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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Players unable to log in on specific characters
Nexon a bit inconsiderate. Well, hopefully we get to play at least.
I think Peep does a good job of summarizing the complaint. When I disconnected from the game, I had an active 1-day 2x EXP and 1-day 2x DROP CS coupon along with a 7-day Hired Merchant. These have obviously expired on me. I spent real money to acquire them - and then I wasn't able to use them because of insufficient QA on Nexon's part.
The mentioned compensation is good enough to cover my NX losses at least, which is why I haven't been complaining that much. I think anyone who lost more NX should have a right to complain - we spend real money on our NX items; if we can't use them due to a screw-up on Nexon's part, we should get compensation. A real-world analogy would be buying a light bulb from a store, but when you get home the light bulb doesn't work. When you take it back to the store, you get a replacement... the store doesn't say "Sorry, nothing we can do about it"
I mean, I would like Nexon to give me the 180 Chu Chu Island symbols, 96 Vanishing Journey symbols, and 720 V coins that I missed from my dailies... but I didn't really expect them to do that. It sucks, but at least we can stop getting further behind that we already are.
I just hope everything is sorted out during the next maintenance so I can make use of the Honor Event. One of my biggest disappointments about this whole thing was missing that last weekend.
@woodbang , you're right that Nexon is not required to compensate anyone for anything. But a smart company tries to keep its players happy. Especially its high-paying players. Consider: all the people who got stuck had opened thousands of nodestones. In order to get that many nodestones, they must have either bought them (1000 nodestones cost 200 BILLION meso two weeks ago) or farmed for them. Farming at such a fast rate means being able to 1-hit entire kishined/frenzied maps while wearing drop gear - that means a LOT of items cubed to Legendary and just the right lines - along with Wolf Underling, and Cash Shop 2x drop card. The people who have been stuck the longest are by far the richest people in the game. They have hired merchants, they have hyper rocks, they have every cash convenience in the game (or had, until those things expired while they were blocked...).
And these people are being offered this sort of compensation? 5 cubes and 6 hours of 2x exp and drop? That would be appropriate for an issue that struck at random, or an event aimed at unfunded people that went wrong. It's not appropriate for whales being locked out for weeks.
So what would be appropriate?
First of all, extending or restoring their cash items.
And second, as has been written upthread, Arcane Symbols. These can't be bought, they must be farmed through dailies and as drops. Nexon can't really compensate for how many Arcane Symbols someone could have farmed, but they certainly can compensate for the missed dailies.
That depends on how they fix the bug, obviously.
Assuming the bug is as described in that subreddit thread (the game keeps the data of all the nodes you ever had, even if you disassembled them, until the amount of character data becomes too big for the channel server or the client to handle), there are three things that could be done to fix it:
1. Increase the size of whatever buffer was overflowing.
This will allow us all to play normally for now, but is quite likely to make the bug pop up again in the future, after people have had time to open 10k or 100k or however many nodestones.
2. Make the system properly drop the data of nodes when they are disassembled.
This will allow everyone who is currently not blocked to keep playing normally and opening as many nodestones as they like, but will not help the people currently blocked. It also puts the people who were near the limit at risk, because as we saw, it wasn't nodes alone that were the problem. Someone might make a new link skill and suddenly get blocked.
3. Delete all existing information of disassembled nodes from the database.
This will allow everyone to play normally for now, but will certainly cause the bug to reappear as soon as people open thousands of nodestones again.
The correct long-term solution is to do both (2) and (3): clean up the database and make sure the game stops cluttering it up.
The same people who diagnosed the issue (in that thread), will be able to tell us whether Nexon did fix it that way, or not.
So what would be appropriate?
First of all, extending or restoring their cash items.
And second, as has been written upthread, Arcane Symbols. These can't be bought, they must be farmed through dailies and as drops. Nexon can't really compensate for how many Arcane Symbols someone could have farmed, but they certainly can compensate for the missed dailies.
I think it is highly unlikely Nexon would compensate any Arcane Symbols, whether it is gained from dailies or farming from monsters.
NEXON's compensation is insulting !
first of all they should have compensate based on the time you were locked / bugged.
you can open many nodes 10 minutes before SC and get the compensation same as those who are stuck for almost a month.
I am bugged for 18 days (will be 20 when they fix my character), missing many symbols, missing many x2 events, and also having 72 k nx wasted on 'cube deal' with 3 days expiration date, FM store, messos, reward points, boss runs etc.
I find this compensation ridiculous and insulting and NO , I WILL NOT SAY THANKS to NEXON OR STOP COMPLAINING.
It's not as if the community wishes to whine or hate on Nexon, but the compensation is really inadequate. Some players have been (using a different term) "banned" from entering their main character for 3 weeks. That's a long enough time for monthly cash items to expire, 1/3 of pet's life, reward points missed out and many other events.
Most players have lost 3 weeks of play time, which is at the VERY MINIMUM: 1,260 v coins, 168 arcane river symbols, 315 chu chu island symbols, and probably more. How is a couple cubes, a 7-day hired merchant, and maybe 30 minutes of v-coin farming an adequate compensation?
Anyway, I'll just leave this here. I hope you remember it, it's from only 6 months ago.
BaconMmm / 236 / I/L Mage / Scania / 01/09/2017 12:30AM EST / Changing channels
Oh no... I was getting all my hopes up to play my main again! D; WELP.