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Elite Monster Premium Drops

Reactions: 4,160
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edited June 2019 in General Chat
Has anyone noticed since the patch the drop rate for the 'premium' items (blades, flames, etc) has been neutered ? It's like it's back to the old drop table from before the increase was instigated. I'm hoping this is just another oversight/bug to add onto Nexon's heaping pile since this update, but some official word on the matter would be nice, especially since there was a note in the patch notes about 'increasing the drop rate of blades/flames.'
  1. Has the drop rate for these items decreased ?14 votes
    1. Yes
       71% (10 votes)
    2. No
       21% (3 votes)
    3. Haven't noticed
       7% (1 vote)


  • RexaarRexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited June 2019
    Killed 8 elite monster, none of them dropped an premium item, when before the patch it was guaranteed to always drop 1.
  • TMKillerTMKiller
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 3
    Daily bosses flames drop rate also decreased. Cleared all daily bosses for two days only got 2 powerful flames + 1 eternal. Before the patch MMR, nPB, Hard Von Leon, Chaos Horntail, Arkarium would always drop 1.
  • MiraMira
    Reactions: 4,160
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    edited June 2019
    TMKiller wrote: »
    Daily bosses flames drop rate also decreased. Cleared all daily bosses for two days only got 2 powerful flames + 1 eternal. Before the patch MMR, nPB, Hard Von Leon, Chaos Horntail, Arkarium would always drop 1.

    I have never ever received a Eternal or Powerful flame from any boss, and I've been doing them basically daily since flames were released, so you have some insane luck lol.

    Either way, glad to know that they have, indeed, reduced the drop rate.
  • NeospectorNeospector
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    edited June 2019
    Every time there's a maintenance, people always claim the drop rate is "nerfed" because they didn't get a particular item right away. They're usually immediately proven wrong the next time they run the boss, but no one ever talks about that.

    Regardless, there is no confirmed drop rate nerf. Not all items drop all the time, it's random.
  • MiraMira
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    edited June 2019
    Neospector wrote: »
    Every time there's a maintenance, people always claim the drop rate is "nerfed" because they didn't get a particular item right away. They're usually immediately proven wrong the next time they run the boss, but no one ever talks about that.

    Regardless, there is no confirmed drop rate nerf. Not all items drop all the time, it's random.

    Okay, but when you go from getting a cubic blade/relentless flame 95% of the time, and then don't see a single item in 9 kills, that is more than a coincidence. Since my post, I've killed ~20 more elite monsters, and have received 2 cubic blades amongst all those kills. That is not coincidence, that is a decided reduction in drop rate.
  • NeospectorNeospector
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    edited June 2019
    Mira wrote: »
    Okay, but when you go from getting a cubic blade/relentless flame 95% of the time, and then don't see a single item in 9 kills, that is more than a coincidence. Since my post, I've killed ~20 more elite monsters, and have received 2 cubic blades amongst all those kills. That is not coincidence, that is a decided reduction in drop rate.

    I've killed plenty of elite monsters prior to the update and didn't see any cubic blades. I also killed my 4th one an hour ago and got a chaos cubic.
    It wasn't nerfed the last 20 times people claimed it was nerfed, I don't see it likely being nerfed now.

    You're unlucky, give it some time and you'll be getting cubics again.

    Edit: I should also note that the feedback has already been received, and was mentioned in the Maple Memo.
  • RexaarRexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited June 2019
    After this maintenance, only 4/15 elite monster dropped a premium item, and coincidentally enough that only unrelenting flame dropped and not the other stuff.

