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What main mobile games do you play?
in order to kill time to get an issue fixed with the launcher, i decided why not ask including GMs what are their poisons when it comes to mobile gaming.
Ill just say these are mine:
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Summoner's War
Brave Frontier
Legend of the Cryptids
a couple others not worth mentioning too much since its on and off for them
But anyway feel free to post what you play
Here's a list of my gatchas:
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Kingdom Hearts X
Tales of Link
Dragon Ball Dokkan Battle
Fire Emblem Heroes
Bleach Brave Souls
I'm also definitely adding Fate Grand Order to that list when it comes out in 3 days
Just these two.
Jurassic World the Game
Hungry Shark World
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
Fire Emblem Heroes
I currently most actively play FE Heroes since it has the most events going on right now.
When I am on the go I also carry around a little old flip GBA with a game named Loopz. Play it on the Railway often, or Tetris.
Tales of Link
Final fantasy
Brave frontier
Soccer Spirits.
Fire Emblem Heroes
Phantom of the Kill
My phone has too many bloat-ware apps but from what space I do have (that it gave me to work with), I manged to get these games I play regularly:
1) Skydoms
2) Run for Cheese
3) WWE Champions
I also picked up that new final fantasy 15 mobile game.
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2) AQ3D
3) Linear Quest
4) Last Day On Earth!
Anyway some new adds: (P.S. Have no life XD )
Valkyrie Connect
Legion of Heroes
this i found funny
same as forum id add me as mentor
lvl 50 just yesterday
are you a whale or F2P person in FFBE just out of curiosity
it was tempting but idk it may be just me feels like a branch off of Clash, just with final fantasy
F2P, I'm F2P in everything actually. Well sometimes I decide to spend a little money here and there, but those occasions are pretty rare.
[EA]Star Wars Heroes
[Ateam]Valkyrie Connect (Hatsune Miku collab!)
[Kongregate]Bit Heroes
Coin Princess
[Pongo]The Battle Cats (OH MY!)
Played Brave Frontier, but good grief this game gets huge! Noticed they had an Arc System Works collab (Guilty Gear and BlazBlue).
Played Soccer Spirits, and Final Fantasy Record Keeper as well.
Played more games than that, but I forgot them. ._.