do something else for a bit...read a book...go play in the snow....watch tv...do my dishes....see there is plenty to do =)
    everyone deserves respect. I agree. But being grateful for something which they are paid for and yet not being able to do their job properly is rubbish. Not everyone is 'friend' with nexon. Many speak as 'customer', thus results count and the results we have been getting has crossed the line to just ignore it. People defend nexon by saying that this lag issue with new update happened in other reqions before, but that is exactly the problem. Even though the issues are already known, they did a bad job by letting it happen again in global. And yet we have to be grateful.
    Does that mean you will do my dishes?
  • MechJesusMechJesus
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 14
    edited December 2016
    nexon should really do a dedicated server only for reboot cause lately on x2 xp and even without that event reboot was super crowded like scania a good while ago and it was that world who was doing so much lag even to the less crowded world. wuch really sucks
  • bladenamebladename
    Reactions: 485
    Posts: 22
    edited December 2016
    Do u guys Remember when Nexon finish their maintenance's on time?
  • DancemonDancemon
    Reactions: 1,635
    Posts: 120
    edited December 2016
    It is so reassuring to know there are still fixed values in life, things we can really count on.
    Could it be we have a little extention? =)
  • CoralineCoraline
    Reactions: 715
    Posts: 43
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016

    Puaya said:


    Kisj said:

    it's amazing they can't even do a minor patch without f-ing it up, they somehow fixed a major one in one day, but a small patch that was never really needed? come on guys
    Everyone deserves respect...dont be rude, just be grateful they are fixing things! This lag and dcing has made the game VERY difficult to play recently. So they need a bit more time, do something else for a bit...read a book...go play in the snow....watch tv...do my dishes....see there is plenty to do =)
    everyone deserves respect. I agree. But being grateful for something which they are paid for and yet not being able to do their job properly is rubbish. Not everyone is 'friend' with nexon. Many speak as 'customer', thus results count and the results we have been getting has crossed the line to just ignore it. People defend nexon by saying that this lag issue with new update happened in other reqions before, but that is exactly the problem. Even though the issues are already known, they did a bad job by letting it happen again in global. And yet we have to be grateful.
    Does that mean you will do my dishes?
    You could have been ready with your dishes a while ago hehe :P

  • MistbornMistborn
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 6
    edited December 2016
    Is gollux still bugged in reboot? anyone know?
  • Diron90Diron90
    Reactions: 230
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    Holy Sugar Honey Ice Tea man game has been out for what 8-ish years?GM/monitors really suck at doing maintenance,should be fired n replaced