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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Closed Duplicated Item Removal
There is always a way of knowing an item is duped. In EMS we had a duped legendary Carte Finale. It was recognizable in most cases because 99% of the people just kept the same potentials and just sold it, while the smartest ones recubed it. Some forgot to recube the add pot and made it obvious what they were trying to do. As for cards with both potentials modified, it's mostly up to the seller's reliability. It does not take a long research to find out whether the seller is a long date (phantom, in our case) who surely cubed his own carte before the dupe even started, in the other cases you know you're facing a risk.
The card never got deleted, but if it did (I reported at least 30 copies of it), the same topic going on here would have gone on our old forums aswell.
And this is the case I was referring to. You in the end, and people like you, are the few who actually fell victims for it with few chances of preventing it - only one would be being aware that there are many duped outlaws around, and you avoid trading outlaws at any condition until something is sorted out. I know talking like this now is easy, but I have been in this situation myself and luckily I stayed out of it safely. You lost an outlaw, I hope for you to never go through all this again.
I will give you this sentence which is a generalization that includes both your sentences:
"buying items that give advantage on others and holding them"
Perm ban or no? To you the answer. Try to be unbiased.
To be honest those might even be simply items cubed by botters (check FM7 in Luna if you want), they are just impossible to track down once they have been sold because, just like scrolls, cubes disappear once used, and the item is technically legitimate (it's not, but you get me).
This means people who held these duped items were able to get advantage out of them for years, and maybe used thousands of cubes on one item rather than constantly upgrading sets and cubing brand new items, each of them a thousand times, losing much more. Basically, choose between abusing an item to hell and then losing it, or cubing your regular items every time and losing each of them once new equips come out. And you even complain for losing the item! Congratulations, you make dupe abusing seem the way to go.
These few illecit ways we think about are, sadly, by far the mostly used by the vast majority of people who then complain about being hacked "but I didn't do anything wrong" or being busted by Nexon "but I didn't do anything wrong", which enforces my final point:
5 years and nothing has changed. You're right. Years of item duping, years of people buying duped items, years of people complaining if anything is done to correct this, years of the same people falling into buying duped items again in a vicious cycle. If anyone had a grain of brain, you may fall for the wrong (getting scammed, unknowingly buying a dupe) once, but once you get a loss of money over it (the scammed amount, the sum wasted on duped items) you learn to stay away from it and you don't do it again. If you perseverate, either you can't learn from experience or you are in bad faith, both cases where you will keep paying for your misactions to feed first-place abusers like a masochist.
Everyone screaming "I lost X and hacker got away with Y" is those people who systematically forget their own experience. You lost something due to a hacker? Next time you don't feed him your money, pretty sure you won't lose it like that again.
The fault for these losses is not Nexon's for deleting duped items, hell it was the correct move. The fault is on the shoulders of all those who kept feeding the illegit market every time it had freshly been taken down. If nobody bought hacked/duped items from now on, there would never possibly be another topic like this. There will be one in the future, I let you figure out why.
AKradian already explained why that's not really a possibility, because it's not something they can "mark" as it happens and they can only distinguish it after they find (and fix) what exploit was used to make the item, which could take days or as we have seen, can take years.
if they had a way to "mark" it immediately, then why wouldn't they have the system programed to delete said item immediately instead or not let it exist in the first place.
Dejen de llorar perras
So much this. Kids these days have no patience whatsoever. And by kids, I mean the "adults" who go outside the terms and conditions to acquire things with real $$$. Sure, it sucks to lose real money, and it is perfectly your right to spend it how you see fit, but how can you not understand the risks associated with spending that money?!
They dupe ? It'S your fault
You buy a dupe ? It's you fault
It's a mmo where trading and buying item from others is supposed to be an important aspect..... Nope, screw it, you are about to buy a dupe.
I've read this and that's how i feel. Well might aswell just delete the market and auction house no ? You can hardly buy anything legit i guess ? I've barely started playing again after 2-3 years. How should i know if im about to buy a dupe after so much time (unless it's utterly obvious like item with way higher stats than they should) ? Guess i'll just keep my crap gear then.
Don't buy gear from hackers... that should be a red flag to begin with. Also admitting that you paid a hacker with $$ is against Nexon's Rules. Of course its followed with a ban.