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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Combine the all the regular worlds into 1 world.
There's really not much else to say that hasn't already been said but either give us a chance to transfer into Scania or merge every world together to bring back some life to the non-Scanian worlds.
Then you must not think at all.. I've seen over 40 people quit on my buddy list because all they do is complain that the world is so dead and they can't find anything to buy/do and the community part is dead.. All of your comments are just idiotic LOL. People are way more in favor of a merge together, its just butthurt grazed is too scared of any competition and likes a dead game.. sorry but the majority doesn't
Windia is bigger then Bera and Broa is too now since it merged with Khaini
See, this comment isnt worth addressing, you sound more hurt than anyone else. Youre invested too much into this that youre making things personal. I dont see a world merge happening any time soon. 40 people isnt even .1% of the GMS population. To say thats the majority is statistically inaccurate. Nothing personal kid, strictly business.
you dont even know which world I play in to be mentioning GRAZED people are scared, implying I play in a world alliance from GRAZED
Arent they allianced, not exactly merged.
They could also fuse Windia and Bera, that way it would be more similar to Scania in population, maybe fuse all the others worlds that have aliances with each other.
They also really need to make Reboot world with 30channels, it's really full right now and i'm not sure if making a Reboot2 would be better than adding more channels.
Something like this is more probable, instead of 1 world, say about 5. But stability would first have to be worked on. but maybe world stability isnt that great now since the server is divided into the 10+ worlds it hosts
do you work for nexon? You have no idea the numbers saying things won't be any different. You're just making assumptions then saying strictly business? Seems lulzy at best. But keep up your strictly business approach for a company that you don't work for
Never claimed to work for Nexon, "strictly business" would mean that Im not looking at things subjectively, more objectively. Understand? Why are you trying to pick a fight.
I can make assumptions with the free information that is available. You dont need to work for Nexon to know 40 people isnt even 1% of player base.
the profits wont change, say theres 40 people buying nx but in 5 different worlds, thats 8 people buying per world.
now merge the worlds into 1, it is still 40 people buying nx, however much they buy doesnt matter, it is still the same amount of people buying. and regardless of the merger or division, all the revenue goes to nexon. so they dont have to be in the same world for nexon to profit.
You said this before I even said anything about the 40 people in my 1 dead world with 4 rooms.. That is actually a lot in Mybkcn.. 40 ppl is a ton quitting.
Also i'm starting to think you have some sort of mental problem so I'm not gonna bother with you anymore LOL. You are using 1 post as an example for something you said before I even posted. You just blurt bullsht when you have no numbers in front of you, no facts, just your stupid old opinion. You will get far in life my friend, nothing will ever change with growth
k, thanks for surrendering. Id challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed.
Why are you so against the merging?
Not going to answer any personal questions. Why try make this about me.
Sorry I apologise I'll edit it out.
At the very least, merge GRAZED with something. If we merged with MYBCKN, it'd still be pretty dead, but not that dead. Seems like a good compromise. I dunno how Khroa is, but if it's also feeling dead, it could merge with Bera. I think Windia and Scania are fine as-is.
And yes, a fair amount of people have quit because their servers are "dead". I've known a few people like this, and I don't even really socialize that much lol. That may not be the case on Reboot, Scania, or Windia (because duh, those servers aren't dead). But GRAZED? This definitely happens.
I also find it hard to believe that 40 people make up less than .1% of the population. That implies there are over 40k active MapleStory players. I guess it depends on your definition of "active", though. But even padding that number with thousands of bots, I don't think there are over 40k "active" (let's define it as unique players that have logged in for the past week) players. If we extend it to a month AND include the bots (including the ones that got banned), then maybe. Since don't like 8-10k get banned a week or something?