Alright, enough with this absurd.
But before I start talking about why we should remove teleport skills in Flag Race, let me say 1 thing.
We are from Bera.
Me and a couple (about 16) of my friends have made up our mind.
In case Teleport Skills will not be removed until the beginning of April, we'll get a very large guild and will start recruit people to it.
(we can easily search for someone who can sell us a guild with 200 slots).
The guild will have only 1 purpose, and that's to get into every Flag Race and bomb as many people as possible, stealing all the Teleport Skills first, etc.
We will be there to make a chaos in a legally way.
I shall start now.
For a long time now, the absurd of Teleport Skills has been driving crazy many other people as well...
How is that even fair? how is that even make any sense? that a few guild members, can easily pick up a skill, teleport to 1 of their guild member, and finish 3 rounds in no time?
As someone who doesn't sit in a big guild which focusing on Flag Race, this is 100% impossible to finish even 2 rounds.... in fact, I haven't finished 3 rounds for a long time now, thanks to the curse that called Teleport Skills.
Flag Race is fun, but the moment Nexon added those Teleport Skills, it completely destroyed the game! me and my friends are very good at Flag Race and yet, we're not even able to finish 2 rounds, because of those cursed Teleport Skills.
The only type of people who would disagree with me is those kind of people who already have a guild, so with their guild members, they're using Teleport Skills.
I have another idea for this problem.
Simply make it so we can finish Flag Race in only 1 round, instead of 3.
So that way it'd still be fair since by having to finish the first round only (only 1 round), Teleport Skills became useless.
So dear Nexon, please do not ignore us, this thread about Flag Race is very important and we hope that you'd listen to us, for once.

I already quit Flag Race because of those teleport skills.
How can anyone even play it now? it's really annoying and not fun at all, hope they'll remove the teleport skills.
Nexon please remove those teleport skills T_T
It may only slow them down a little bit but that's it, no big deal, if at all.
And of course I'm giving the same opportunity as everyone else, because evereyone else know exactly that the only solution is to remove Teleport Skills
(or change Flag Race to have only 1 round, which is the first one, and that's it).
No stop lying, people and guilds will not do this, the only one who will do it is people like you, who get mad that they're going to lose their Teleport Skills.
You must be from a guild that doing Flag Race every single day and using the Teleport Skills along with your guild members.
As he said above, Teleport Skills are completely unfair and make the Flag Race to be an unfair game.
Why people with big guilds like you can finish 3 rounds in no time? this is 100% unfair and you should really stop posting in this thread.
But I think one of the points of flag race is to work with your guild to get points, which the tping allows right now. Just wondering, but let's say Nexon let's you remove the tp skills, how do you think flag race can be still oriented to guild teamwork (other than guild members participate and try to flatly get points for afking after entering)?
They absolutely will, and OP is threatening to do the exact same thing because he's mad about other guilds organizing their wins with teleport skills. How is that any different or less childish?
In the end you'll just be wasting everyone's time and the larger guilds would still have the upper hand by either teleporting past the cannons eventually or just bringing the entire guild in for participation points instead.
And my bet is that your own guild will end up trying to win using the very same tele skills you detest, just because you can, which makes the whole protest pointless.
That said, I could get behind removing the teleport skills, but then also removing the cannons so you just rely on your own loots, as well as shortening the race to 1 or 2 laps so people can get back to whatever they were doing quicker.
And what if you don't have a guild? or your guild is not that good with teleport skills?
Give me a break! removing Teleport Skills is the best choice ever.
It's funny to see people (guild members who using teleport skills in order to win all the time) like you whining about it.
The most unfair skills in Flag Race are the Teleport Skills, it's no race if you can just teleport to your friend 2-3 times and finish 3 rounds, that's not called a Race at all.
The only reason you're whining about it is because you want to keep on winning with your little guild member friends.
Also about people avoiding the bombing at the first round, you're wrong, I've once seen someone who were able to get on the cannon and bomb every single person, for a little while he was able to hold everyone and nobody has passed.
So basically if someone is good and fast enough, and he wants to use the cannons, yeah I'm sure they can do that.
Now stop whining, Teleport Skill will be removed.
and its good challenge
teamwork means you need get the skils (drops random) and use in right time faster then other and be in contact with your guildmate
its not like " okie i picked G and H and ez pz WIN" also you got skils like F that throws ball that can push members from sit at end
skils are not "instant lap finish" you still need finish a lap faster then other while geting enough skils to HELP your guildmate
and more guild members you got in a map TP gets harder and harder not eazy plan and just "tp skill use" as it looks
also skils are 1 for all if someone takes before you will have to race to next point and try get there skils
you got CD on looting a skill if you just wait enough and pray to get skill someone will allready finish 3lap solo
but well i agree if they remove TP skils aswell as other things its fine
to be like clean JQ but wont be any teamwork challange
please come with more ideas how to optmize and make more teamwork challenge instead of trying make more chaos to other that you think "they just TP skill "
come in a race and show me how you TP skill for a eazy win without race and good team coordination
also people that wonder how to escape from someone that cannon
cannons has time spawn and usage time you can wait or do this
here is spot that if you jump in right moment will throw you above cannon
good luck with you makeing chaos
for the sunset snow map no skills needed there is shortcut on going on <---
and make sure you get snowshoes to make it more eazy
green dots on mini map shows the rest of the map
The point of flag race is doing it with your guild to get points, hence if you don't have a guild, that's your fault, not Nexon's or everyone else's fault you have a dead guild.
