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Friendship Ring Issue Preventing World Leap


  • MishikuMishiku
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 5
    edited October 2017
    Precisly wrote: »
    This is absolutely ridiculous. I haven't played this game since as it became unplayable. Who cares if there's 500 reports? Start on the ones who submitted before you guys made this issue known. It is possible to work on reports and move characters at the same time. This is ridiculous.

    Whoa damn, seems like not everyone is that patient o_O.
    But on the other hand, I feel your pain :’(.

    I can understand this is a huge problem and not easy to fix, but the fact this issue isn’t even addressed on the homepage, makes me feel anxious.
    The way Nexon’s handling this thus far, makes me feel not taken seriously. I bet a lot of players are feeling the same way..
    Plus, Nexon doesn’t have a great track record of fixing important bugs.
    This proves how crisis communication for problems like these is super important.
    Without any concrete information and communication about this issue, players will get mad and angry comments like these are kinda bound to happen...

    Hope to hear some updates regarding this issue soon...
  • ArwooArwoo
    Reactions: 17,755
    Posts: 498
    edited October 2017
    As you've already pointed out, it's difficult for us to show everyone that this issue is indeed top priority. The most we can do at this point is to keep communicating to everyone that the issue is being investigated. Once we have a resolution or a conclusion to this case, we'll be sure to inform everyone of the steps moving forward.
    Mishiku wrote: »
    Whoa damn, seems like not everyone is that patient o_O.
    But on the other hand, I feel your pain :’(.

    I can understand this is a huge problem and not easy to fix, but the fact this issue isn’t even addressed on the homepage, makes me feel anxious.
    The way Nexon’s handling this thus far, makes me feel not taken seriously. I bet a lot of players are feeling the same way..
    Plus, Nexon doesn’t have a great track record of fixing important bugs.
    This proves how crisis communication for problems like these is super important.
    Without any concrete information and communication about this issue, players will get mad and angry comments like these are kinda bound to happen...

    Hope to hear some updates regarding this issue soon...


    Greetings Maplers,

    We’d like to address the issues surrounding the World Leap event that are currently ongoing. The two big issues that we’re faced with:
    • Cases of Maplers who were unable to leap due to an issue with their Friendship Ring.
    • Maplers who were unable to leap to Bera due to a sudden error stating a population limit had been reached.

    Currently, both issues are being investigated and we will keep everyone informed in regards to the results of the investigation.

    For those who were unable to leap due to the Friendship Ring issue, there are plans to look into each instance of this case and move legitimate characters to their desired world.

    For those who were unable to leap due to the Bera population limit, we apologize for this unforeseen issue and will be working to process the transfer for those who have been investigated.

    We ask for your patience as we investigate both cases.

    Thank you,

    - Maple Team

    Web post:
  • QuickDrawerQuickDrawer
    Reactions: 1,750
    Posts: 237
    edited October 2017
    world xfering from bellocan to bera
    ign: SSBiue
    class: buccaneer
    ticket number: #518507 population bug
  • HaiSoDaCoolHaiSoDaCool
    Reactions: 385
    Posts: 12
    edited October 2017
    So is this a hopeless dream or what?
  • DazedDazed
    Reactions: 2,050
    Posts: 38
    edited October 2017
    So is this a hopeless dream or what?

    On one of the recent livestreams he said they MIGHT start moving us this week... but yeahhh... we’ll see :/
  • Zerobeat36Zerobeat36
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 22
    edited October 2017
    Dazed wrote: »
    So is this a hopeless dream or what?

    On one of the recent livestreams he said they MIGHT start moving us this week... but yeahhh... we’ll see :/

    Really? :o This is news to me! I now have high hopes for this upcoming maintenance! But yeah, hopefully the "maybe" part doesn't get in the way. :(
  • ProgenyProgeny
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 6
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2017
    Bera Bug
    Hey Arwoo.
    I had trouble transferring to Bera because of the second bug that you stated were Bera had reached its population limit and thus making me unable to transfer. I have made a post on reddit hoping you would help me out because your Ticket support and Live support did not but then a friend of mine told me to contact you here.

