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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Censorship Suggestion.... Round 3 Extended!
bigger, better bugs (current event quest)
sip a little water
also pers]e is censored when i type dmg per] sec
mini game
chuchu looks fun
the rune I used
I expect the programmers do something along the lines of the following: They take an input string, change all the characters to lower case, remove all the spaces, then search through the string for combinations of letters, this leads to censorship of things that should not be censored, for example if I said "the gorilla is the stronger ape". It would censor "stronge* ***" because it thinks I typed rape, this is because it doesn't see that these are separate words, all it see's is a string 'thegorillaisthestrongerape'. In fact, if you type "aosdaisojdrapetheoerwe" you would get "aosdaisojd****theoerwe", because the programmers are lazy and use an instr function to search for censored words, instead of parsing the input string properly and examining each word independently.
Personally, i'd probably parse the string into a dynamic array using the space character as a delimiter, and run a 'for' loop that scans each string in the array (each word of the sentence) independently, it's more elegant, efficient and prevents unnecessary censorship.
In context "the stupid ass soot glares"
I might have asked this question before, i can't remember.
a lot of the censored words don't make sense to me so can someone just explain what they mean and why they're censored
A lot of the censored words and phrases are what would seem like even vaguely rude/bad terms or even medically correct terms in various different languages.
I explained "skede" in the previous thread, but it's an older swedish/danish word that can mean the v-word for female genitalia (except nobody has used it like that in the past decade or something, certainly not among young people and it's not even a derogatory word). It mainly means sheath, or a set time period/phase. Perfectly innocent.
A lot of it is outdated slang or simply strange spellings or phonetic spellings of a bad word.
For example, "notsi" was censored before because it sounds like a certain old German taboo.
It's been a year now without a new censor update though.
and can we suggest words which should be in the blacklist censor? cause i really think klit should be in that list, also should really get into how it sounds as well, like back when sexy was censored, i'd use sec(c), usually it's hard to use that word in an offensive way anyways, baffled me why it was censored for >10 years, also y is bukake not on that list? i fail to see how that word would ever be used spaced in such a way of two words which should be in the whitelist, really should get your stuff together, cause i still see offensive names on during the new job waves, which on a pretty dead server, i'd think it's safe to say that there's a load of the bad mouths running rampant
but since I'm here now
Why is crouton censored? Does nexon have something against salad?
This item needs the flame redone
raton (literally means mouse)
those two words are censored for whatever reason
yes i noticed raton for the first time time today. "CRA tonight?" is something a buddy asked me.
Not at the moment, we are collecting feedback weekly though."
This thread was created in January 2018, over 2 years ago. What is the point of collecting weekly feedback if it takes over 2 years for Nexon to even look at it?