If your guild is not that good with teleport skills, again, that your fault. Not anyone else's fault that your guild doesn't know how to use an aspect of the race. Not like the guilds that are good with teleport skills have access to something you don't, they just trained/taught their members. Just cause you don't know how to use something doesn't mean it should be removed. That's like saying all jump quest floors should be removed from Tower of Oz cause some people aren't as good. Or every equipment should have same stats, same scrolling, and same pots cause some people aren't good with potting and scrolling. >.>
And no, "keeping the Teleport Skills is the best choice ever". >.>
Just cause you say something doesn't mean it's true.
And you completely ignored the second half of my comment asking how you would make Flag Race teamwork oriented after removing tp skills. Along with what you just said, I'm assuming you're just a salty player cause you're in a dead guild and taking it out on the rest of the Flag Race community cause you can't do something by yourself when it's expected to do something as a team.
The only reason you're agree to Teleport Skills is because you're one of those guys who use it, so it's not really worth talking with you about it.
You're exactly like a lawyer in court, a lawyer will never admit that the side he's protecting, is the wrong one, and why? because he's getting paid.
So it's the same way as you act, you're getting paid (you and your little guild members friends are teleporting together and love to win over others who doesn't have their guild members or just not that good enough with it, so you're basically taking a very big advantage in this "Flag" race) and that's why you'll never agree with the ones who are 100% right about this subject.
Also think about it, why does it even call "Flag Race" from the first place? that's totally wrong, they should rename it "Teleport Race", cus this is totally NOT a real Flag Race.
Don't bother to PM me back, I will not even bother to look at it, I'm also going to oversea for 2 weeks, so, see ya later (or not).
Don't waste your time on the ones like him, they'll never agree, just as you said, they're lawyers, so it's a waste of time.
Lol, learn to read please, said I haven't done flag race for awhile, and even when I did, I never used the tp skills, so no, in fact I'm not getting "paid".
You say you're "100% right about this subject" yet still haven't given an evidence on how taking out the tp skills will still keep Flag Race a "guild and teamwork" event.
Your arguing skills is as "100%" as your ability to read what other people write and properly reply, basically 0.
And you're just like a little kid on the play ground, whining cause you're not getting what you want. Don't know what age you are (and don't care) but I'd prefer being "a lawyer" who can justify my argument instead of little brat who cries every time they don't get what they want.
Again, not the world's fault you made your own guild for you and your mules and don't have friends to play with, get over yourself.
It's called "Flag Race" cause there's a flag at the end you want to get to, whatever the means.
Lol, haven't PMed you at all this whole discussion. To enlighten your puny brain a bit, PM = personal message that only you and I would see, haven't sent a single one. What I (and everyone else) have been doing is replying to a PUBLIC thread.
Can't even get your terms straight and you think you're "100% right". xd
Lol, so basically anyone who doesn't agree with you and can defend their opinion is a lawyer?
What are you then? A brat like cheez who can't make a valid argument so you just say other random stuff?
I did agree with at tp skills are annoying, the main reason I'm talking against cheez is that he hasn't mentioned a single thing about how to keep Flag Race guild/teamwork oriented. He's just pissed that he doesn't have any friends/guildmates to help him so he wants to make it a solo event.
yes its called get GOOOD my friend ....
its funny when you dont know something and not good at it you just want it nerf or removed
if you did read above, other allready explained how you cant just tp to somone,
you could see what all takes to actuly work as you say "tp to win ..."
if you think its just get the skils tp and win please show us how instead talking bad to all other that dont agree with you
i wont go and explain more other said well and i agree aswell with them
give more ideas.....
its not smart if you just leav like that and you wont make any changes with that attitude
use arguments more instead just trash talk on other please
same to you !
Lmao, who said there have to be skills or something else that make the Flag Race as "team work", you're making no sense at all to be honest.
This is a Flag Race, nobody calls it TeamWork Race or whatever, please learn to read.
And yes I do hope that Nexon will finally remove those 2 annoying teleport skills, that's completely unfair and ridiculous.
Lmao, who said there have to be skills or something else that make the Flag Race as "team work", you're making no sense at all to be honest.
This is a Flag Race, nobody calls it TeamWork Race or whatever, please learn to read.
And yes I do hope that Nexon will finally remove those 2 annoying teleport skills, that's completely unfair and ridiculous.