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  • Look of the Month - June

    AKradian wrote: »
    Well, yes, but the map you're on is not part of the outfit.
    And yet, last time, all the winners were commended on how well they fit the background, and consequently this time everyone makes it a point to stress how they fit the background.

    So, the question is: are we judged on the background we chose for our picture - even though we presumably don't spend all our mapling time in that map - or not?

    Theme is the theme of what you're wearing. If you feel that the background helps your outfit better convey the theme you're going for then go for it. You can use your scenery as a means to communicate the flow of your attire and get creative with how you want to convey your look.

    The reason we ask for a description and the theme you're going for is because we want to see you guys have fun with your entry.
    Submitting a screenshot with your IGN and world then calling it a day wouldn't make for an enjoyable contest experience or much of an effort. We don't want this contest to become a repetitive motion each month until an individual wins their prize.

    At the end of the day, you're judged by what you wear, but we would like to see effort put into your entry.
    However, do keep in mind this is a fashion contest. Last month's contest had individuals who perfectly nailed the theme and put a TON of effort into their description and their background. If they did all this, why didn't they win? Because this is a fashion contest and theme isn't our only criteria we use to determine winners.

    Perhaps some of you are wondering what the point of a description and nice scenery at this point after reading the above and this is what I want to avoid. You guys should have fun with entering in this contest as it's a way for you to give your unique style the spotlight and have others see what you bring to the table. You get to show off and tell others who look at your entry your story of your look.
  • I love the Login Music

    WatcherCCG wrote: »
    I still prefer the original. Whose idea was it to cycle the menu theme after the V update ended?

    We decided to change the login music for various updates instead of keeping it unchanging for a prolonged period of time.
    Let us know if there are any specific requests you guys have!
  • Wondroid Rescue Mode Auto Ban Issue

    We've addressed the issue with Maplers being auto banned from the Rescue Mode in the Wondroid Event.

    However, for this fix to be applied you MUST relog.
    Do not attempt to do the Rescue Mode if you haven't relogged as there is a chance you will be auto banned.

    Thank you,

  • Wondroid Rescue Mode Auto Ban Issue

    Petalmagic wrote: »
    Thanks Arwoo. Are you guys gonna do anything about Perm Wondroid outfits/Save points if you disconnect...? (I am kinda just stuck inbetween B2 and B1 till this is fixed...sucks to be me right now.)

    Our VFMs made sure we delivered the community feedback regarding Wondroid costumes, Wondroid shops, and Wondroid's genders.
    While some of the genders of the Wondroids being swapped is clearly a bug to fix, I cannot give any confirmations for the other two suggestions.

    We do know that the community absolutely wants permanent versions of the Wondroid costumes so we'll be sure to keep poking the subject.
  • Wondroid Rescue Mode Auto Ban Issue

    Greetings Maplers,

    Currently there is an error in the Wondroid Rescue Mode which may result in your account being banned.
    Do not attempt the Wondroid Rescue Mode until we've resolved this issue. We will notify everyone once the issue has been resolved.

    If you've been banned due to this error, please submit a ticket to lift the ban from your account: