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We all want a merge


  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    can we please use spoilers if this is going to continue
  • TrystarrTrystarr
    Reactions: 1,560
    Posts: 70
    edited June 2018
    wanting an active population isn't an objective issue, it's a want not a need.

    If you were referring to me, what I am trying to make clear for a few posts now is that it is objectively true there are a lot of players who want a merge. The belief whether a merge is necessary for community/gameplay is subjective, but the fact that many people want a merge is undeniably objective. I understand there are people who don't want a merge as well, that is why there should be 2 non-reboot servers catering to both groups. Catering to the nostalgia of still having your home server shouldn't be a priority in this decision, as there would still be no way to satisfy all the maplers with that sentiment. I'm sure there are maplers in all 5 of the underpopulated servers who would prefer to stay in a underpopulated server, yet keep their server name. There is no way to satisfy these people without keeping 5 underpopulated servers. Is that really the logical thing to do? Considering all the complaints from said servers? I know I would enjoy going back to Broa, but there are evidently more important things to prioritize, for my personal gameplay and the communities.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    wanting an active population isn't an objective issue, it's a want not a need.

    You also claim that in October that the majority of players went to Bera and that those who are in dead servers are people that actually want to be in dead servers. And if you don't want to be in a dead server, to bad so sad, get rekt. There's been 5 threads recently asking for a world merge (3 of them got merged into this one) and threads before, people are saying they want a world merge, people are saying that those in their dead worlds want a world merge. Of course this isn't an intricate perfect method to make an analysis of who the majority is, but we can take a comfortable guess. This is an issue where I believe if the majority want to play with each other it is best for the game, this is an issue that is logically directly connected to what the majority desires. Now it isn't a need to have the game at its best, but that isnt't much an argument
  • TrystarrTrystarr
    Reactions: 1,560
    Posts: 70
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    2600 wrote: »
    Safe to say the decline in MapleStory is mainly due to the fact that a good percent of the player base has grown up and had to move on to adult things thus the lack of players in the game.
    There are many other things that are causing the decline as well, I'm sure it has to do with the lack of stuff to do, limited to doing most bosses once a week or once a day, lack of in-game content that allows you to do more then train and boss.

    MapleStory 2 Closed Beta was interesting how their were mini-games like X & O and Soul Survivor I think it was called?
    The only downfall about MapleStory2 that looks like will happen is how easy it is to level up just doing quests only thing left to do after that is craft stuff or make your gear better and that's just a short amount of stuff I mention because I don't feel like ranting anymore in this post wanna do do something else so that's where I end this for now.

    No the decline in population is not due to "people getting older" it started when they made party play leveling almost irrelevant in the Unleashed update. Since then many negative changes have been made (ones many people didn't want) . In addition the game crashes /freezes that still happen + the bugs. Lack of communication is another one . Party quests still have bugs which make pqs uncompletable at times. Sure they made some party quests better but they nerfed stuff like R+J into the ground ,removed party play training maps for higher players (Added them for low levels, which aren't even relevant) The buffs to certain party quests came to late as majority of people left the game already who like that aspect. Many people left for private servers because of the negative changes and lack of party play aspects.

    Saying the game has "nothing to do" is laughable you have plenty of things outside bossing and training. It's just not many people do them..

    If we agree the population has decreased regardless of the reason, can we also agree that the number of servers should decrease as well (we don't have to agree on the exact number of servers), to prevent whatever the population is from being spread to thin over so many servers

    Of course , I am all for a merge playing in El Nido (GRAZED) at time you see more bots gold selling in henesys than actual people..

