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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Finally a Crossover! Re:Zero Lets discuss
What does that have to do with anything?
Nexon is very proud of having "pioneered" the micro-transaction model of free-to-play games.
But if the only way they can make it work for them is by making 99% of micro-transactions not give the player what they were hoping for, then that model is just plain bad.
Free to play (F2P) refers to a business model for online games in which the game designers do not charge the user or player in order to join the game. Instead, they hope to bring in revenue from advertisements or in-game sales, such as payment for upgrades, special abilities, special items, and expansion packs.
This is what pays for servers to stay live, developers, etc... They have no obligation to cater to f2p players.
The complaint, if you'd read it, wasn't that you have to pay for the items. It's that you have to pay to gamble for the items.
If Nexon decides that they must sell each item for $100 to cover the costs of licensing Re:Zero, then they should sell each item for $100. Not put them in a box that costs $5 but only has 5% chance of giving you what you want.
They do.
But I (and Elise) are within our rights to say we don't like their tactics.
Would really like to know when the update is coming
according to their facebook page, its on May11th
From reading your other pists, I don't think you read my post. AKradian gets it.
I totally understand that things have to cost money. I would pay for said things, and have.
But with the way Nexon does things, I can't. I literally lost $60 on two hero items I wanted. The RGN is so bad to get popular outfits that it was at a rate of one per every 30 bucks. These low odds are why I'm annoyed, and why I have to likely skip this patch, regardless of the fact I love this anime. Let's say I want the Emilia outfit. With Nexon's Rgn, it would show up after 90 dollars or so, as it'd give the less popular Subaru or Felt outfits first. And with one 'popular' outfit out of 10 boxes, I can't afford their RGN to get what I want. THAT is what I am mad about. I can't enjoy an event for a series I like because it's all RGN. It didn't have to be RGN, but they made it that way.
And tbh, I don't care what licensing was, cost wise. They could charge money for packages and make up for the cost. They just chose to make it rgn to squeeze more pennies out of those of us who love the anime and want these clothes. It's greed. They make enough money with cubes, and would likely make more than enough money with the other box. There is no reason other than greed to have everything rgn. We have a right to be mad. It has nothing to do with them charging, it's the fact that it is really difficult to enjoy an event where everything involves rgn is so bad I can't even hope to get what I want.
If they'd raise their rgn, I'd be happier with this, but their rgn is set in a way where popular characters have impossible to obtain outfits, while unpopular ones and accessories pop up all the time.
I am very disappointed in Nexon with the upcoming event tomorrow.
4k nx for boxes, really? not only that but you're putting in a bunch of freaking junk related to philo books..
and the hair styles are not even in coupon form??
Also equally disappointed with the Surprise Style Boxes. I'll reserve my judgment until I find out the rate of obtaining these NX exclusives, but otherwise there are a lot of junk that is completely unrelated to Re:Zero and at the moment seems like an overpriced gamble, knowing that the rates probably won't be especially favorable.
in addition to typical Nexon rippping off people, they are so ugly. Attack on Titan and the first cross over were way better !!! (quality wise)
The boxes are different between Reboot and non-Reboot, but the medals are available in both?
You think letting Reboot pay for the mounts is too much, but you'll let them pay for Best-in-Slot medals?
@Arwoo , you must get that changed, before the patch tomorrow.
CM Artasi helped us stop Cash Shop Meso Sacks being available in Reboot (back when it was released). You, too, can save Reboot from becoming Pay2Win. Do it!