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Players unable to log in on specific characters


  • TheHoATheHoA
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 337
    edited January 2017
    I did none of these things - just tried logging in today and only my main was affected.

    GeniusKnite /240/Mechanic/Galicia/Jan 9th/ None of the previously stated methods, just closed maplestory normally
  • AlexisShionAlexisShion
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 39
    edited January 2017
  • TheHoATheHoA
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 337
    edited January 2017
    This one might be the problem, since I (and probably others) didn't cc or enter the cash shop for this bug to occur, and I DID open 200 stones yesterday.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2017

    Bottom line of that thread is: don't open nodes and you're unlikely to get stuck.
    Why on Earth does the game keep the data of all the nodes you've opened and disassembled?
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited January 2017
    i didn't open nodes for like a week and still got stuck..
    tho i have like 150+- nodes in my use tab inventory, but that can't be the reason. (i know others with 500 in inventory and still play)
  • zz2020zz2020
    Reactions: 920
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    edited January 2017
    That thread is interesting... And it confirms opening too many nodes cumulatively is one cause (main cause maybe). I opened at least 1500 nodestones by the time I got locked
  • buccaneerlolbuccaneerlol
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 19
    edited January 2017
    Tomorrow marks a whole week of being locked out of my main. That's 105 chu chu symbols, 56 vanishing journey, hundreds of soul shards, probably a level or 2 and unknown amount of meso I'd have made.
  • AlexisShionAlexisShion
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 39
    edited January 2017
    I got stuck 2nd of Jan after opening a whole row of 900~ nodes that I got from the weekend. I stopped midway cause I reached the maximun amount of nodes you could have in the matrix (http://i.kiwi.io/i/ag2mrbistx.png) And there was the 2x on monday. Before that I had opened around 1000 nodestones.

    That night I dissasembled everysingle of of them, and opened my leftover nodes. Afterwards I dissasembled them all, And enhanced my nodes. 4 of them went to lv25. the others where LV15+

    I got stuck entering the Auction House to put the nodestones I created to sell (around 200) with my leftover points.

    I do think this is the reason why. If dissasembled nodes stay with our character Data we are getting another version of error 38.

    Lets see how long takes them to figure this out and fix it.

    @OneLetter should foward this. Or any other Mod, if they ever get listened. Since iirc these forums are useless.

  • ShyAllyShyAlly
    Reactions: 810
    Posts: 31
    edited January 2017

    I got stuck 2nd of Jan after opening a whole row of 900~ nodes that I got from the weekend. I stopped midway cause I reached the maximun amount of nodes you could have in the matrix (http://i.kiwi.io/i/ag2mrbistx.png) And there was the 2x on monday. Before that I had opened around 1000 nodestones.

    That night I dissasembled everysingle of of them, and opened my leftover nodes. Afterwards I dissasembled them all, And enhanced my nodes. 4 of them went to lv25. the others where LV15+

    I got stuck entering the Auction House to put the nodestones I created to sell (around 200) with my leftover points.

    I do think this is the reason why. If dissasembled nodes stay with our character Data we are getting another version of error 38.

    Lets see how long takes them to figure this out and fix it.

    @OneLetter should foward this. Or any other Mod, if they ever get listened. Since iirc these forums are useless.

    You basically just shattered all the hope I had that this would be fixed this week. I'm a software developer, so I understand what he's talking about. I thought the problem was simple, along the lines of Nexon has a buffer for collecting packet data and they didn't, for whatever reason, adjust it to account for the new data that nodes would add on.

    But according to that Reddit post, there isn't a limit on how much data nodes will add to your character, because Node history is kept forever and sent every time you login (which doesn't make sense). I feel like fixing that will take a lot longer.

    Nexon / Game-team could you at least increase the buffer high enough to unstick us while you work on the more permanent solution?

