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I'm so disappointed... Too Many Hackers Reach 250!
I think nexon is blind.
Lol, that's DarkPassenger for you, he's always, always protecting nexon, even when it's just way too clear... but then again, even though no one is a fool and we know the truth, this his opinion and I respect that.
Haha, so true.
And yes, that's DarkPassenger for you, he's always, always protecting nexon, even when it's just way too clear... but then again, even though no one is a fool and we know the truth, this his opinion and I respect that.
I dont understand how thats protecting, it's just common sense. So leave your personal afflictions towards me aside (based on different opinions) and stick to the topic at hand. It's ok to seek solidarity amongst those with similar opinions or those that oppose me, but at least make it have substance when you oppose another's opinions/statements, dont just try to call out saying "he's protecting Nexon."
As far as that analogy goes, exactly what would be the "murder weapon" in the situation? being 250? or is that the bloody clothes? What part of the situation would be the "past examples of / history of psychotic break"?
Wouldnt the murder weapon allude to hacking programs used? While the bloody clothes represent the state of being 250? Bloody clothes is reasonable cause of suspicion, yes. But these alleged hackers arent holding a "murder weapon" as of yet, until Nexon iinvestigates. As for a history of psychotic breaks, thats extra unless these are repeat offenders, which they probably are, we just dont know who they are obviously. Nor nexon for that matter, could be new accounts entirely, so no link to their main accounts if they have one.
That's what you call a false analogy, if you dont know how it works; you believe the comparison. Exhibit A: how you fell for that comparison.
So when the GM logs out the add-on brings botters back in.
So not sure if they have something to combat that, even if they have a non-GM account go look if the better is gonna CC then yeah...
It's called, being "politically correct", what it means is just as someone has already mentioned, there's this guy has the knife with victim's blood, and is wearing clothes covered in blood, has history of psychotic break, and his whereabouts during the murder is unknown........but is he really the culprit?
Basically, there is no technical proof that it's really him, but that's exactly what a "being politically correct" would say and do in order to protect the evil ones, this is kinda what lawyers usually do, this is their job, even though, deep down, they know for a fact that they're protecting and helping a killer, criminal, they don't care, why? because they're getting $$ from him.
So you either blind for not seeing the truth (because you're being politically correct, 100000% proof or nothing! even though it's so clear, or nothing!)
Or, 2nd option is that you're being blind on purpose, because that's your will, to be blind, for a certain reason, whatever your reason is.
I think, to understand the meaning of being politically correct is to read again and think deeply about what that guy said, about the "murder, with knife with victim's blood", etc, because this is just so true.
To accept the reality and the truth as it is or to continue to be blind (either on purpose or not, it doesn't mean, it'd get you to the same results), this is your choice.
But to be honest, I, personally, would really prefer honest and real friends, who really think truth and say truth and see the reality exactly as it is, without being politically correct.
But then again, this is your life, your choice.
We're all free to think and do as we wish.
Everything else, youre talking about your personal feelings, that, I do not care about. I don't care about your fallacious arguments, nor am I trying to be your friend. Implying I'm not being honest. Based on your other comments that we've been on opposite ends, I do not care for your way of thinking or your methods of discourse.
Nothing personal though, we're just talking business. So, keep personal feelings aside and let's talk specifics.
High probability? have you lost your mind? of course they're botters... this is impossible to reach lvl 250 in just a day or two...
And I have to agree with NicholasB... I just saw now someone, his ign is, well, let's just say that his ign is actually saying, very very clearly, that he used hacks, he was lvl 249, almost completely naked, -1 fame, and now he just changed his ign and hit lvl 250, he, of course, has no guild at all, no chairs no nothing, he is currently at Ch 1, Bera, Henesys Park.
And this guy, basically, according to the way you judge and look at things, you can't ban him, cus we don't really have a proof that he used hacks... but one really really must be blind not to tell what's going on...
You two need to cut it out. Don't attack others over differing opinions.
I will say not to provoke others. Part of arguing is knowing when to walk away.
Nexon has been made aware of the issue. Keep this thread civil, and keep it within the code of conduct.
Frankly, I quit training a long time ago because of this reason, back then it also was unfair but these days this is just out of control.
Wow, there are already that many lvl 250 arks in EU Reboot? O.o
I hope something can be done about it since we no longer have the tools to track them down and record evidence. Nexon took those away from us....
pointless fight eachother when its all same for years
yea well hackers become normal thing when they hack around its "fine"
but sux and gets even worse when they try kill-hurt other that still trying legit enjoy the game as it is
untill they say enough and quit-semi quit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
maybe one day NEXON NA will mange to fix
untill then try enjoy as it is
maybe try other version like KMS or other game
Still many ways to locate botters, there is only 20 channels, being in the right channel at the right time is all that is required, I have a permanent hyper rock so getting to the maps is pretty fast.
What leaks a botters location and they can't prevent it from happening is when the Elite Boss message goes up, once the Elite Boss message is posted that botters map is leaked and likely if it's a botter that is 210+ well it's game over for that botter because likely the channel the botter is in at the time of spawning the Elite Boss is likely the main channel that the botter logs in on every time the botter crashes or disconnects.
This is how easy it is to catch botters and know where they bot at.
If Nexon really realized that handling botters wouldn't be a problem, It's not hard to check them area's every so many days, the problem comes from lack of people doing there job...
And well them botters are still not banned I guess something came up that day right? So maybe another time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I just opened ticket, and loosing time, waiting for case to solve ;(
Banning wrong people ;x
Do this Nexon, show us that you care.
I don't have a problem finding them but it's important to note they all use auto cc which is incredibly fast. Which is why in most cases you will need to find them multiple times to demonstrate in the video that they are indeed using auto cc and hacks in general. Right now with the changes Nexon has made to the HTR and /find this is hardly viable. Such a shame really.
Yeah, that's true.
I think this is a good reason as to why they won't do it...
Good point, hopefully, Nexon will actually do that (though we all know it won't happen).
Pretty obvious who's a botter and who is not...
Yeah well Imagine having 20 reliable dedicated friends who could scout each 20 channels? One on each channel then the botters are SOL because no matter what channel they're on at that map they will CC forever LMAO