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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
[Announcement] Regarding Kanna's Haku's Blessing
But hey, atleast now i can compete with Beast Tamer for worst class
You say that one of the main issues is that physically-based classes whine about not getting damage, and yet your 'fix' is to just lower the amount it buffs the magic-based classes...? Why not change it so that you receive Final Damage instead of Magic Attack, which will actually fix the issue for both classes?
All this post really says is 'we are too lazy to actually implement real changes, and instead we're going to copy & paste something because we don't have the technical know-how to deal with it.' Good job, Nexon - keep pleasing those customers!
So why you guys try to make Nexon NA not to follow TMS? it's pointless.
This patch if it's the same as the TMS patch would cut her already weak stature in half, resulting in being a middle of the road character to being absolutely crap! Nexon for the love of Sengoku please reconsider this and think of something else that won't break Kanna's back... If you have to throw this patch in because of your higher ups then just take all the negative feedback your about to get and just use it as an excuse to point out that it was a dumb idea to even try to fix a problem that you created and toss the patch out in a week. (looking at you party buff that should have stayed solo!)
Players are left in the dark over and over again. You can see this on many different threads in "SUGGESTIONS, FEEDBACK, AND REQUESTS".
Sometimes where alot of people agree with the original poster, or if a poll is put up and a big majority votes yes, but not even a single reply from Nexon.
I mean, I don't care if something is not implented, but they should just be concerned and comment why, or why not something would be implemented, HONESTLY.
And by this I don't mean every suggestion has to be commented on by Nexon, but atleast comment on the threads where a multitude of players express their concerns, or topics where you see alot of duplicate threads created.
Below are just a few examples where the CM/Nexon should have stepped in and comment that is has been discussed by a dev team, and included why Nexon wants or doesn't want to implement a certain suggestion. This would also help to stop people from making duplicate threads because players feel their threads a being neglected. And c'mon Nexon, it literally takes 2 minutes to write a comment, and if it takes a lot of time to discuss a topic with the dev's, that's okay, but atleast take the time to write what and if something has been discussed so players are not left in the dark.
These are just my 2cents, an issue I am worried about since this makes players drift further and further from the Nexon island.
Heres some of us protesting by having a LUCID FUN RUN
That was exactly my point. They never even acknowledge suggestions.
~A worried Kanna main.
Haku's Blessing's formula should stay the same.
HOWEVER, it should be a self-buff and not apply to other mage parties.
Haku's Blessing balances Kanna but it breaks other mage classes. So it should only apply to Kanna.
Everything you need to know about the current GMS team summed up in one sentence.
Stop messing with the damn class.
As some have already said, I don't think this senseless Kanna nerf is about Kanna at all.
To me it looks more like Nexon's patching policy as I've seen suggested.
Thing that I just can't understand is whyyyyyyy do you keep asking for opinions at all when you know it won't matter in the end.
Isn't it enough you kill off our main and still you have to raise false hope just so it hurts more?
This just has to be the most documented case of a Nexon fail with really clear evidence of who's to blame. I never blamed Nexon for the bad hacker attacks even though some of the blame should be on their side for not being better prepared.
But this? This feels like we're being robbed from just one side.
Rip our effort and joy
Edit: Just to add, some friends as well as me were waiting since the introduction of Sengoku for endless Kanna bugs and issues that were constantly there to be fixed to the point where it almost did become balanced just to have this following right after. Forgive me, but this just hits emotionally.
I had around 800k range, now i got 250k.
The blessing was nerfed to hell which it doesn't help mages at all. very very little change.
How can you say you want to make Kanna's more equal when you nerf them....
Simple solution was change, magic damage buff to straight up damage.
What do you Kannas think?