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[Announcement] Regarding Kanna's Haku's Blessing


  • ThatGuyZennyThatGuyZenny
    Reactions: 1,300
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    edited October 2017
    Thanks for Killing my main, ive put atleast 4 years of work in my kanna and now she wil be ruined. ill still main her tho, but now i go from giving people boss carry's to the one asking for boss carry's.

    But hey, atleast now i can compete with Beast Tamer for worst class <3, and i can still be a kishin mule.... never mind frenzy totem is a thing
  • MiraMira
    Reactions: 4,160
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    edited October 2017
    You say you listen to the community, and yet there is an outpouring of evidence-based rebuttals of why this decision is straight-up stupid. We have even provided what I consider very reasonable alternative measures to take to ensure the class doesn't become utterly useless in one fell swoop.

    You say that one of the main issues is that physically-based classes whine about not getting damage, and yet your 'fix' is to just lower the amount it buffs the magic-based classes...? Why not change it so that you receive Final Damage instead of Magic Attack, which will actually fix the issue for both classes?

    All this post really says is 'we are too lazy to actually implement real changes, and instead we're going to copy & paste something because we don't have the technical know-how to deal with it.' Good job, Nexon - keep pleasing those customers! :/
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited October 2017
    I have a suggestion for you, Arwoo (and the entire Nexon staff): delete the suggestions subforum. It's obvious nobody at Nexon actually values the suggestions/feedback given by players, proven time and time again, and at this point nobody is fooled.
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited October 2017
    Did Nexon NA took in consideration not to follow KMS with the drop rate nerff? I doubt it.. everyone in GMS community asked not to do it and yet.. here we are.

    So why you guys try to make Nexon NA not to follow TMS? it's pointless.
  • ClunkersClunkers
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 3
    edited October 2017
    So .. is there even a reason to play maple if we are a Kanna at end game? I mean think about it, if we are losing between 50-70% damage due to this TMS bandaid that no one asked for, that just means we either have to Prime, Leg/Leg, our gear which we were already doing, only to have the actual bonus of that cut in half or more for our bossing runs... I'm a 221 Kanna and I just came back 2 weeks ago since last anniversary and the 2nd 5th job skill releases and just kinda orbiting around until I saw something promising. I then come to find out that you guys at Nexon NA are planning a TMS patch that is absolutely trash for us? Whats the point then, just ruining a class just so you can say you did something about it? I absolutely love Kanna, ever since her introduction her skill rotations, multiple ultimates, and overall mana management is something I wish other games had, add in Kishin and it's a perfect myriad of skill types. Her problems still stem from ABYSMAL % damage on skills the absolute worst in the entire game... But pumping in time effort and some money here and there to perfect my weapons and gears has shown she can at least level and be playable beyond level 210.

    This patch if it's the same as the TMS patch would cut her already weak stature in half, resulting in being a middle of the road character to being absolutely crap! Nexon for the love of Sengoku please reconsider this and think of something else that won't break Kanna's back... If you have to throw this patch in because of your higher ups then just take all the negative feedback your about to get and just use it as an excuse to point out that it was a dumb idea to even try to fix a problem that you created and toss the patch out in a week. (looking at you party buff that should have stayed solo!)
  • SesomSlayerSesomSlayer
    Reactions: 1,185
    Posts: 85
    edited October 2017
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    I have a suggestion for you, Arwoo (and the entire Nexon staff): delete the suggestions subforum. It's obvious nobody at Nexon actually values the suggestions/feedback given by players, proven time and time again, and at this point nobody is fooled.

    Players are left in the dark over and over again. You can see this on many different threads in "SUGGESTIONS, FEEDBACK, AND REQUESTS".
    Sometimes where alot of people agree with the original poster, or if a poll is put up and a big majority votes yes, but not even a single reply from Nexon.

    I mean, I don't care if something is not implented, but they should just be concerned and comment why, or why not something would be implemented, HONESTLY.

    And by this I don't mean every suggestion has to be commented on by Nexon, but atleast comment on the threads where a multitude of players express their concerns, or topics where you see alot of duplicate threads created.

    Below are just a few examples where the CM/Nexon should have stepped in and comment that is has been discussed by a dev team, and included why Nexon wants or doesn't want to implement a certain suggestion. This would also help to stop people from making duplicate threads because players feel their threads a being neglected. And c'mon Nexon, it literally takes 2 minutes to write a comment, and if it takes a lot of time to discuss a topic with the dev's, that's okay, but atleast take the time to write what and if something has been discussed so players are not left in the dark.

    These are just my 2cents, an issue I am worried about since this makes players drift further and further from the Nexon island.

  • KatieTheKannaKatieTheKanna
    Reactions: 310
    Post: 1
    edited October 2017
    This nerf is pointless, why is nexon doing this?? I understand the Kish nerf, and i honestly rather have they destroy kish and let us keep our buffs, that would make more economic sense since nexon can sell more frenzys. When was the last time you heard, "Main a kanna they are OP" heck no. Why destroy a whole class over what? Maybe just cause some hackers use kannas, thats all mainly in reboot anyways. Don't punish kanna mains just because you guys cant control your hackers. And the bot kanna mules dont even use haku buffs they only use kish. SOOO pointles, just like nexon to ruin their own game. Yall need to fire the incompetent employee who thought this was a good idea, since you guys clearly don't play your own game.

