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Last Active
  • Please confirm how the candy sharing rank works

    I'm not too sure if the functionality of the rankings can be changed at this point in time.
    However, we do see how placing low population servers in the same bracket as a high population servers can be unfair.

    We will pass along this feedback to see if it can be addressed.
  • Instant region entrance is annoying/Cross World PQ

    Despite the lack of participation in this thread, I'm sure there are many Maplers who play in regions they don't live in and aren't vocal.
    We can see if this can be changed.
  • [Update] World Leap Issues

    Precisly wrote: »
    Arwoo wrote: »
    We will be processing world transfers for individuals who submitted a ticket from 10/3/2017 to 10/17/2017 if the issue was pertaining to the population limit in Bera. For those who submitted a ticket due to the friendship ring issue, we will be processing these transfers as well after case by case investigations.

    Please note that accounts must be in good standing and that this rule applies to the transfers stated above.
    These transfers will be processed in upcoming maintenances throughout October.

    Thank you all for your patience and hope to see you all in your desired worlds.

    lol. wait. lol. you're fixing bera population issue before friendship ring? so i could have just lied and said i had bera population issue instead of a friendship ring issue which let me not transfer? the population issue is for last minute people who decided they wanted to leave. i tried to leave days before these people had this issue, along with plenty of other people & we have to wait longer?????????????????????????

    Both issues are being resolve at the same time. Apologies if the initial wording is confusing.
    At the end of the day, anyone who has submitted a ticket experiencing either issue will be investigated before the leap is processed.
  • [Notice] Incorrect Region Direct Issue

    You may have noticed that there is no longer a Region Select screen right before World Select after this update. We've received reports of Maplers who found themselves on the incorrect region upon starting the game, and unsure of how to get back to their rightful region.

    Do not panic as we are looking to resolve this issue. However, for the time being, you can manually select your region by following the steps below:

    1. Enter character select in any of the available worlds.
    2. Press "ESCAPE"
    3. Check the top left of the World Selection screen for "Change Region"
    4. Select "Change Region" and select your proper region.

    You should see the option here if you've correctly followed the steps above:

  • [Contest] Set the Stage for Cadena and Illium!


    Set the Stage for Cadena & Illium - Photo Contest!

    Both Cadena and Illium are quite stylish, but there's no limit to how hot or cool one can be! Of course, pretty pictures can awe many, however, what we're searching for is depth. Capture a picture of Cadena or Illium in both a stylish and meaningful light to enter in the contest.

    Here's your chance to show us your understanding of Cadena or Illium in the form of a photo!


    • Save and print out the art files (Cadena, Illium, or both). Both color or black & white printouts are fine.
    • Cut out the character and place them in the desired setting.
    • Take a photo of the character printout in the setting, and post the photo to Twitter or the MapleStory forums.
    o For Twitter, the post must include either #CadenaArtContest or #IlliumArtContest to be entered in the contest.
    o For the MapleStory forums, the post must be made in the official contest thread.
    o Include the name of your MapleStory character and World with your entry.

    Posts must be made before the end of the contest submission period, November 30, 2017.


    You may submit one entry per character per platform. For example, you can post a picture of Cadena on Twitter, and a picture of Illium on Twitter. You can also post a picture of Cadena on the forums, and a picture of Illium on forums. However, you cannot post the same picture on both platforms—the setting must be different!

    Multiple submissions, plagiarism, and use of inappropriate content (in the opinions of the judges) shall be grounds for disqualification.

    The full disclosure of the Official Rules for this contest can be found here:

    Judging Criteria:
    • 25% Creativity – How much effort was put into the creation of your setting?
    • 25% Accuracy – How well does your setting reflect the character’s lore or theme?
    • 25% Humor – Is your setting funny or clever?
    • 25% Originality – How original is your setting? Is it different from other submissions?

    Example Entry:


    As you can see, I did not Photoshop this. I simply printed out a picture of Cadena and placed the cut out in a real life scene. Let me know if there are still any confusions and we will do our best to address them.

    The prizes will be different depending on which platform you decide to participate in with this contest!
    To participate on Twitter, post your photo with the following hastags: #CadenaArtContest or #IlliumArtContest

    1st Place (Twitter): One MapleStory framed canvas art print (Cadena)
    2nd Place (Twitter): One MapleStory mug of your choice (Orange Mushroom, Slime, Pink Bean, or Yeti)
    3rd Place (Twitter): One MapleStory plush of your choice (Orange Mushroom, Slime, Pink Bean, or Yeti)

    To participate on the forum, post your photo in this submission thread.

    1st Place (Forums): One MapleStory framed canvas art print (Illium)
    2nd Place (Forums): One MapleStory mug of your choice (Orange Mushroom, Slime, Pink Bean, or Yeti)
    3rd Place (Forums): One MapleStory plush of your choice (Orange Mushroom, Slime, Pink Bean, or Yeti)

    Good luck!!

    The contest runs from today to November 30, 2017 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.