Hi. I'm a 241 Kaiser in [Reboot] who's trying to work towards an Arcane sword (regardless of the new starforce meta). In Reboot, you have to earn all 240 droplets yourself just for the weapon. As for all the other equips, I'm not certain I am certain, however, that it's a bit asinine that I only net about 1 to 3 droplet stones in two hours of farming with full drop equipment and a 2x drop coupon. Truth be told, I've only got 38 droplets in storage. At this rate, I wouldn't be able to get the remaining 202 for at least 7 years. I don't have the time to farm for 8 hours straight like some people would for these things and I think that nobody should have to. So perhaps the system could be changed a bit, hm?
I have three ideas that would definitely quicken the process and get a whole lot more people ready for Tenebris:
1. Introduce daily quests for droplet stones, much like scrapyard dailies.
Easier said than done, of course. These would act in the same vein of the scrapyard dailies, offering players a set amount of droplets per day, allowing them to get a general idea on when they'd be able to hit the big 240, rather than relying on them to drop.
2. Increase the drop rate for droplet stones.
Supposedly, hunting down all 240 was an easier task before the big drop rate nerf last year, much like nodestones. Because of this, 240 became less of a tedious task, and more of a daunting, intimidating number that everyone knows today. If the rate was boosted to, say, the rate of nodestones, it would be reasonable to the people that put in the time.
3. Lower the coin requirement in the Lachelein, Morass, and Esfera stores
I'm going to be blunt on this one. To get the whole set of the hat, shoulder, weapon, boots, gloves, and cape, you'll need to obtain:
720 Lach droplets/ 72 Lucid Droplets - Around 36 Runs
320 Esfera droplets / 32 Will Droplets - Around 32 Runs
To me, that just looks like an insane amount of time and effort. For normal servers, this doesn't seem to be much of an issue because of the trading systems. However, because Reboot doesn't have trading, we'd have to get everything ourselves. Which is why I'm suggesting for this third option that the coin requirement be reduced from 24/16 to something reasonably less.
Big things are coming soon, just ask anyone who keeps up with KMS's updates. Those bosses and areas are gonna require people to be MUCH stronger than they already are now, and I think easing up on the requirements for Umbra stuff would be a big step in that direction.

and 9 others.
I feel you I grinded from 220 to 235 and only got 16 droplets
Some good suggestions here though. I'd def like a daily system for droplets. The drop rate is something that was brought up a while back but I guess there were more important things that got peoples attention back then. The drop rate of droplets and also SYMBOLS needs a drastic increase to at least be the same as the nodestone drop rate.
The hardest thing isn't lucid, but the droplets.
It's a bit off-putting to realize that fighting Lucid isn't even the hard part of obtaining Umbra stuff, it's the tons of grinding. I mean, there's a good chance that most people are 250 by the time they even get their umbra weapon.
Nodes and symbols are fine the way are now imho. Nodes drop often enough that you can lvl and max your most important skills over time. Symbols droprate is very very poor, but we have dailies to make up for that. It's good enough.
With the introduction of Genesis weapons (With us most likely getting them in... Late February/March?) and the 275 cap, I'd like to emphasize the reduction of coins needed to obtain the set pieces. The only issue with that is that Nexon Korea only introduced Genesis weapons that are considered a lucky item that go with any set, which pretty much de-confirms a Genesis armor set to me. Regardless, being locked to Absolab until late 240's-250's because of bad luck with droplets seems a bit nonsensical. I would go as far as to imagine some players would skip the Arcane weapon outright and just get a Genesis after they finish their Limen quests because they were only holding onto 150(ish) droplets at the time.
I would love to hear other maplers' thoughts on these revamp ideas, especially now considering KMST's addition of the new weapons and whatnot.