    I speak sincerly out of my heart in this post and I know for a fact that other customers have been treated the same way as I were. I understand why you guys have to do this but I also know you guys HAVE and CAN do better! I would also like to apologize because I think that i've writen and spoken about this subject in a bad manner... I'am not perfect and what have been writen is writen and so I will try my best in the future to express myself as someone who would like to be respected aswell.

    With the text that I have writen I would like you to reinvestigate my ticket or transfer my characters from here.

    Ticket Number: (519004)

    The post

    So as you know if you use the Nexon Launcher or check the websites for updates you probably have heard of the bug in the latest World Transfer Event were the world Bera reached its population limit some how and made it not accessible for you to transfer to that world. Many players were affected by this since it came to life on the last day of the event when everyone had really decided to stay or not. Nexon reached out to us stating this bug and that they are currently investigating the people that were troubled with the bug and that those were to be transferred to their desired world.
    Now I myself were troubled by the bug and did not send in a ticket! Because some of my friends had heard that someone talked to Nexon about it and that they would fix it as I said before and soon later the post went out from Nexon so I thought that I had nothing to worry about. I heard nothing from Nexon about my account and the desired world I wanted to be transferred too for two weeks I think. At this point I got curious on how they are doing and if I can provide any information regarding this and so I reach out to Nexons Live Support and they said that they are currently working on it and that they will post on their websites when they are done, I also asked if I should send in a ticket which they could reference to if anything happens and he said yes and so I did. This story like any other regarding Nexon will not end well... They answered my post two days later with this (check link). I don't know how responde to this because in my eyes it looks like they lied when they said that they knew which were effected or not and did not include me in the investigations. I feel disqustingly unfairly treated and really depressed right now because I have no friends left to play with in my world and I don't want to start over when I've come this far.
    I don't know what to do but I still want to fight. If anyone have contact with some higher ups in Nexon I would die to get in contact with them and ask if they can help me out. Also please share your story if this has happend to you and what you did!
    My ticket: https://gyazo.com/0d406d13a1c8603f34b9d2765c51ee5f
    Their respons: https://gyazo.com/b2368e803e2df6bca6f0a52a72b1f91f
    The News Concerning The Problem: https://gyazo.com/2f7e52bf6cc96d2b792bb85102fc5a2c
    To me they made it sound like they know which had been affected by this and not, because they could see it in their system etc... But clearly they said it tone down the people trying to exploit it.
    Last Respond From GM: https://gyazo.com/b49a2984e4f48d1a376015c7d895dc22

    Thanks in advance and sorry for my terrible english // Jonathan

    My Discord: Jon#6624
  • Zerobeat36Zerobeat36
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 22
    edited October 2017
    Game update notice and updates are out:


    Nothing about World Leap issues. :( I guess we'll just have to wait until after the update is out to check to see if they did something with some of us.
  • DazedDazed
    Reactions: 2,050
    Posts: 38
    edited October 2017
    Zerobeat36 wrote: »
    Game update notice and updates are out:


    Nothing about World Leap issues. :( I guess we'll just have to wait until after the update is out to check to see if they did something with some of us.

    Ughhh... I really hope it's just something they forgot to mention. :(
  • PrecislyPrecisly
    Reactions: 680
    Posts: 23
    edited October 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    As you've already pointed out, it's difficult for us to show everyone that this issue is indeed top priority. The most we can do at this point is to keep communicating to everyone that the issue is being investigated. Once we have a resolution or a conclusion to this case, we'll be sure to inform everyone of the steps moving forward.


    Greetings Maplers,

    We’d like to address the issues surrounding the World Leap event that are currently ongoing. The two big issues that we’re faced with:
    • Cases of Maplers who were unable to leap due to an issue with their Friendship Ring.
    • Maplers who were unable to leap to Bera due to a sudden error stating a population limit had been reached.

    Currently, both issues are being investigated and we will keep everyone informed in regards to the results of the investigation.

    For those who were unable to leap due to the Friendship Ring issue, there are plans to look into each instance of this case and move legitimate characters to their desired world.

    For those who were unable to leap due to the Bera population limit, we apologize for this unforeseen issue and will be working to process the transfer for those who have been investigated.

