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Finally a Crossover! Re:Zero Lets discuss
The surprise style box even comes with a sh*t load of junk and the hair style too is completely random as well. Why can't they make this event a little bit more like the SAO or the AoT one? I know they really want to make up the money lost from the dwindling player base. But like this??? They just killed the event before it even started. In fact, this is probably the reason why their player base is shrinking in the first place.
The NX option and the cost of the box are 2 separate issues and should both be tackled simultaneously. I personally think that we should address the NX option in reboot first because it sets a bad precedent and would lead to a slippery slope in the near future. It's best for nexon to get rid of the NX option AND reduce the price to around 50-100m.
Thing is, there might be a reason for nexon to set it at 500m. Perhaps the chances of getting the medal are pretty high or nexon just thinks every in reboot has 50b in their back pocket. Who knows really, nexon never disclose anything.
Highly agree. Getting rid of the nx option would be step 1 and lowering the price according to everything else like cubes and circulators and what not. 50m sounds reasonable, but 500m? Gotta be joking right now.
Dude farming 500mil is hard for people with no pets.
50mil for box would be okay but 500 mil is way too overpriced.
50mil is too cheap. If people complained about these boxes falling into the category of pay2win, why would they be so cheap? If they really do gain the advantage people dont want others to be able to pay for in nx, why would they make them 50mil?
beacuse not every server's economy is as busted as windia's, LMAO. 500mil isn't worthless in reboot unlike your server with a ruined economy where you can just go on some meso site and get a bil for 2 dollars. and you say we have it easy LMAO you play in the easiest server in this game, literally hailed as the most hacker infested garbage server in GMS.
I paid only 10$ in NX + the free runs I got for my own Beater Medal, so I'm happy about that.
At least everyone has a fair chance with RNG to get the medals, etc.
Some people like myself, only get paid a certain time a month so I'm in the same boat with you in terms to finances.
Scania has always been a questionable economy in the first place, as someone who used to be there.
Who knows, maybe you'll get the medal from the level 180 Box you get. We do get one of them, It's still one chance.
When you get so triggered by your argument getting completely destroyed you can't say anything besides 'k' LOL
enjoy your ezmode Maplestory buddy, go buy 10b for $20 and keep convincing yourself you are good at the game LMAO
i just said k because theres no logic in your response, no one mentioned meso sites, i mentioned players buying nx codes, and i play in reboot, so exactly where was the destroying taking part?
always has to be some kid in a forum trying to be dominant, cant dominate what you dont understand fella.
ok so you editted your comment, you cant be good at these kinds of games. you just play or not play. keep talking like that and Ill report you for harrasment, I wont fall for your little traps.
You compared windia's meso rates to reboot's in another post, stop back pedalling LMAO, it's obvious you know absolutely nothing about reboot if you think 500m is reasonable for a single RNG box item on this server, If you played on reboot you wouldn't try to justify meso rates on reboot because of windia rates.
It's ok to not know some things buddy, 'fake it til you make it' doesn't always apply LOL
In a server that is entirely meso based, if nx were introduced, it would be the most expensive server around, the more mesos there are circulating the server, the more busted the economy is, likewise to real life, the more dollars flowing around, the less the dollar is worth. It has nothing to do with me or what I believe, it's simple economics.
In all seriousness, this scenario is exactly what Nexon is doing with the Re;Zero crossover. With the Random and style boxes for Sword Art and Attack on Titan you at least got an item related to the franchise's being sponsored since the box was filled with nothing but sponsor items.
However, with the Re;Zero crossover you have a VERY low chance of getting an item related to the sponsorship since a majority of the items are unrelated to the series being sponsored, aka "Other fine items" in the context of a quarter machine. In the case of the Style box, only 14 of 50 items are sponsor items, the same could be said for the Random box.
Thus, unless the odds of getting an item related to Re;Zero are higher then the other items, it's more than likely that some people, who have especially bad luck with the premium box, probably won't get a Re;Zero item that isn't a glove,shoe,hat, or Puck related accessory.
I also find it very misleading when Nexon advertises that the hair styles are being released as a guaranteed coupon, but instead decide to release them in a Royal update with three unrelated hairstyles. Don't advertise that you are going to put the hairs in a guaranteed coupon on a live stream, if your not going to do it.
On the other hand, I am not a Re:Boot player, but I find it a little BS, that you are pretty much forced to buy the Random box with NX if you want the Re;Zero titles, medals, androids, or chairs, since you otherwise, have to pay 500 million a box for a very low chance to get that Remroid or permanent pendant slot.
Personally, I think that instead of giving us "other fine items" in the Re;Zero boxes, Nexon should of made seperate boxes with items just related to the sponsorship so that people who want just the sponsor items can get them. Yet, at the same time adding the other unrelated items in an update to the premium surprise style box/philosophers cache,etc. At the same time, I think that Nexon should of placed the Re;Zero hairstyles in a guaranteed coupon, and simply added the three unrelated hairs in a true Royal update.
All and all the Re;Zero sponsorship was very much appreciated, but it could of been handled much better. But, as it stands the cash shop aspect of the update was done in poor taste because nexon defeated the purpose of Re:Boot by making the items pretty much pay to win, made the sponsor items almost impossible to get due to their "Other fine items included" model, thus favoring the users who have a lot of money or mesos to burn, and resorted to false advertisement, in which they say they are going to do one thing, but do some else completely, unrelated.
I really hope that Nexon listens to feedback and improves the cash shop portion of the update.
I like how you included a solution to this problem you illustrated. Thats how feedback should be given
buying mesos, selling NX are both illegal and would result into thread being locked, so just stop.
Back to main point: Nexon really needs to change this, like people have been saying how Sao's black swordsmen and beater were P2W
they were not as crazy horrific as this lmao..
these boxes only have like 10 of 100 event based items.
Your first mistake was putting a bunch of non-event items w/ these event items.
all im showing is how they may be discredited for the way they respond to my disagreeing. but youre right.