    June 14
    15 elite monster killed.
    4 dropped unrelenting flame. (first 4 elite monster)

    June 15
    69 elite monster killed, 27 dropped items.
    12 dropped cubic blade. (1st, 23rd, 25th, 28th, 39th, 41st, 42nd, 45th, 49th, 50th, 67th, 69th elite monster dropped)
    4 dropped cubic chaos blade. (2nd, 12th, 19th, 34th elite monster dropped)
    1 dropped forever unrelenting flame. (3rd elite monster dropped)
    6 dropped unrelenting flame. (5th, 6th, 10th, 18th, 22nd, 26th, 46th, 55th, 56th elite monster dropped)
    3 golden hammer (9th, 30th, 38th elite monster dropped)
    1 silver pot stamp (24th elite monster dropped)

    40th elite monster was messenger of darkness, dropped nothing.
  • TwilightHimeTwilightHime
    Reactions: 1,245
    Posts: 95
    edited June 2019
    I tossed heads or tails coin 5 times and 4 times ot of 5 received tails. So I conclude it's not true 50 50 and the coin is rigged.

    That's what everything sounds like so far.
  • KishB1shKishB1sh
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 11
    edited June 2019
    Yup. Something is up with the drop rate. Nexon messed up so much in this patch.
  • MiraMira
    Reactions: 4,160
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    edited June 2019
    Rexaar wrote: »
    After this maintenance, only 4/15 elite monster dropped a premium item, and coincidentally enough that only unrelenting flame dropped and not the other stuff.

    15 elite monster killed.
    4 dropped unrelenting flame. (first 4 elite monster)

    I'm in a similar situation - I've killed about 20 elite monsters yesterday, and 3 times I've received an item it's only been cubic blade, haven't received any of the other typical rewards. Could possibly be a coincidence about the resurgence of the same item dropping, but it is suspicious.

    I tossed heads or tails coin 5 times and 4 times out of 5 received tails. So I conclude it's not true 50 50 and the coin is rigged.

    That's what everything sounds like so far.

    You guys are acting like we have made this snap decision based off of absolutely no information. I have asked multiple people in my buddy list and alliance, and in the Maple Discord if they are receiving fewer rewards than before, and all of them have noticed the decrease. Are you trying to tell me that ~30 people are overreacting ? When you are going from getting drops 95% of the time (I have Blue Wolf (2x drop) and drop gear) for the last 2 months, and then the last three days since the patch getting drops ~15% of the time, it's hard not to note that something has changed. I'm estimating that I've killed 40 elite monsters total since the patch - pre-patch, I would have received rewards for about 38 of those monsters. Now, I've received rewards from ~6-8 ? That is way more than 'unlucky' or 'just random' or 'rigged.'
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited June 2019
    Mira wrote: »
    You guys are acting like we have made this snap decision based off of absolutely no information. I have asked multiple people in my buddy list and alliance, and in the Maple Discord if they are receiving fewer rewards than before, and all of them have noticed the decrease. Are you trying to tell me that ~30 people are overreacting ? When you are going from getting drops 95% of the time (I have Blue Wolf (2x drop) and drop gear) for the last 2 months, and then the last three days since the patch getting drops ~15% of the time, it's hard not to note that something has changed. I'm estimating that I've killed 40 elite monsters total since the patch - pre-patch, I would have received rewards for about 38 of those monsters. Now, I've received rewards from ~6-8 ? That is way more than 'unlucky' or 'just random' or 'rigged.'

    I've had days where I found double digit nodes, a day where I found 3 arcane symbol drops (no drop gear) and weeks at a time where I don't find anything.
    It's not that strange to doubt a claim made over the course of a few days since the patch.
    The 30 other people may just be confirmation bias. Have you talked to anyone who has been finding more of these items since the patch?
    Not saying you're wrong, not saying you're right. But this kind of thing is prone to bias in both directions.
    Personally I haven't noticed anything different. But I'm also not looking out for it.
  • RexaarRexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited June 2019
    It very easy to notice when something no longer 100% drop all the time.