    We ask for your patience as we investigate both cases.

    Thank you,

    - Maple Team

    Web post:

    Another Wednesday update and this still hasn't been fixed :))))))) not even started :))))))))) nor a new update :))))))))
  • HaiSoDaCoolHaiSoDaCool
    Reactions: 385
    Posts: 12
    edited October 2017
    AHHAHA i told you guys... its just a dream.. I'll see you guys on maple in another year~
  • DemonluckDemonluck
    Reactions: 615
    Posts: 45
    edited October 2017
    i wish all of yell luck on this i know it not fun to play on a dead world with all your buddy in bera i just hope they do this job right as of me i will do not need this i all ready got all my characters in bera
  • KsHolidayKsHoliday
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 5
    edited October 2017
    Hopefully they will move people during the maintenance today. My expectations are low but I still have a small sliver of hope. For me, it's just that Nexon always likes to keep players in the dark when it comes to these issues. Maybe if instead of giving us the same copy/pasted ambiguous replies to our tickets, they could tell us if we will be moved or not so at least we will have some comfort in knowing whether our characters have been given the "green light" or not
  • Zerobeat36Zerobeat36
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 22
    edited October 2017
    Annnnnnd... *drumroll* Nothing. :/ Guessing they are only going to move us when they mention it. Until then nexon, don't even expect me to log onto your game until you move my main character Blah to Bera. You freaking killed Windia, why the hell would I want to play there any more?
  • DazedDazed
    Reactions: 2,050
    Posts: 38
    edited January 2024
    I find it strange how they only moved only certain people so far BEFORE the maintenance...
  • Zerobeat36Zerobeat36
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 22
    edited October 2017
    Dazed wrote: »
    I find it strange how they only moved only certain people so far BEFORE the maintenance...
    I have talked to a few people who have told me a GM had moved them personally or whatever, it seems they are getting special treatment and I would like to know why. :/

    Wait are you serious? People have been getting moved and didn't have to wait for server maintenance's? Man I feel like putting in another ticket then. I've been playing this game for 7 years now and this is the crap I get. They probably had like screenshot proof or something. I sadly do not have that because it never occurred to me that nexon was going to do this bullshit to us.
  • DazedDazed
    Reactions: 2,050
    Posts: 38
    edited October 2017

    Wait are you serious? People have been getting moved and didn't have to wait for server maintenance's? Man I feel like putting in another ticket then. I've been playing this game for 7 years now and this is the crap I get. They probably had like screenshot proof or something. I sadly do not have that because it never occurred to me that nexon was going to do this bullshit to us.

    I have screenshot proof of the error, so that's not it... >:[
    Also noticed some of the people from the first thread: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/16386/event-function-world-leap-ring-issue/p1

    They listed their issue on there and got moved you can see they are in Bera now on the rankings; Snatches, Violin and Scarynn.

  • KimchiKoalaKimchiKoala
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited October 2017
    World transfer from Nova to Bera
    Character: Ventuselink
    Class: Wind Archer
    Ticket #513665
  • LovelyDevilLovelyDevil
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 9
    edited October 2017
    Dazed wrote: »

    Wait are you serious? People have been getting moved and didn't have to wait for server maintenance's? Man I feel like putting in another ticket then. I've been playing this game for 7 years now and this is the crap I get. They probably had like screenshot proof or something. I sadly do not have that because it never occurred to me that nexon was going to do this bullshit to us.

    I have screenshot proof of the error, so that's not it... >:[
    Also noticed some of the people from the first thread: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/16386/event-function-world-leap-ring-issue/p1

    They listed their issue on there and got moved you can see they are in Bera now on the rankings; Snatches, Violin and Scarynn.

    This is very unfair if this is true.
  • ArwooArwoo
    Reactions: 17,755
    Posts: 498
    edited October 2017
    Characters have not been moved as there is no feasible way at the moment to move these characters without a maintenance. We can look into this claim to see if they are indeed true, but there is no intention of moving select individuals before others as:

    1. That's impossible
    2. That's unfair
    3. We've just received word this week on the steps we are taking to address this issue

    Please be on the look out for my post giving an update on the World Leap issue today.