    I really don't understand why there are still a few people in here don't wanna merge... I understand their want a tiny server where they can play without interruption but still, what about the overwhelming majority like us? I think if we have only 2 options, either merge or not, then of course we must merge.... this is what the overwhelming majority wants and this is what should and must get...
    Or maybe just 3 worlds, a big world such as Bera, and the tiny world such as Scania and the 3rd world which is Reboot, so then people who wants tiny server would go to Scania and those who want great economy with high population will go to Bera, this is so simple...
    Trystarr wrote: »
    Trystarr wrote: »
    Trystarr wrote: »
    Riza, first you have to know what the interests of Nexon are, youre not an employee or executive of Nexon to even being to understand what their big picture is. There's already a large population in Bera, so who is the majority youre referring to? The large majority of those that want to be in Bera but aren't? what do Berans have to say about the merge? They probably don't care since theyre already in Bera. Riza, you make the least sense from the bunch.

    Nexon's interests are profit, atleast primarily as they are a business. They must still be making a profitable amount off of Maplestory to not take immediate action, but I honestly don't think that's sustainable considering how widespread these complaints are in the less populated servers. The problem is maplers in Bera are probably relatively content, they have less of a reason to protest this issue. But I've heard enough people in my server voice their complaints about the low population. There is a significant portion of the population that are pissed about this that are in less populated servers, why wouldn't they atleast merge them together? Just look at how popular this thread is. Even if you or anyone disagrees, I know you can't claim the current server set up is ideal so something needs to change or else they risk a lot of maplers quitting because of this issue.

    I honestly think that they risk losing players both ways, because no solution will ever make "everyone" happy. That's the sad thing about this. No matter how much we talk and how much time we spent arguing, they decision they make will not make us all happy. There will always be someone who disagrees, someone who thinks it's too little or too much, someone who claims they were not playing at the time X thing happened so it should be re-done, etc. If they don't merge worlds, people will claim they don't listen to them, they hate the status quo, then quit. If they do merge servers, people like me, who are against that, will also feel ignored, will hate the consequences and will quit too. So, either way, the game is going to lose players. The ones in favor of the merge claim they are the "majority" so they should be listened to, because the game would theoretically lose more players if their claim isn't heard. I respectfully disagree with that clam, but no one can know for sure. Plus, I think the game will lose players either way, regardless of this particular matter, for all sorts of reasons. It has been losing players for years, and not only because of the theoretical "dead" state of the worlds. *shrugs*

    Theoretically, that's why you're supposed to go with the "majority": because that way you're supposed to make the most people happy with your decision. But what that is isn't so clear here or ever. If something wins 51% over 49%, yes, the "majority" wins, but the "minority" is almost as big as the majority anyways, so that's still a lot of unhappy people that thought the contrary and that didn't get their way. In this particular case, it's the same. As much as some claim they "know for a fact" that there's a "majority" behind the desire of a merge, you can see by this very same thread that the people who argue against and for a certain position are basically the same over and over. It's not like this long thread is the product of thousands of different people posting. It's the product of the same dozen or so people who keep replying a lot to each other, basically.

    I think that no one, none of us, not even Nexon itself, really knows what the "majority" of the players would want. Sure, some people claim to "know" what the "majority" wants, because it's what they want. I could say the same thing and no one could refute my claim because who knows what I truly know or what I don't, who I talk to or not? No one but me. :P

    And then it comes another aspect of this issue: this "majority" must include ALL players (currently active or not, both in-game and in the forums) or just the ones that are active? And, within the active ones, should it include only the ones that are active in-game or the ones that are active both in the game and in the forums? I can tell you from first-hand experience that what people say in forums isn't necessarily exactly the same that people would say in game, and that there are many who play the game actively but never ever go to the game's homepage, let alone participate in this or any other forum. So, who's the real "majority"? How can we determine that this "majority" has prevalence over that "majority" or over the overall "majority"? We can't and we don't know. Not to mention that the argumentum ad populum is nothing but a fallacy, regardless of what you're arguing about. ^_^UU

    I understand there are people on both sides of the table here. That's why I initially stated there should be a merged server, as well as 1 less populated server to accommodate more people. There shouldn't be five unpopulated servers. Would you not be satisfied with that solution? the most you could lose is the name of your home server, and I don't think that's enough to make you quit if you still have the type of community you prefer.