    The main point of this thread is that elite monster don't drop their valuable item 100% of the time anymore, anything else is off topic and should be talked about on a different thread.
  • pimboy12pimboy12
    Reactions: 560
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    edited June 2019
    There is no question the droprate is heavily nerfed. GMS copy pasted the patch from KMS and now we are stuck with their droprate.
  • FawkoFawko
    Reactions: 2,360
    Posts: 120
    edited June 2019
    It honestly pisses me off with VFM's just flat out tell people they are wrong. The drop rate has been changed from the patch. Hundreds of buddies and alliance mates in Bera are experiencing the same exact thing.
  • Penguinz0Penguinz0
    Reactions: 3,220
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    edited June 2019
    I clicked "no" in the poll by accident, when I meant to say yes. It has definitely been silent nerfed. Honestly don't know why some people think it's not nerfed just because it wasn't mentioned in the patch note. Several other games have done silent patches before to avoid getting players' outcry. And for people who say "it's RNG, you're just not lucky," stop being so condescending. Players are not idiots. We can tell the difference between simply being unlucky and definite droprate nerf that can be seen clearly.
  • MiraMira
    Reactions: 4,160
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    edited June 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    The 30 other people may just be confirmation bias. Have you talked to anyone who has been finding more of these items since the patch?
    Not saying you're wrong, not saying you're right. But this kind of thing is prone to bias in both directions.

    No, I haven't, because every single person I've spoken to agrees that the drop rate has been reduced. Even last night on 3x drop, with my 2x drop blue wolf and drop gear, I was still getting drops maybe 30% of the time. When something has a near 100% drop rate, as Rexaar mentioned, it is exceedingly easy to notice when it has been reduced so drastically.
    Personally I haven't noticed anything different. But I'm also not looking out for it.

    I'm not saying this as an attack on you specifically, because you haven't outrightly stated that I'm wrong as others have, but it annoys me when people who aren't 'looking out for it' are quick to judge those who are paying attention to things like this. I do understand there is the possibility of people to post wild unbased conspiracy theories, but when these naysayers don't even have the proof to properly refute these claims, I'm not sure why they're even bothering to comment.

    At this point I believe enough different people have confirmed the fact that the drop rate has been reduced, which is all this thread was meant to do.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited June 2019
    Our update notes actually say
    Increased Cubic Blade and Cubic Chaos Blade drop rate from Elite monsters and boss monsters.

    I believe this is what happened:
    The KMS Adventure patch increased their drop rate for these items.
    GMS drop rate for these and other premium rewards has already been greatly increased (to near 100%, as observed upthread) a while back.
    GMS Adventure patch copied the KMS Adventure drop rates, which while "increased" for KMS, are lower than what GMS had.

    SavageAce mentioned "Decreased Cubic Blade, Chaos Cubic Blade, and flame drops" in his latest memo, as something Nexon is looking into. Hopefully they will restore our higher drop rates, since the intention was to increase, not reduce them.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited June 2019
    Mira wrote: »
    I'm not saying this as an attack on you specifically, because you haven't outrightly stated that I'm wrong as others have, but it annoys me when people who aren't 'looking out for it' are quick to judge those who are paying attention to things like this.
    I don't keep detailed records of my drops, so I'm not really one to say anything even if I do perceive a drop in item rates.
    I probably didn't notice because Reboot doesn't have blades, so all I have to go off of is the lower rate items.
    I do understand there is the possibility of people to post wild unbased conspiracy theories, but when these naysayers don't even have the proof to properly refute these claims, I'm not sure why they're even bothering to comment.
    At this point I believe enough different people have confirmed the fact that the drop rate has been reduced, which is all this thread was meant to do.

    Regardless if a series of posters are bias, unbased, whatever, Nexon themselves should at least look into any issues to be claimed/supported by a mass number of players and confirm if something is up or not.
    Nexon has far more resources (Plus they get paid to do this kind of stuff) than players/VFMs have when it comes to this.

    Based on the memo/AKradian's post, I'd say Nexon already did this, but it seems it got overlooked.
    A quick "We're aware of the issue, thanks for pointing it out!" from Nexon in the thread of question (this one) would have been nice.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited June 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    A quick "We're aware of the issue, thanks for pointing it out!" from Nexon in the thread of question (this one) would have been nice.

    It's in the memo.