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Please keep P2W out of Reboot


  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited May 2017
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Imo, Reboot should have the same cs promotion prices as non-Reboot servers. There are costs in order to deliver content like a Re:Zero crossover. It's unfair for non-Reboot servers to bear the burden of spending $ to acquire these items while Reboot gets this exclusive premium content for mesos only (basically free).

    The Re:ZERO cosmetics should cost NX in Reboot, same as all other cash-shop clothes and hair/face coupons.

    But the medals should either not be available at all in Reboot, or be available for meso only. Same as all other equipment with stats.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Imo, Reboot should have the same cs promotion prices as non-Reboot servers. There are costs in order to deliver content like a Re:Zero crossover. It's unfair for non-Reboot servers to bear the burden of spending $ to acquire these items while Reboot gets this exclusive premium content for mesos only (basically free).

    The Re:ZERO cosmetics should cost NX in Reboot, same as all other cash-shop clothes and hair/face coupons.

    But the medals should either not be available at all in Reboot, or be available for meso only. Same as all other equipment with stats.

    if they would cost mesos, it's only fitting they add expiration date in reboot
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
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    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    you guys arent saying any solutions, if the items are sold for mesos, would you guys be ok if they nerfed the stats? how much mesos per box would be reasonable to sell for? if theyre op stat items shouldnt they be more than 100mil per box?

    because other than that, have no boxes is the final solution.

    I don't see why they need to be nerfed.
    Reboot is a different world with different rules. For example, Hyper Teleport Rocks are luxury items in normal worlds, but in Reboot everyone has them.
    How would it hurt anyone, in Reboot or elsewhere, if everyone in Reboot, who farmed enough meso, could get the full-power Re:ZERO medal?

    and there we have it, not everyone can or wants to farm mesos for hours on end

    If people in Reboot don't want to farm mesos for hours on end, they also won't have Legendary 15-star equipment.
    Reboot isn't about giving everyone everything equally, regardless of how they play. It's about working (i.e., grinding meso) for what you want.

    what about those that cant?

    if everyones going to be online farming mesos with a very limited map selection to farm mesos. only those that dont sleep and eat and shower are the ones that will get what they want is what youre saying?

    Again, that's how Reboot is with everything.
    If you want powerful equipment, you have to put in the time and effort. Why should the Re:ZERO medal be any different than a 15-star Legendary Fafnir weapon?
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    you guys arent saying any solutions, if the items are sold for mesos, would you guys be ok if they nerfed the stats? how much mesos per box would be reasonable to sell for? if theyre op stat items shouldnt they be more than 100mil per box?

    because other than that, have no boxes is the final solution.

    I don't see why they need to be nerfed.
    Reboot is a different world with different rules. For example, Hyper Teleport Rocks are luxury items in normal worlds, but in Reboot everyone has them.
    How would it hurt anyone, in Reboot or elsewhere, if everyone in Reboot, who farmed enough meso, could get the full-power Re:ZERO medal?

    and there we have it, not everyone can or wants to farm mesos for hours on end

    If people in Reboot don't want to farm mesos for hours on end, they also won't have Legendary 15-star equipment.
    Reboot isn't about giving everyone everything equally, regardless of how they play. It's about working (i.e., grinding meso) for what you want.

    what about those that cant?

    if everyones going to be online farming mesos with a very limited map selection to farm mesos. only those that dont sleep and eat and shower are the ones that will get what they want is what youre saying?

    Again, that's how Reboot is with everything.
    If you want powerful equipment, you have to put in the time and effort. Why should the Re:ZERO medal be any different than a 15-star Legendary Fafnir weapon?

    not quite the same thing fella
  • Member KushyDragon
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    edited May 2017
    This event is similar to the SAO event, but instead of buying passes to see who can run the most and get the Beater Medal.

    You now have to gach for the medals which is a lot more difficult just based on RNG Alone.

    However the SAO and AoT events were before reboot was around.

    The medals might be considered pay to win, but that's only if you want to actually pay for the chance to get them.

    I myself am just fine without both medals. The 5% exp gain would be nice but I mostly play maple with not a lot of 2x cards and such to begin with.

    All in all, It's up to you if you wish to pay up for the gach to get a chance at the medals.
  • Member Raikyu
    Reactions: 890
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    edited May 2017
    Please keep P2w element out of reboot. I rather not have this event, if it means not having this event so be it. People will spend x amount of money to get that medal. And 500m a box isn't exactly affordable.

    please keep p2w out of reboot.
  • Member, Private Tester Roseole
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    edited May 2017
    I'm completely against these boxes being put in for NX. If they're allowed, I will quit and never play again. The whole premise of Reboot is no pay2win. Even changing one aspect of this will mean going back to regular servers. This update is just GREED on Nexon.

    I've given Nexon so many chances over the years. I will not play the game with pay2win elements.
  • Member, Private Tester Daxi
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    edited May 2017
    500m is around 2 hours, it's significantly more efficient for me to buy the boxes with NX.