    To answer your question, personally, no, I wouldn't like to be in a server that's not overly populated but that stops being Windia, I wouldn't be satisfied with that. If that were to happen, I would have to evaluate if it was worth it for me, personally, to continue playing. Windia is my home and it has its problems and its perks, but I like it how it is.

    Trystarr wrote: »
    It is an overstatement for you to claim my argument is fallacious, or an argumentum ad populum. There is no objective truth to this problem as it is a entirely subjective, personal preference. If there are a lot of people complaining about the population, that is an objective fact, it doesn't infer they could be wrong about said population problem. People can perceive anything as a problem, but in this case there are certainly a lot of people who, in their opinion, see a problem with the population. accommodating that at least to the point where there aren't 5 dead servers should be a priority. For business and for the maple community.

    I didn't mean *your* argument in particular. I meant anyone who claims to know what the "majority" wants, be it to defend the merge idea or the anti-merge idea. Anyone who says "The majority wants this" or "The majority does that" or "They should do this now because the overwhelming majority wants this" (like I've read countless times in this thread) is being fallacious because *no one* can actually know for a fact what the "majority" wants or which majority are we talking about. That is the very definition of an argumentum ad populum: claiming that something must be true or right because "most people" or "many people" or "the majority" believes it to be true or right. :P But I didn't mean it as an individual attack against your argument in particular or anything. If someone who is against the world merging, like me, came saying "THE MAJORITY WANTS TO STAY LIKE THIS" they would be fallacious too. ;) If I said that, I would be fallacious. So, yeah, for me, at least, any argument that claims to know what the "majority" wants, particularly without even bothering to define which "majority" are they referring to (but even if they did define it), is fallacious to me. We can all take responsibility and say what we personally think, but nothing more than that, because even our theoretical facts may be wrong or incomplete or something. Nevertheless, we can still talk all we want, as long as we keep in mind that our opinions are as valid as the ones of the other people, even if they are contrary to what we want/think.

    Sure, we have opinions, we have what we think are facts, we have the right to talk about this until our fingers fall off our hands. But no one knows for sure what the "majority" actually IS, what does it want and, regardless of that, what will Nexon will actually do about this, if they end up doing anything. And, more importantly than any talk, in my opinion, is the fact that, when the time comes and they do make a decision one way or the other (or come up with a decision that meets both extremes in the middle or whatever), each of us will have to decide if it's worth to continue playing the game or not. That's all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You saying you wouldn't like to be in a server thats not overly populated but that stops being windia in particular is where rationale is lost. Most people aren't in there home server anymore. Don't you understand how selfish it is for you disagree with my proposed solution from occuring (having 1 populated and 1 underpopulated non-reboot server) because of sentimental feelings towards an intangible concept that doesn't impact the gameplay at all? When it would satisfy everyone beyond the sentiments of server names? The rules and gameplay are the same across all servers, I really don't see how we can assign a sense of patriotism to maple servers.. It is simply the name of a server, I left Broa for Windia during a server merge and wasn't happy with it, but rationalized the better community experience outweighed my feelings of nostalgia, and acknowledged the wider population problem for everyone. Even look at the poster above me claiming he thinks GRAZED should be the solo server. Sentimental feelings towards these servers are going to get in the way of progress for the whole community. That cannot be a real priority in this decision process as the majority of people have left their home servers (I'm defining the majority based off of the significant migration I saw first hand to Windia acouple years ago, then again to Bera in November of last year). So if all of us didn't think for ourselves, and rather pitched solutions for everyone, that would be a good start for gaining consensus and minimizing loss. And lets face it, community/gameplay experience will have way more sway in making players quit over having their original server name.

