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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Lack of balance between classes
Many classes lose 70% or even more of their damage, if they don't do their mechanics right.
If you enjoy hero/drk, then keep playing them.
Why do you feel you should be playing Marksman, if its style is not to your liking?
bishop also needs to be buffed. archmages have 40% final damage and about 90% total damage.(assuming magic amp gives total dmg) night lords have shadow partner which is 70% final damage.
I know that the % on marksman's skills are higher but I still don't think it makes up for how much damage marksman can lose based on range. thanks for your post.
I play in reboot, I have a wondroid and sengoku badge on my marksman, I enjoy both marksman and hero. if I want damage would I be better off playing hero??? I don't know if wondroid/sengoku is coming back.(Halloween totems didn't come back)
This is my damage before using infinity.
This is after using it.
And this is waiting until it only has 30 seconds left in the timer and using epic adventure.
As you can see, most of my damage comes from this.
Debate (not arguing) is important if you want to change people's minds. I am presenting evidence that you are wrong and marksman is fine.
If you want to suggest a change to the game, you need to be ready to defend that idea if you want it to make it into the game.
Keep in mind also that hero range is inflated. You can have 124% final damage but still hit low numbers.
Also, for Marksman; you have to factor in Bolt surplus, last man standing, mortal blow, range finder, vital hunter; which arent reflected in the stat window.
Piercing arow doubles final damage (20%) per pierce. Snipe has IED
Without Rangefinder, Marksman already out damage Hero and Dark knight with equal funding just because of naturally having 100% critical rate and more ignore enemy defense/critical damage. (Which is already something when another class out damage the class they named as the warrior that maximizes damage)
The developer want marksman to be a true far ranged attacker so they make a skill based on distance to reward the player playing the class like they have intended, since every other ranged class has the same impact regardless of distance (there was a time where bowman can not shoot at all when a monster is in their face)
Without a mechanic that reward you for staying far away, then all ranged classes are technically melee classes with super super long stick.
I have both classes and I seriously doubt that marksman does more damage than drk/hero without utilizing rangefinder. hero can have 70%+ crit rate and im pretty sure drk can have 100% as well. hero has 50% def ignore and drk has at least 30%. drk also has about 40% crit dmg to go along with 100% final damage and hero has about 140% final damage.
It makes sense that the developers designed marksman to gain strength at distance, the problem is that they did a very poor job of designing rangefinder. marksman should have 70% final damage at all times regardless of range. all other ranged classes do full damage at all ranges and have similar damage to a marksman at max range with similar funding.
No bishops don't need to be buffed because they are a support class. A class that relies on more party members to get stronger while party members rely on them to stay alive.
The more you make every class similar to each other then the more you can delete every class except one and call it "your ideal game".
Even with Shadow partner, snipe without any bonuses still does high skill damage.
Quad Star (Active)
Masterfully unleash four throwing stars.
Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 262%, Number of Attacks: 4
Level 30: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 378%, Number of Attacks: 4
Or even showdown
Showdown | Showdown Challenge
Required Skill: Shadow Shifter (10)
Attacks up to 6 enemies and provokes them, making them untouchable. Provoked enemies grant more EXP and items. Bosses suffer half of the effect.
Level 1: MP 22, Consumed Star: 3, Provoke up to 6 enemies with 447% by attacking 2 times. Provoked enemy becomes untouchable. For 70 sec, acquiring EXP and Item Drop Rate increases by 1%. Half of the effect for bosses.
Level 20: MP 40, Consumed Star: 3, Provoke up to 6 enemies with 618% by attacking 2 times. Provoked enemy becomes untouchable. For 120 sec, acquiring EXP and Item Drop Rate increases by 5%. Half of the effect for bosses.
Fires a carefully aimed shot to deal severe damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 340, Damage: 861%. Number of Attacks: 2, Enemy DEF Ignored: 2%, Bonus Critical Rate: 100%, Cooldown: 20 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 1470%. Number of Attacks: 2, Enemy DEF Ignored: 20%, Bonus Critical Rate: 100%, Cooldown: 5 sec
The problem is, all you see is the visual range and assume the higher range is stronger. Your idea of balance in this game is clouded. My Evan at 5-6m range was on par with a DrK at 15-16m. Visual range isn't everything in this game.