    Time to look for another game I think, P2W in Reboot is not acceptable to me.
  • Member PandaFrost
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    edited May 2017
    I have no problems with having 2 purchase options. I was going to be buying these boxes with NX either way, however I can't support the meso pricing of these items. These boxes should be priced accordingly to the rest of the cash shop and should be 40m per box. This is a terrible use of manipulation of the market to force players into the cash only option. It should be fair for all players or removed altogether. I'll be boycotting my purchases until we get this resolved.
  • Member, Private Tester Demiheart
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    edited May 2017
    I really hope they reconsider this before the patch is released.
  • Member, Private Tester detex
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    edited May 2019
  • Volunteer Forum Moderator MegaScience
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    edited May 2017
    Thank you for your feedback. I understand how this may be seen as problematic, and will be forwarding this thread and various other feedback sources on the matter.
  • Member, Private Tester Contrast
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    edited May 2017
    LOL Nexon! This is so dumb, you've heard all month that we don't want p2w in reboot and you make it so it's pretty much ridiculous to buy boxes with mesos efficiently. Increased communication = no nexon presence even in this thread.
  • Member, Private Tester Daxi
    Reactions: 1,800
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    edited May 2017
    Thank you for your feedback. I understand how this may be seen as problematic, and will be forwarding this thread and various other feedback sources on the matter.

    Nexon knows and they don't yet care (http://imgur.com/lqSYViV), unless people complain nothing will happen.
  • Member xOtaku
    Reactions: 1,355
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    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    and for me, realistically speaking all this stuff people consider to be pay to win is more like down loadable content, like ive said many times, until theres a clear end point payingtowin the game, to finish the purpose of the game, is when the term pay to win is valid.

    There you go again. "I don't mind peanuts so I don't see why people object to adding a couple to this other candy bar."
    Some people are allergic to peanuts and some just don't like how they taste. Why can't you accept that?

    adding peanuts to a candy bar would be wiser move as a branch product off the brand, example m&ms is the brand but different variety.

    you guys arent saying any solutions, if the items are sold for mesos, would you guys be ok if they nerfed the stats? how much mesos per box would be reasonable to sell for? if theyre op stat items shouldnt they be more than 100mil per box?

    because other than that, have no boxes is the final solution.

    I don't see why they need to be nerfed.
    Reboot is a different world with different rules. For example, Hyper Teleport Rocks are luxury items in normal worlds, but in Reboot everyone has them.
    How would it hurt anyone, in Reboot or elsewhere, if everyone in Reboot, who farmed enough meso, could get the full-power Re:ZERO medal?

    and there we have it, not everyone can or wants to farm mesos for hours on end

    then they can either go play the normal server or do daily bosses, in normal server you can pay for all you want as long as you have the money except untradeable stuff like equips obtained through lotus/damien/lucid. MVP was already bad enough in reboot considering they give exp buffs and attack buffs.
  • Member xOtaku
    Reactions: 1,355
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    edited May 2017
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Imo, Reboot should have the same cs promotion prices as non-Reboot servers. There are costs in order to deliver content like a Re:Zero crossover. It's unfair for non-Reboot servers to bear the burden of spending $ to acquire these items while Reboot gets this exclusive premium content for mesos only (basically free).

    Reboot players have to pay with nx for the surprise boxes, the problem we're having is that they're putting equips with stats into the cash shop in a non-p2w server. Either don't give it to us or put it in mesos only if they're going to put something that involves giving players advantage compared to non-paying players
  • Member Acidus
    Reactions: 950
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    edited May 2017
    A more achievable option would be to lower the meso cost of the boxes on Reboot. Nexon probably isn't going to change its mind on buying it with NX but let the price be 50-100m each, 500m each is patently absurd.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited May 2017
    Daxi wrote: »
    Thank you for your feedback. I understand how this may be seen as problematic, and will be forwarding this thread and various other feedback sources on the matter.

    Nexon knows and they don't yet care (http://imgur.com/lqSYViV), unless people complain nothing will happen.

    Looks to me like the decision has been made. And it's to sacrifice Reboot to Mammon.

    xOtaku wrote: »
    Reboot players have to pay with nx for the surprise boxes, the problem we're having is that they're putting equips with stats into the cash shop in a non-p2w server. Either don't give it to us or put it in mesos only if they're going to put something that involves giving players advantage compared to non-paying players

    Most frustrating part is that the boxes are different between Reboot and non-Reboot. And yet they chose to keep the medals in there for Reboot, but remove the androids (which, other than the Battleroid, are not pay2win) and mounts.
    Nexon Logic.

    Acidus wrote: »
    A more achievable option would be to lower the meso cost of the boxes on Reboot. Nexon probably isn't going to change its mind on buying it with NX but let the price be 50-100m each, 500m each is patently absurd.

    I don't think the meso price matters. The medals should not be in boxes that can be bought with NX, period.

    Back when Reboot was about to come out and Nexon was going to put Random Meso Sacks in its Cash Shop, some people argued that it was ok because those bags were a rip-off anyway, and you could farm all the meso you wanted for free. But the majority held that even if you only save five minutes by paying $10, it's still pay2win, and still doesn't belong in Reboot. And Nexon accepted that position and did not introduce the bags.

    Same should be with these medals in the boxes. No matter how easy it is to farm the meso to buy them, someone with more spare cash than spare time should not be able to just grab 1000 boxes with zero effort. That is the essence of Reboot.
  • Member xOtaku
    Reactions: 1,355
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    edited May 2017
    Also, I want to mention the fact that it's not only the medal and titles(if the title even has any stats) being in reboot. There's also the permanent pendant slots being in reboot which is another thing that would potentially give players a small advantage compared to players who can't afford spending the money on gambling for it and have to spend mesos monthly to get theirs
  • Volunteer Forum Moderator MegaScience
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    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Looks to me like the decision has been made. And it's to sacrifice Reboot to Mammon.

    There is precedent for a decision being swiftly overturned in the face of overwhelming feedback, such as what many have been noting. Again, I am collecting and passing along feedback on this, which is quickly growing in abundance, so I am optimistic that player concerns will be addressed.