    Read through all these posts, go talk to people in the underpopulated servers and see how they feel about the situation (beyond your friend group in windia). Regardless of how we define the majority, there are certaintly a significant amount of maplers complaining about this issue, to the point where it is objectively a problem for a lot of the players. This is why I am saying the argument is not fallacious the way you describe. You cannot deny that is true. I'm aware there could be a number of players who prefer small scale servers, that is why i pitched the idea of 2 non-reboot servers. But the number of players who would quit over a server name change is a margin I don't think Nexon is concerned about (considering how they've butchered servers in the last events). And frankly cannot be prioritized over gameplay experience for everyone.

    I wouldn't be able to go to another world anyway, I have 40+ characters in GRAZED alone, I have another 30+ in Scania, and I have characters everywhere else.

    So unless they're going to make an entirely new world where I can move all of my characters?

    No Dice.

    This is why I think charging nx for each character world transfer is a bad idea. Most people couldn't rationalzie such a cost. I know I wouldn't with all my link skills.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    I wonder if they'll notice us yet

    Just wait till we reach 20 pages or another thread is created.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    wanting an active population isn't an objective issue, it's a want not a need.

    You also claim that in October that the majority of players went to Bera and that those who are in dead servers are people that actually want to be in dead servers. And if you don't want to be in a dead server, to bad so sad, get rekt. There's been 5 threads recently asking for a world merge (3 of them got merged into this one) and threads before, people are saying they want a world merge, people are saying that those in their dead worlds want a world merge. Of course this isn't an intricate perfect method to make an analysis of who the majority is, but we can take a comfortable guess. This is an issue where I believe if the majority want to play with each other it is best for the game, this is an issue that is logically directly connected to what the majority desires. Now it isn't a need to have the game at its best, but that isnt't much an argument

    I didnt say those that are in dead servers want to be in them, I said only those that got left behind are the ones advocating for a merge. Quote me correctly if youre going to quote me. as far as "too bad getk rekt", I dont say stupid **** like that. Dont quote that I said that, because I dont talk like that.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    wanting an active population isn't an objective issue, it's a want not a need.

    You also claim that in October that the majority of players went to Bera and that those who are in dead servers are people that actually want to be in dead servers. And if you don't want to be in a dead server, to bad so sad, get rekt. There's been 5 threads recently asking for a world merge (3 of them got merged into this one) and threads before, people are saying they want a world merge, people are saying that those in their dead worlds want a world merge. Of course this isn't an intricate perfect method to make an analysis of who the majority is, but we can take a comfortable guess. This is an issue where I believe if the majority want to play with each other it is best for the game, this is an issue that is logically directly connected to what the majority desires. Now it isn't a need to have the game at its best, but that isnt't much an argument

    I didnt say those that are in dead servers want to be in them, I said only those that got left behind are the ones advoacting for a merge. Quote me correctly if youre going to quote me. as far as "too bad getk rekt", I dont say stupid **** like that. Dont quote that I said that, because I dont talk like that.

    Did you not dismiss me saying "you shouldn't have missed it"? Hence the "too bad get rekt". I would agree with you, but this world transfer ended so badly, that I don't think anyone should be left in a world that are dead as these.

  • KushyDragonKushyDragon
    Reactions: 1,715
    Posts: 135
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    wanting an active population isn't an objective issue, it's a want not a need.

    You also claim that in October that the majority of players went to Bera and that those who are in dead servers are people that actually want to be in dead servers. And if you don't want to be in a dead server, to bad so sad, get rekt. There's been 5 threads recently asking for a world merge (3 of them got merged into this one) and threads before, people are saying they want a world merge, people are saying that those in their dead worlds want a world merge. Of course this isn't an intricate perfect method to make an analysis of who the majority is, but we can take a comfortable guess. This is an issue where I believe if the majority want to play with each other it is best for the game, this is an issue that is logically directly connected to what the majority desires. Now it isn't a need to have the game at its best, but that isnt't much an argument

    I didnt say those that are in dead servers want to be in them, I said only those that got left behind are the ones advoacting for a merge. Quote me correctly if youre going to quote me. as far as "too bad getk rekt", I dont say stupid **** like that. Dont quote that I said that, because I dont talk like that.