To quote a few people who really hate the whole "use range as a basis for how well you're doing"...
"The only numbers that matter when it comes to damage, are the ones that appear above the mobs when you attack them."
And even then, you better be counting the lines, not just the number on each line.
Second of all, it's just another thing that you have to keep track of, just like, say, Dark Knight's Sacrifice, Bowmaster's Arrow Blasters, Mercedes' Ignis Totem stacks, Kanna's Barriers, Corsair's summons, F/P's DoT stacks, Bishop's support skills, Mihile's Royal Guard, Blaster's combo, Cadena's combo, and I'm too lazy to find more examples.
Essentially, while not the same in practice, the concept still stands that most, if not all classes must maintain something to deal optimal DPS.
too much of marksman's damage is based on rangefinder. the 70% bonus should be regardless of range. give it defense ignored or other stats based on range.
Actually, Rangefinder gives you 50% IED if you are CLOSE to your enemy, and stacking that on top of all your other buffs, Marksmen has an innate 79% IED for being in your opponent's face, if we add level 10 IED Hyper Stat. If you add on everything else (Legion, Sup. Gollux, CRA, Lumi Link, etc.) This means that Marksmen can compensate for their loss of FD by instead cubing for 3L ATT instead of requiring a line of IED on their WSE, thus both gaining larger amounts of damage than normal classes due to both their incredible base damage and extra line of ATT, as well as having a much more straightfoward cubing experience.
Even without getting into endgame like this Marksman has great damage, and the benefit of the damage is quite situational. In bosses such as Hilla and stationary bosses like Horntail, it is not too hard to take advantage of Rangefinder since 200 distance is 200 pixels, so just stand about a few feet away and you should be fine. In harder bosses it is more beneficial to make use of Split Shot, as it provides about double the bonus damage of Rangefinder's Final Damage bonus. In the case of mobbing it is not used since you are flying around and getting up close for polykills and Split Shot.
a 9-12% line of attack does not make up for a loss of 70% final damage... the main issue im referring to is when training. ignore defense does nothing when training and losing 70% final damage.
As already stated, Rangefinder's FD effect is mostly useless during training as training requires you to zip around and kill mobs, unless you are attempting to mob at a distance, which is again suboptimal training.
that's my point. the 100%+ final damage drk/hero get are used completely when training. why is it any different for marksman. marksman should have 70% final damage regardless of range.
I really want explorer archers to be good because I have a wondroid and sengoku badge(I play in reboot) on my archer but in comparison to strong classes like hero/drk the explorer archer suck. currently im gearing both my archer and warrior in case sengoku/wondroid come back.
Hero loses 1.25 (Chance Attack) * 1.25 (Enrage) = 1.56x final damage, 20% crit damage (Enrage) , and don't get the effect of puncture (critical hits is boosted by 25% normal damage (not actual %critical damage) too when training because it is just inefficient to use the skills that provide these bonuses on monster that can't last more than 5 seconds. (because Hero specialty is 1v1 man fight in a glorious long battle if they can survive)
Dark Knight don't use Gungnir while training because it is strictly a 1v1 skill (mobbing attack skill is 50% weaker)
you are forgetting that dark knight already gets 100% final damage and 30%+ crit damage that it trains with, as well as hero's 140% final damage. marksman has no huge source of damage outside of rangefinder that it trains with.
...Except Marksman's skill IS its damage. Without counting additional Final Damage and accounting for all damage increasing Hyper Skills (which Dark Knight lacks for Dark Impale), Piercing Shot deals 2520%, Raging Blow deals 1929.6%, and Dark Impale does 1680% damage. As shown here Piercing Shot deals miles more damage than the mobbing skills, and when taking into account that by itself Split Shot has a 50% uptime this means that 50% of the time you'll be nuking maps like CLP and Slurpy, and still destroying at other maps.
When taking account FD things get a little more rough but this is justified due to Marksman being a better bosser, Hero supposed to be having high damage and poorer range and Dark Knight's lack of insane critical rate unlike Marksman, which does not have a hard time hitting 100% crit rate.