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Changes to Drop Rate Formula Confirmation

Reactions: 17,755
Posts: 498
edited August 2017 in Announcements
Greetings Maplers,

We made a promise to keep the community informed ahead of time should balance changes to the drop rate be applied in the Global version of MapleStory.

We have confirmed that these balance changes will be a part of our v188 update. We’re aware of the initial feedback that the community had towards this change and we’d like to share the reasoning behind this decision. Progression for each Mapler is different and this progression was heavily divided by how fast and efficient an individual could farm for items.

From the release of new content, a visible line could be seen between those with a great deal of drop rate gear to those who could not acquire such gear. It is the intention of this change to address this widening gap and the balance of content completion across all Maplers.

With the changes to the balance of drop rate, the formula for drop rate gear will be changed. This means that stacking a great deal of items dedicated towards increasing drop rate will not have the same effectiveness as it does currently.

Again, we know that this will affect our hardcore Maplers who have invested time and resource into acquiring the best drop rate gear. Due to this, there will also be an increase to the base drop rate of highly sought after farmable items such as Nodestones with this update. Additionally, we will do our best to introduce more events with desired items obtained through previous means of farming as rewards.

Thank you,

- Maple Team


  • HHG1HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
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    edited August 2017
    ArgentYumieTakagiCythosFutureChrisFlinCatharanthusLilyflowerRollsJuckingStalkyand 19 others.
  • bazzybazzy
    Reactions: 1,525
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    edited August 2017
    So you knew that it would affect the "hardcore Maplers" that spend money on cubes and "increased the base drop rate" of items like Nodestones? No offense but this is almost pointless on your behalf.
    ArgentBooberpuppyKevushiPermalormarkieTacoLOLXXCHAOZzZgvnalmanzaPirateIzzydarikand 1 other.
  • JuckingJucking
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 20
    edited August 2017
    This is a big f you to reboot players farming for 240 droplets. Droplets already average to 1/hr, I don't even want to imagine how long it will take after this nerf. This change single handedly makes me not want this patch to come to live servers.
    ArgentCythosFlinContrastNyaraBooberpuppyKingofFurriesDaKokoaKevushilormarkieand 5 others.
  • LolaBunnyLolaBunny
    Reactions: 2,785
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    edited August 2017
    Sigh, good to know Nexon America would rather follow the KMS's path than to listen to their community on these changes. Like really, this is just going to hurt reboot even more and make drop rate gear worthless. Thanks a lot...
    ArgentPirateIzzyCythosFlinBooberpuppyKingofFurriesIts2Sharp4URollsBahamut_XDaKokoaand 6 others.
  • ArgentArgent
    Reactions: 3,090
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    edited August 2017
    Well I guess this is it then, I'm probably done. Seems more and more updates are being made to increase the grind and slow progress.

    All I'm getting is "We heard all your complaints about these changes and decided to go through with it anyways." Which isn't unexpected, it's just disappointing. More event grind is going to help and likely won't even make it to Reboot considering past events for those on that server. Unless nodes, symbols, droplets and the like have a 10x increase in there base rate, it won't matter. Good luck to those of you who can afford to spend 2-3x the amount of time you already spend on this game.

  • FunkyCasFunkyCas
    Reactions: 770
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    edited August 2017
    Who will this benefit? Botters. (You know, the ones that you do nothing about.)
    Who will this hinder? Legit players that spent time, money and effort making drop gear.

    I realize it's just copy- paste KMS and you don't have much to say when it comes down to it, but KMS don't have anywhere near our amounts of bots and macroers. You have to take these changes into consideration if you refuse to do anything about illicit players. It's ridiclous.

    "Again, we know that this will affect our hardcore Maplers who have invested time and resource into acquiring the best drop rate gear. Due to this, there will also be an increase to the base drop rate of highly sought after farmable items such as Nodestones with this update."
    That's not an appropriate response, you're basically nerfing players with drop gear and buffing the ones without? How does that justify anything.

    "Additionally, we will do our best to introduce more events with desired items obtained through previous means of farming as rewards. "
    You mean those events that lag you so badly you can't farm anything? Kind of like this Eluna event? Yeah no thanks.
    ArgentTorippiHHG1XXCHAOZzZPirateIzzyPonPonCythoskennyabsilliFlinJuckingand 16 others.
  • OnePunchTomOnePunchTom
    Reactions: 420
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    edited August 2017
    Sigh nexon, keep killing your game, the one I grew up with and used to love...
  • craftymoosecraftymoose
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    edited August 2017
    "From the release of new content, a visible line could be seen between those with a great deal of drop rate gear to those who could not acquire such gear. "