    I didn't get left behind, I made the choice to stay with grazed after the first world leap.

    If they're just going to merge worlds, leave it like an alliance. Or at least just merge the 3 alliance worlds and leave the servers still able to be accessed.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    wanting an active population isn't an objective issue, it's a want not a need.

    You also claim that in October that the majority of players went to Bera and that those who are in dead servers are people that actually want to be in dead servers. And if you don't want to be in a dead server, to bad so sad, get rekt. There's been 5 threads recently asking for a world merge (3 of them got merged into this one) and threads before, people are saying they want a world merge, people are saying that those in their dead worlds want a world merge. Of course this isn't an intricate perfect method to make an analysis of who the majority is, but we can take a comfortable guess. This is an issue where I believe if the majority want to play with each other it is best for the game, this is an issue that is logically directly connected to what the majority desires. Now it isn't a need to have the game at its best, but that isnt't much an argument

    I didnt say those that are in dead servers want to be in them, I said only those that got left behind are the ones advoacting for a merge. Quote me correctly if youre going to quote me. as far as "too bad getk rekt", I dont say stupid **** like that. Dont quote that I said that, because I dont talk like that.

    Did you not dismiss me saying "you shouldn't have missed it"? Hence the "too bad get rekt". I would agree with you, but this world transfer ended so badly, that I don't think anyone should be left in a world that are dead as these.

    And I stand by it, you shouldn't have missed it. Creating a smokescreen with all these claims that bots and hackers will leave if there's only one server, that everyone will enjoy the game again, and using made up numbers just to hide the fact it's your own fault for missing the event that would've allowed you to be in a populated world. It wasn't by accident either that Bera became populated, it was general consensus, everyone was telling everyone to go to Bera. So, the playerbase has the fault as well for that. But in no way should Nexon have to accomodate those that chose to not participate or that weren't even playing the game during that time and missed it, especially with merging everything into an already populated server.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    wanting an active population isn't an objective issue, it's a want not a need.

    You also claim that in October that the majority of players went to Bera and that those who are in dead servers are people that actually want to be in dead servers. And if you don't want to be in a dead server, to bad so sad, get rekt. There's been 5 threads recently asking for a world merge (3 of them got merged into this one) and threads before, people are saying they want a world merge, people are saying that those in their dead worlds want a world merge. Of course this isn't an intricate perfect method to make an analysis of who the majority is, but we can take a comfortable guess. This is an issue where I believe if the majority want to play with each other it is best for the game, this is an issue that is logically directly connected to what the majority desires. Now it isn't a need to have the game at its best, but that isnt't much an argument

    I didnt say those that are in dead servers want to be in them, I said only those that got left behind are the ones advoacting for a merge. Quote me correctly if youre going to quote me. as far as "too bad getk rekt", I dont say stupid **** like that. Dont quote that I said that, because I dont talk like that.

    Did you not dismiss me saying "you shouldn't have missed it"? Hence the "too bad get rekt". I would agree with you, but this world transfer ended so badly, that I don't think anyone should be left in a world that are dead as these.

    And I stand by it, you shouldn't have missed it. Creating a smokescreen with all these claims that bots and hackers will leave if there's only one server, that everyone will enjoy the game again, and using made up numbers just to hide the fact it's your own fault for missing the event that would've allowed you to be in a populated world. It wasn't by accident either that Bera became populated, it was general consensus, everyone was telling everyone to go to Bera. So, the playerbase has the fault as well for that. But in no way should Nexon have to accomodate those that chose to not participate or that weren't even playing the game during that time and missed it, especially with merging everything into an already populated server.

    How is that different from saying "too bad get rekt" . The problem isn't that we just missed an event, the problem is if you missed the event, it left you in an abysmal world with no way to get your character out. If every server that isn't bera wasn't underpopulated we wouldn't have this thread. If I had missed an event, that last say gave a time limited item or whatever, it wouldn't leave me depressed enough to stop me from logging in.

    I pulled up a number from the steam chart of the 24 hour peak, right now it shows it as 1574 players. How much bigger do you think the population if we included people who didn't just use steam launcher ,5x more 10x more? Do you really think we need as much worlds as we have now. Also, that monster hunting event, how well did that go?

    I don't understand why you call it a "fault" of the player base to move to another server, the servers had a low population then, it was an opportunity to move out, going into Bera in this case was a logical reaction. And it wasn't during Christmas or Summer, alot of people missed it.

    Nexon doesn't have to accommodate anyone, just with the population as low as it is, it would be wise to have only 3 worlds as it is.
  • WZrkWZrk
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 41
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    wanting an active population isn't an objective issue, it's a want not a need.

    You also claim that in October that the majority of players went to Bera and that those who are in dead servers are people that actually want to be in dead servers. And if you don't want to be in a dead server, to bad so sad, get rekt. There's been 5 threads recently asking for a world merge (3 of them got merged into this one) and threads before, people are saying they want a world merge, people are saying that those in their dead worlds want a world merge. Of course this isn't an intricate perfect method to make an analysis of who the majority is, but we can take a comfortable guess. This is an issue where I believe if the majority want to play with each other it is best for the game, this is an issue that is logically directly connected to what the majority desires. Now it isn't a need to have the game at its best, but that isnt't much an argument

    I didnt say those that are in dead servers want to be in them, I said only those that got left behind are the ones advoacting for a merge. Quote me correctly if youre going to quote me. as far as "too bad getk rekt", I dont say stupid **** like that. Dont quote that I said that, because I dont talk like that.

    Did you not dismiss me saying "you shouldn't have missed it"? Hence the "too bad get rekt". I would agree with you, but this world transfer ended so badly, that I don't think anyone should be left in a world that are dead as these.

