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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
How many years has it been?
How many years has it been since I've been back to this site? For that matter, how many years has it been since I first played it. I feel like Professor Farnsworth after his lifetime membership card expired. I'm such an old school Mapler that my account has died and rotten to dirt. I don't even know if it exists anymore. I sure as heck don't remember my password, or even my login anymore.
Through sheer happenstance, I started to listen to the old maple songs I remember, and it got me all nostalgic and teary eyed for the old days. I wonder what the old MINT members are doing now? I'm sure everyone who remembered me has long since moved on with their lives. Graduated college, gotten married, maybe had some kids. Makes me feel old.
Don't get me wrong, I do not miss spending months and months just trying to get to lv 30. Hours spend outside KPQ, using auto-click, scouts and every dirty trick in the book in order to be the team that entered. How many dozens of hours did I spend grinding those undead monkies as a cleric? And LPQ, what a nightmare that was. Just as bad as getting into KPQ, but you had those whiners who did nothing but complain if you didn't know the JMS system for the password blocks.
Looking back on it, I cannot believe the amount of time I spend grinding. Literally hours on 2x time just for a level or two, and that was considered fast. I spent years grinding for hours every night in hopes that I could reach lv 90, and be allowed to join the Zakum raid. Yes, I said raid. Full teams of 30, to beat Zakum. The power creep is amazing. And the lag, OMG! The lag. It was a flip of a coin to whether you wouldn't lag out, no matter how good your comp was. But it was all worth it though for the chance to be put on the Zak helm list.
*Sigh* I just wanted to reminisce a little bit. The game balance was truly awful back then, and the grind was just unbelievable. But I'll never forget those times with my old friends. They were what made it bearable.

Since you haven't mentioned any other areas or classes past Ludibrium I can only assume from back in 2006.
All I can say is that back then Old MapleStory at the time had the perfect mix of both updates and the community. It was a major success.
But I wouldn't say to bring it back either. If anything I would say the modern MapleStory is missing something, or rather missing a few things to that the old had which is why it isn't as popular today.
For the MMO I first started out with and have stuck with till this very day unlike any other games, I'm a bit surprised I'm still here. Maybe a bias opinion but nevertheless my own.
I can't deny, there is a part of me what wants to redownload the game, and look around for a while. See all the new bosses, classes and areas.
Even so, I've always come back to the game every few years. I miss the camaraderie from the old days, but Reboot has been a pretty awesome experience so far. I'm not into leveling all that much now, but it's nice making it all the way through Ludibrium for once
Hey surprisingly Nexon is super cooperative with lost accounts, probably because a lot of the population is the likes of us- people coming back to the game after years of a break. If you know ANYTHING about your account, like your email address you used or just your login, and upload a piece of government id (i know thats excessive) you'll get it back in a week. I did this last year for my old maplestory account, and they had no problem giving me the account back. I even told them I lied about the DoB and it wouldn't match up with my id lol. Definitely worth the try. But if you do play again for a casual experience, play reboot server. atleast you'll have a chance at being competitive without spending +1000 bucks, anyone playing the main servers without spending the money is simply not even comparable.
Also a question. Can you ajust and reassign linked skills from the login screen, or do you still need to go to every single freaking character one by one to link multiple skills to one character? I hated doing this every time I make a new class.
you can manage link skills with the linkskill manager UI on every character
now linking and unlinking skills can be done on the same character you want them on, so it's a trivial matter now.
also the Reboot server, is a more classical RPG styled server, where there is no P2W factors ( except the pet situation, people will argue), you can buy cubes, second pendant slots, character expansions and most of the non-cosmetic stuff for meso, but there is also no trading of any kind from player to player (even through dropping items) and trading witin the account through storage is limited to all non-equipment items, equipment items can not be moved though your account on reboot. The thing is though, pretty much everyone uses a meso farming mule (A kanna) to fund their character and so unless you want to spend hours farming meso it may or maynot be the server for you.
also for future reference, no character transfers are allowed to reboot from non-reboot worlds, or from non-reboot worlds to reboot.
Since I never bought NX, money has always been a problem for me. I never owned any high-end items, just random drops I found. I was the cliche poor cleric.
BTW, are Jr. Boogies familures still the best thing ever?
Jr. Boogies familiars are still the best thing ever. Recovers a large amount of MP continuously.
You could play as a bishop again.
They got revamped and so much better that they can survive by themselfes.
A strong class that I also recommed you is kinesis.
They deal high damage in a really fast time.
You don't need to worry about mp, kinesis have pp.
The only annoying thing can be the buffs.
Logging in now as opposed to 2006 is mega different. Leveling got easier but it came with the cost of party questing. Why do party quests when you can level. In the past level 21 - 30 we relied on Kerning City PQ for our levels, where as now we can get there in more then half of the time it took for us to get there from a PQ.
Theme Dungeons also kinda replaced parties.. Nexon wants to bring back Parties, but this game just isn't that social anymore. Now we have maplers scrambling for a map to solo lol
At any rate, log in the game and level up. I'd say start logging in after next update
I gave Jr Boogies to all my characters who use MP regardless of class lol xD Best thing eva! =3
That means I have access to my linked skills and all my old Bellocan characters, including some you apparently can't make now (Zero)
Zero and Beast tamer are only open for creation at special periods but congrats on getting your old account back.