    Heres some of us protesting by having a LUCID FUN RUN
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited October 2017

    Players are left in the dark over and over again. You can see this on many different threads in "SUGGESTIONS, FEEDBACK, AND REQUESTS".
    Sometimes where alot of people agree with the original poster, or if a poll is put up and a big majority votes yes, but not even a single reply from Nexon.

    I mean, I don't care if something is not implented, but they should just be concerned and comment why, or why not something would be implemented, HONESTLY.

    And by this I don't mean every suggestion has to be commented on by Nexon, but atleast comment on the threads where a multitude of players express their concerns, or topics where you see alot of duplicate threads created.

    Below are just a few examples where the CM/Nexon should have stepped in and comment that is has been discussed by a dev team, and included why Nexon wants or doesn't want to implement a certain suggestion. This would also help to stop people from making duplicate threads because players feel their threads a being neglected. And c'mon Nexon, it literally takes 2 minutes to write a comment, and if it takes a lot of time to discuss a topic with the dev's, that's okay, but atleast take the time to write what and if something has been discussed so players are not left in the dark.

    These are just my 2cents, an issue I am worried about since this makes players drift further and further from the Nexon island.


    That was exactly my point. They never even acknowledge suggestions.
  • SlayerJSlayerJ
    Reactions: 1,090
    Posts: 49
    edited October 2017
    Oh man this whole thread is just making my sick to my stomach. The recent buff was wonderful and I finally felt less useless, so to hear that we'll be set back to before, or even worse, oh man. x_x Kanna's Barriers/binds for boss support and kishin for grinding support is enough really, just make Haku a self buff, don't punish her dps. > <
    ~A worried Kanna main.
  • grassgrass
    Reactions: 1,540
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    edited October 2017
    In my honest opinion,

    Haku's Blessing's formula should stay the same.

    HOWEVER, it should be a self-buff and not apply to other mage parties.

    Haku's Blessing balances Kanna but it breaks other mage classes. So it should only apply to Kanna.
  • VenrousVenrous
    Reactions: 605
    Posts: 13
    edited October 2017
    Here are the interesting calculations. Take them into the consideration:

  • Retr0_Retr0_
    Reactions: 2,065
    Posts: 144
    edited October 2017
    " In the end, I want to make it clear that there is a distinction between us listening and acting on the feedback. "

    Everything you need to know about the current GMS team summed up in one sentence.
  • AlbinorockAlbinorock
    Reactions: 2,205
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    edited October 2017
    You guys are being so stupid about this.
    Stop messing with the damn class.
  • OwIieOwIie
    Reactions: 1,031
    Posts: 28
    edited October 2017
    I don't have a reputation of doing this but I just have to say something.

    As some have already said, I don't think this senseless Kanna nerf is about Kanna at all.

    To me it looks more like Nexon's patching policy as I've seen suggested.
    Thing that I just can't understand is whyyyyyyy do you keep asking for opinions at all when you know it won't matter in the end.

    Isn't it enough you kill off our main and still you have to raise false hope just so it hurts more?

    This just has to be the most documented case of a Nexon fail with really clear evidence of who's to blame. I never blamed Nexon for the bad hacker attacks even though some of the blame should be on their side for not being better prepared.

    But this? This feels like we're being robbed from just one side.

    Rip our effort and joy

    Edit: Just to add, some friends as well as me were waiting since the introduction of Sengoku for endless Kanna bugs and issues that were constantly there to be fixed to the point where it almost did become balanced just to have this following right after. Forgive me, but this just hits emotionally.
  • lalala12345lalala12345
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 16
    edited October 2017
    GMS basically killed Kanna in general. I have friends who main a kanna and quitting because of this. You guys should have kept the Haku's Blessing but remove the party buff. RIP Kanna, Kishin mule again..
  • AlbinorockAlbinorock
    Reactions: 2,205
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    edited October 2017
    Sike, it's back to being an only Kishin mule.
    I had around 800k range, now i got 250k.
    The blessing was nerfed to hell which it doesn't help mages at all. very very little change.
    How can you say you want to make Kanna's more equal when you nerf them....
    Simple solution was change, magic damage buff to straight up damage.
    What do you Kannas think?
  • VenrousVenrous
    Reactions: 605
    Posts: 13
    edited October 2017
    You just killed Kanna class. Congratulations.
  • ZakumwepZakumwep
    Reactions: 775
    Posts: 11
    edited October 2017
    Now that the patch has officially gone through and I've been able to confirm the results I wanted to add some more information. My range is less than half what it used to be, and I'm hitting about 55% less. Its so bad that despite being lvl 242, 10* tyrants, 3l m.att absolab fan for my Haku, maxed out nodes and 540 arcane power I don't always 1 shot Arcana mobs with drop gear on (all of which gives at least one line of int still). Nexon can't seriously expect anyone to enjoy playing this class in its current state, and it's definitely not "more competitive" with the other mages now.
  • lalala12345lalala12345
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 16
    edited October 2017
    GMS should've thought this out and tested before doing the changes so quickly.
  • giiiinnnnnnaaaagiiiinnnnnnaaaa
    Reactions: 1,175
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    edited October 2017
    Thank your Nexon for making me waste the last couple of years making a Kanna main.