    Seems kinda extreme, but I get that point. Although you can't blame people for missing events, it would be logical for people who are taking breaks (shorter ones, not several year breaks) from the game to at least keep up with events, if anything. I play 3 different games (not at the same time; I switch between them every couple of weeks/months), and I keep up-to-date with all of them, or at least I try to. When I came back to maple at the end of May, I was salty that I missed out on the last nx transfer, wonderoid, and maplehood watch since the last time I played, but I understood that it was my fault for not keeping up to date.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    If the large migration to transfer to bera was organized by the player base at a time when servers were still underpopulated its as if there saying if nexon won't do anything we will.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited June 2018
    honestly I wont argue about this any further nor will I say much after this. The reason why this thread exist is so we can do one simple thing "FIND A SIMPLE SOLUTION" I had seen some honest people come up with some logical good ideas. but some people I seen haven't came up with anything only talking about interest and nexon's nonsense business tactics some weird nonsense. Honestly this is why people can never have nice things cause there a few people who bring nonsense to a idea table and no type of way of solving a issue.Now I can't say my ideas or plans are a absolute solution, but there ideas towards a solution. I seen some other ones come up with ideas as well and that what this thread about, "FINDING SOLUTIONS" . now instead of people talking about how my numbers or majority is rigged or made up, which it isn't cause as I noted and anyone can back it up in my groups I speak to alot of people in many servers and in ms1 and ms2 they tell me these things. even though I'm no longer in ms1 discord "ARWOO STILL HAS TO SEND ME A INVITE" I still communicate with some of them and we speak about these things. Now the reason this thread exist is cause we are coming up with "SOLUTIONS" now if anyone in here is going to talk side nonsense about nexon interest, profit or some other nonsense that isnt related to this topic then this thread has no place and it has no foundation and is completely useless. Why I post in this thread and not other nonsense threads cause it heavily impacts my community and my friends who I care about so much and Its my Job as a member of this community and as a potential vfm to help maplers everywhere. Now What we can do remember this is an idea do to fix this issue is to united the full power and people of this community. If people feel my pool numbers or my majority is nonsense ask nexon to do a election or vote number in game or outside game to collect information remember, the road trip for nexon ms2 was around 400 thousand people who were in prob more. When I say I speak to people thats a large number Thats "fact". When I say im the most community guy in nexon and most helpful person in khroa now bera "fact" when I say most of the community is hurt from this event last october "fact" Reason you wouldn't want to hear facts from me is cause of a few reasons. 1st you just don't want too, 2nd cause you listen to riza propaganda and fall for it, 3rd cause you holding on to something non existent. Now like I said before we can do poll numbers and get people to comment on this and everyone but I say maybe 100 people cause thats the population lmao will say they want a merge. Only 100 people wont want it which we can make a accommodation for those people like the nice person said above about make a dead server I think thats a amazing idea actually that person was the only one who wasn't talking up their maplestory and came up with that amazing solution and idea. We need more of that people please come up with ideas don't post nonsense like "I cant and defend some stupid idea about why we cant do things". People get mad at me for saying im the best but the real question is why do I say it? Cause words have power. If we say we are the worst or we cant do something or something not possible we doom ourselves to failure. Its our duty to speak positively and speak goals and ideas so it manifest itself into reality. This is our duty as community members and people in general. Lets not rip each other apart or speak nonsense but speak solutions. REMEMBER THIS THREAD IS ABOUT SOLUTIONS SO PEOPLE LETS POST SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS FREAK LETS POST SOLUTIONS CAUSE THAT WHY THIS THREAD WAS MADE TO POST SOLUTIONS DANG IT. Remember this isn't nexon or people hate speech this is only constructive criticism for the future and ideas to help stimulate ideas and thoughts for future goals and achievements riza 2018 ;)
  • WZrkWZrk
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 41
    edited June 2018
    tl;dr for my response: that botched essay of a post above mine is mostly irrelevant and contradictory (even though the intention was to get people to bring more relevant solutions into the thread), and the only solution suggested in it was to bring people together.
    Honestly, the majority of that essay has nothing to do with this thread, and the bits that are relevant contradict either themselves or your point about trying to not be nonsensical here. Don't talk about Nexon's interest and what they would consider profitable? They run the game; it's expected that the majority of decisions they make would be in their best interest, whether it be profit-wise or for some other reason, and they have to make the decision about world merges (basically, it's on topic). You bring up the people you claim you've spoken to, but you also bring up this 400k number for ms2 (source?) and do nothing with it. Are you saying that you've spoken to the majority of this number? If not then it has no reason to be brought up, as with the rest of this. You not being in the ms1 discord (when I found the link in 5 seconds by going to the home page...), you being "the most community guy in nexon" and being helpful in 2 worlds, you calling yourself the best for some reason, and what seems to be your signature "this isn't hate speech" ending...none of that is relevant. And the only thing remotely close to a solution you stated in that entire post was to have the community come together.
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    WZrk wrote: »
    tl;dr for my response: that botched essay of a post above mine is mostly irrelevant and contradictory (even though the intention was to get people to bring more relevant solutions into the thread), and the only solution suggested in it was to bring people together.
    Honestly, the majority of that essay has nothing to do with this thread, and the bits that are relevant contradict either themselves or your point about trying to not be nonsensical here. Don't talk about Nexon's interest and what they would consider profitable? They run the game; it's expected that the majority of decisions they make would be in their best interest, whether it be profit-wise or for some other reason, and they have to make the decision about world merges (basically, it's on topic). You bring up the people you claim you've spoken to, but you also bring up this 400k number for ms2 (source?) and do nothing with it. Are you saying that you've spoken to the majority of this number? If not then it has no reason to be brought up, as with the rest of this. You not being in the ms1 discord (when I found the link in 5 seconds by going to the home page...), you being "the most community guy in nexon" and being helpful in 2 worlds, you calling yourself the best for some reason, and what seems to be your signature "this isn't hate speech" ending...none of that is relevant. And the only thing remotely close to a solution you stated in that entire post was to have the community come together.