    (Although personally I don't understand declaring buffers of a fixed size in the first place... Use a vector or similar structure)
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2017
    @ShyAlly , it actually seems pretty simple to me.
    There is obviously no need for the game to remember all the nodes you had and disassembled. I don't know why the disassembly routine is missing the "unlink" part it should have at the end, but that would solve the problem for the future.
    Of course they also need to go over the database and delete all nodes in state 0 (going by that post, these are the nodes that have been destroyed), but that shouldn't be too hard either.

    Of course, if keeping all nodes is actually a design decision, then something should be done about increasing heap size, or whatever it is that's exploding. But since this bug does not happen in KMS, I have to assume that someone just accidentally deleted a line, or commented it out during the debug period and forgot to put it back in.
  • SerisentSerisent
    Reactions: 715
    Posts: 10
    edited January 2017
    Good news everybody!

    and for those who don't trust gyazo for whatever reason:
  • RikuRiku
    Reactions: 805
    Posts: 3
    edited January 2017
    Serisent said:

    Good news everybody!

    and for those who don't trust gyazo for whatever reason:

  • ShyAllyShyAlly
    Reactions: 810
    Posts: 31
    edited January 2017
  • CaravelaCaravela
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 14
    edited January 2017
    Serisent said:

    Good news everybody!

    and for those who don't trust gyazo for whatever reason:
    If this is real I would be happy there is a fix. The compensation is BS though. I missed out on 1320 V coins, so I should at least get that many back in compensation. Also lost 18 days on a granny fm shop and hyper rock, and obviously getting 7 of those days back is more than enough in nexon's eyes.
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 18
    edited January 2017
    Caravela said:

    Serisent said:

    Good news everybody!

    and for those who don't trust gyazo for whatever reason:
    If this is real I would be happy there is a fix. The compensation is BS though. I missed out on 1320 V coins, so I should at least get that many back in compensation. Also lost 18 days on a granny fm shop and hyper rock, and obviously getting 7 of those days back is more than enough in nexon's eyes.

    It's still more compensation than what they usually give out. It sucks but what can we do, it's Nexon.
  • buccaneerlolbuccaneerlol
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 19
    edited January 2017
    Yeah fine.. what ever, don't bother giving out symbols.
  • OneLetterOneLetter
    Reactions: 6,380
    Posts: 129
    edited January 2017
    Hi all,

    We would like to apologize that some of you have been unable to access your characters, as observed across our forums and Customer Service portal. We posted an update last week that we have been investigating the issue, and today we’d like to let you know that this should be fixed during our next scheduled maintenance on January 12th. We thank you for your ongoing patience while we looked into this issue.

    We know it’s frustrating that some of you have been unable to log in for a few weeks; as a result we would like to offer the following compensation for those affected:

    - Six 1-hour 2x EXP Coupons
    - Six 1-hour 2x Drop Coupons
    - Two Red Cubes
    - One 7-day Hired Merchant
    - 3 Black Cubes
    - 100 V Coins

    If there are any changes to this plan we will let you know.


    The MapleStory Team
  • RudeusRudeus
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 13
    edited January 2017
    2x coupons for 250's :thinking:
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited January 2017
    OneLetter said:

    "Hi all,

    We would like to apologize that some of you have been unable to access your characters, as observed across our forums and Customer Service portal. We posted an update last week that we have been investigating the issue, and today we’d like to let you know that this should be fixed during our next scheduled maintenance on January 12th. We thank you for your ongoing patience while we looked into this issue.

    We know it’s frustrating that some of you have been unable to log in for a few weeks; as a result we would like to offer the following compensation for those affected:

    - Six 1-hour 2x EXP Coupons
    - Six 1-hour 2x Drop Coupons
    - Two Red Cubes
    - One 7-day Hired Merchant
    - 3 Black Cubes
    - 100 V Coins

    If there are any changes to this plan we will let you know.


    The MapleStory Team"

    Too bad there is no unilke button for this.. srsly.. you have a fix and you not going for unscheduled maintenance?

    and lets not talk about this lame compensation.. i lost cash shop drop coupon, those buffs doesn't compensate it. and how about giving those who affected the amount of symbols they should have got from daily?

    5 lame cubes.. keep them.