    So are we going to see a nerf to frenzy totems or firestarter rings? there's a huge visible line between those with these items and those who could not acquire such gear.
    Probably not seeing as these items are whats making people throw money at the game right now. we all knew the nerf was coming but don't try to belittle us by saying its for the players
    HHG1RollsArgentFunkyCasPirateIzzyCythosFlinLilyflowerAKradianShadowParadoxand 19 others.
  • TorippiTorippi
    Reactions: 1,540
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    edited August 2017
    With this up-coming change, I'm foreseeing even more botters in the game. This is a huge slap in the face to actual players who dedicate their time into grinding for gears that are already hard to obtain. Great move, Nexon. *sarcasm*
    RollsArgentCythosLilyflowerJuckingBooberpuppyKingofFurriesIts2Sharp4URennipommepouffeand 3 others.
  • ContrastContrast
    Reactions: 1,615
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    edited August 2017
    If drop rate multiplier are decreased how long does nexon expect Reboot players to farm for before being able to obtain arcane items. With no dailies in sight from KMS, people are already hitting 250 way before getting anywhere close to 240 droplets. While I know Reboot issues are less relevant to decision making based on time/profit investment, I feel that this is still laughable. With further nerfs people will be hitting 250 with less than half the required droplets just for the weapon itself let alone other pieces of the set. Instead of lowering the gap between players (as we all know at this new rate, less dedicated players are pretty much be barred from these items), nexon is just increasing the time of getting these weapons to over 300+ hours of active gameplay. Does that seem reasonable?
  • BMW750iBMW750i
    Reactions: 485
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    edited August 2017
    How are we suppose to play reboot with these insanely low drop rates? FFS.
  • DetrivanceDetrivance
    Reactions: 2,405
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    edited August 2017
    With this change it basically forces people to either cube or buy two line drop gear just to be able to have near the equivalent of 180% drop. For people who are free to play in non-reboot servers, this is almost impossible to achieve since the whales of the game will either out bid player with either an absurd amount of meso or actual real life money.

    It has also been shown by KMS players that even with the additional drop rate buff of node stones and symbols that there is no way that it will ever be better than what we currently have now. It is going to take players longer to progress! Economies for node stones spike till again free to play players can't afford the items in order to level their skills. Symbols will also take longer to obtain because people will just have to resort to doing dailies to level them up.

    Not only are node stones and symbols the main concern of players but it is also the cubes that can be obtained through bosses. Free to play people use these to upgrade their gear or make gear to sell in the free market or the auction house. However, now its going to be even harder to obtain these items.

    This is a horrible change and hopefully the community will voice their opinion loud enough for Nexon to actually reconsider.
  • haymanhayman
    Reactions: 955
    Posts: 13
    edited August 2017
    i spent $1600 on cubing my drop gear. now you going to nerf it. it is going to affect how I farm cubes? I spend years to get my drop gear and farming mules from playing. how can I trust you when ever I invested my time in the game and you guys end game nerfing things.
  • MikevsZodaMikevsZoda
    Reactions: 1,055
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    edited August 2017
    When it comes to multiplayer games, when trying to close the gap between weaker or less dedicated players and the hardcore set, I feel it's always better to give the people lower on the totem a leg up rather than kick those at the top down. Clearly Nexon holds the opposite opinion. Instead of making life easier for "those who could not acquire [drop gear]" (?????), this only makes life harder everyone, including the aforementioned people who now won't be able to catch up in a reasonable amount of time. No amount of specious reasoning will change the reality of that.

    But, alas, we've all known for the last 6 months that this was inevitably coming, ever since we saw the translated KMS patch notes. It's going to be awful, but I've made my peace with it. I just hope that many people got a head start on their progression in that time. I feel sorry for those low level or newer players that this change is supposed to be for (?????), since they will never even have a chance to have that same advantage that those of us with high drop rate did for all this time. All they have now is an even longer grind than we ever did.
  • haymanhayman
    Reactions: 955
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    edited August 2017
    i can imagine all the loyal maple players who supports this game is going to quit including me if its going to nerf really bad. there is no other ways to make meso to cubing without spending a lot of money with out drop gear anyways. hope you guys change the drop gear rate back to normal soon. If you want to close the gap between rich and poor. make a store that rewards guild members and alliance members for bossing together or doing events together.
  • MakeUCryAlotMakeUCryAlot
    Reactions: 380
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    edited August 2017
    This is a slap to the face of every dedicated mapler.... With how this game is progressing you are making it so the only ones who will benefit from these "updates" are the bots and hackers. We have seen a gradual decrease in quality of life for this game. as it goes on all your going to be left are the hackers and botters. Why have GM's in game at that point. i mean you can still make money on the hackers who buy pets. At the point the game starts making nerfs/buffs to combat the hackers instead of just banning them, you know the game is going downhill quickly
  • thrakkesthrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
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    edited August 2017
    All Nexon needs to do for non-Reboot servers are to make nodestones fully tradeable from monster drop, like KMS does.
  • SilvaSilva
    Reactions: 1,085
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    edited August 2017
    Well, as those are who complaining are mostly those with high drop rate gear, I'll make my opinion heard as someone with no drop rate gear (and will never be able to get one) despite the hate I may get.

    Higher base drop rate for nodestones and other highly desired items? Hurray for that!!!
  • DaxiDaxi
    Reactions: 1,800
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    edited August 2017
    Well I'm looking forward to the change myself for a number of reasons.

    Thanks for keeping us all informed. :)
  • BMW750iBMW750i
    Reactions: 485
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    edited August 2017
    Silva wrote: »
    Well, as those are who complaining are mostly those with high drop rate gear, I'll make my opinion heard as someone with no drop rate gear (and will never be able to get one) despite the hate I may get.

    Higher base drop rate for nodestones and other highly desired items? Hurray for that!!!

    I don't think you understand what this means. Droplets will be nearly impossible to get, i know you're probably not even there yet or endgame but to us this update is abysmall.
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