    So then, can we all come together and agree at most we should only have 3 non reboot servers.
  • Football5Football5
    Reactions: 920
    Posts: 48
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    WZrk wrote: »
    tl;dr for my response: that botched essay of a post above mine is mostly irrelevant and contradictory (even though the intention was to get people to bring more relevant solutions into the thread), and the only solution suggested in it was to bring people together.
    Honestly, the majority of that essay has nothing to do with this thread, and the bits that are relevant contradict either themselves or your point about trying to not be nonsensical here. Don't talk about Nexon's interest and what they would consider profitable? They run the game; it's expected that the majority of decisions they make would be in their best interest, whether it be profit-wise or for some other reason, and they have to make the decision about world merges (basically, it's on topic). You bring up the people you claim you've spoken to, but you also bring up this 400k number for ms2 (source?) and do nothing with it. Are you saying that you've spoken to the majority of this number? If not then it has no reason to be brought up, as with the rest of this. You not being in the ms1 discord (when I found the link in 5 seconds by going to the home page...), you being "the most community guy in nexon" and being helpful in 2 worlds, you calling yourself the best for some reason, and what seems to be your signature "this isn't hate speech" ending...none of that is relevant. And the only thing remotely close to a solution you stated in that entire post was to have the community come together.

    So then, can we all come together and agree at most we should only have 3 non reboot servers.

    It's better than nothing.
    But we all (the majority, not just a very few people) understand that the best solution is just to merge all the worlds into Bera, also if a very few people want an empty server so bad then we can easily just merge everything into Bera (except Reboot and Scania) and then give people the option to move to Scania, so then watch how just a very few people move to Scania (all those people who didn't like Bera as a full one big world).
    Also keep in mind, the most important thing is that those very few people who want a dead server, must be thankful for people like me and my friends who keep on wasting an insane amount of money (yes, because we can and our families are wealthy), so it's very very important to keep this in mind, because without people LIKE ME and my FRIENDS, those empty servers, no, the entire game wouldn't even be here.... because we all know what would happen if no one buy nx and spend $$ on this game.... so YES! you guys (the very very very few people who want an empty) must be thankful to people like me and my friends who wasted over 10k$+ in total (and continuing to waste more and more).
    Sorry for my english, I'm korean.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    Saying the majority is misleading because there's no more than 10 people in the thread
  • BBQTimeBBQTime
    Reactions: 1,480
    Posts: 55
    edited June 2018
    Saying the majority is misleading because there's no more than 10 people in the thread

    Wrong, but it doesn't matter anyway, as many people have mentioned, this is an MMPORG game, it must have as many people as possible.
    And therefore, your opinion is disqualified from the foundation.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2018
    BBQTime wrote: »
    Saying the majority is misleading because there's no more than 10 people in the thread

    Wrong, but it doesn't matter anyway, as many people have mentioned, this is an MMPORG game, it must have as many people as possible.
    And therefore, your opinion is disqualified from the foundation.

    watch out everyone, this guy has the authority to disqualify people from the foundation. You realize the number of players doesnt change whether there's a merge or not, for example, if theres 100,000 players total, distributed to their worlds, merging them all into one or three worlds wont add or decrease the 100,000. so "it must have as many people as possible" doesnt even apply to this. Secondly, an MMORPG isn't what you think it is, Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) are a combination of role-playing video games and massively multiplayer online games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual world. which maplestory already does, it's the mechanics and gameplay that qualifies maplestory as mmorpg. You pick a class, and join the game. You can still interact with others. So what the game needs isnt a merge but more players if you want to say "needs as many people as possible."
  • UserRedUserRed
    Reactions: 1,590
    Posts: 101
    edited June 2018
    Some people enjoy a dead server, like my friend who plays on Bacon.
This discussion has been closed.